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Why Me

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  1. Jeez, while all the attention is on the southern border, violent illegal Canadians are slipping in from the north.
  2. Well, fork me I had no idea.
  3. Voltaire or possibly a biographer of his giving the essence of what the man was about. Whatever, the most wonderful words ever written. Better than any legal blather about free speech.
  4. I love this thread! It's a meta-thread. It's a thread about what threads should be and not be. All of us here are transcendental thread gurus.
  5. You tip your hand there. Lots of credible reports questioning what exactly happened at the Pelosi residence. But we don't want you shut down for your obvious bias. Nor them. Well, my friend, what to you is a debatable idea might be drivel to someone else. And vice versa. Again, the point is neither you nor I nor anybody else should have veto powers over others right to express themselves.
  6. Lordie, just keep out content that is illegal (according to local laws, porn, etc.) and/or spam. It's not hard.
  7. Why? What prevented you from rolling your eyes and scrolling on? The idea is that you be in charge of what you can read, not someone else who has their own set of biases nor an algorithm coded by persons with their own biases. Added: Sometimes I see posts here I myself think are silly which have been upvoted multiple times. So, apparently, we don't all have the same tastes. Good. You think/say what you believe, I'll do the same.
  8. Well, we see the seeds of the conspiracy theory to replace "Russia dunnit": voters intimidated by officers asking their name and where they live.
  9. A warning shot. The Army brass, who run the country, probably told the hitman not to kill. Now, Imran has to make up his mind what to do. Nevertheless, the man has balls to lead an anti-establishment movement the way he has.
  10. Soccer #1, of course. As for cricket, I would say the limited overs formats rather than test cricket. Heck, a close T20 game can be as exciting as any football match.
  11. Trust me the MSM will not let Democrats down in reporting all that's wrong with their opponents. Yet they lose. Fearmongering and sneering aren't a winning combination.
  12. Hmm. 2020 election deniers are a dire threat to our democracy. However, denying Trump won fairly in 2016 by blaming Russia and impeaching him out of spite not once but twice, was to save democracy. Makes sense. Throw the hypocrites out. Though I doubt much will change in a lot of important things. Because we are a corporatocracy and Big Money tends to get its way.
  13. Big biker vs power pole. That was quick. Darwin won.
  14. How do you plan to bequeath a property you are not (legally) the owner of when you die? And would your sister prefer to be left a house 8000 miles away (that she can't own either) or cash? As others have suggested your best bet is to rent. That way you are in full control of your assets and can leave them to be transferred to your sister.
  15. The only good thing about Brazil is Glenn Greenwald lives there.
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