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Posts posted by swain

  1. I have a tt&t dsl land line now.. but I am thinking about moving farther into the country. My speed here is about 512 down and 256 up ... very happy with it.. as I have a voip phone which I do all my biz on. Question is ... are any of you using voip phone like skype or packet 8, vonage etc..with your IPSTAR or like service and if you are ... what has been your experience.

  2. Feline Leukemia is a horrible disease and no cat deserves this slow lingering death.

    We just went through this as our cat died a few hours ago. I blame myself ... but mostly I blame myself for listening to my Vet. We USED to go to a vet on Hang Dong road on the left side of the road as you are driving into Chiang Mai past Kad Farang.

    They told us that the Feline Leukemia vaccination was not needed and that they didn't carry it as there are virtually no cases of this in Thailand.

    *** This is a lie ***

    Feline Leukemia is seriously out there and if you have a cat, you risk a slow painful death every time you let him/her outside if the cat is not vaccinated. We tried everything to make his last days comfortable, but had to isolate him from his 5 babies as he could give it to them. Very sad situation and it could have been avoided. I wanted to take a sledge hammer to the clinic but I will settle on this post instead.

    We now go to Chiang Mai Small Animal Hospital. They enlightened us to the fact that they have cats come in all the time with Feline Leukemia so PLEASE vaccinate your cats.

  3. Well, I stopped smoking but started eating and drinking more.. :o

    You may have heard the statistic that obesity has risen as much in the last ten years as in the previous four decades combined. Obesity is rising so rapidly that it is about to replace smoking as the number-one killer in the United States. Ten years ago, smoking killed 430,000 people a year and obesity killed 325,000 a year. Smoking-related death rates are going down, but obesity-related rates are still climbing.

    Smoking is 'biggest preventable killer'

    Worse than obesity, alcohol, high cholesterol, road crashes, illicit drugs or unsafe sex - smoking is still the biggest cause of preventable death and disability in Australia.

    A new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) found that of 14 preventable health risks examined, tobacco was the worst cause of disease burden and the single biggest killer.

    Killing more than 15,000 people in Australia in 2003, it was responsible for 12 per cent of all deaths in Australia that year.

    Next in line as the worst health risks were high blood pressure, high body mass, physical inactivity and high blood cholesterol.

    Alcohol, low fruit and vegetable consumption, illicit drugs, occupational hazards, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, air pollution, unsafe sex and osteoporosis were also risk factors, with all preventable risks together accounting for 32 per cent of the total burden of disease and injury in 2003.

    Several also contributed to cardiovascular-related deaths such as strokes and heart attacks, which in 2003 killed almost 49,000 people, making up 37 per cent of all deaths in Australia.

    AIHW spokesman John Goss said 70 per cent of all cardiovascular disease was caused by at least one of the preventable risk factors examined.

    "We could get rid of 70 per cent of all cardiovascular disease if we didn't have these risk factors," Mr Goss said.

    "And 30 per cent of cancers if people were not smoking and ate fruit and vegies and weren't overweight or obese."

    Responding to the report, The Burden of Disease and Injury in Australia 2003, anti-smoking groups called for more funding for quit campaigns.

    "We should not lose sight of the fact that tobacco is killing many more Australians than the combined total of all other leading causes - including illicit drugs, alcohol, car accidents, breast cancer and homicide," Action on Smoking and Health chief executive Anne Jones said.

    "The latest federal budget included much needed new money for chronic diseases - of which smoking is a major risk factor. But there were no new tobacco control initiatives, despite evidence that every dollar spent yields a two dollar return on the investment."

    Ms Jones said Australia spent less per capita on tobacco control than New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

    She called for a review of the government's current funding commitment of $9 million a year.

  4. If its only in the mornings when she first wakes up it could be a sleeping disorder. These can be serious as the pain in the head is from oxygen deprivation. Does she snore? listen to her breathing when she sleeps does she stop breathing for periods of time. If the answer is yes to these two questions you should go to a doctor.

  5. Hello,

    Yes I have the same problem with this brand started doing the soap and brush myself as well. The gel IS better for me but I won't let myself over spend for something I cant use all of. The other foam that begins with an N.... seems to have full pressure till the end but its not as good as the gel.

    When I go back to the usa I get this gel from trader joes that is not in a pressurized can its in like a lotion squeeze bottle. Problem with that is that other family members like to use this for shaving legs so its never around long enough.

  6. A relationship with out sex.... a relationship with out money.... a relationship with out humor....

    1. Sex - They say that if you are having good sex its only 5 percent of the relationship. But if your not having good sex, it becomes 90 percent of whats wrong with the relationship.

    2. Money - They say that happiness in the USA peaks at about 50k a year. In studies that have been done... people under the 50k marker were happier with more money... but that at 50k people tended to be happy or as unhappy as people with much much more. Added stress, less time etc... which makes sense to me, because someone at the poverty level can only think about survival and little else. (That dollar amount yearly has GOT to be much lower in Thailand.)

    3. Humor- Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly. ~Rose Franken

    Sex is good, money is good enough, and we cant stop laughing at ourselves and each other.

    I don't know what the future holds but I am happy now.

  7. I think it uses less bandwidth to just list the response headers and not print out the entire conversation. Change this to the default and the people that don't have a problem with it will just keep it that way... and the ones that do can always change it back. hel_l, its what I would do as a system admin.

  8. Well... I used to exploit the strength of the dollar by outsourcing programmer work from the USA to Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria but with the devaluation of the dollar I have moved on to Vietnam (best) and Thailand (mediocre) and as soon as the USA lets me do business in Myanmar I will be there almost exclusively.

  9. I would not agree with the statement prices have remained high... I think they have dropped like a stone. PM me and I can give you some details on some houses. First my neighbor ... building his new house selling his old...Old house is a 3 bedroom, two bath, office area, nice kitchen, well groomed garden, water tanks, and pump, air con through out.. started at 2.7 mil baht and dropped along the way to 2.5 then down to 2.4 ... all the way down now to 1.9 but at that price he takes the air conditioners for his new house..

    Though rents have gone down as well.. but if your looking to dig in... now might be a good time... There are always going to be the people that sit on the property and wait it out.. but there are alot that are cutting bait and bolting.. as good as it is.. I think it will get better.. or worse depending on your take.. I think the market in Chiang mai will slide further and even better deals will there for the taking...

    Might rent first.. and wait for someone to make you an offer you cant refuse.

  10. Well, I cant tell you which one to buy but I can tell you what not to buy.. Epson and HP were the standard way back when... HP still has some thing to offer.. but stay away from Epson.. its like they road their name into the ground and what they offer now is so bad it has the status that Lexmark used to have.. Now Lexmark printers are looking hot.. and Epson is in the toilet.

  11. Best Southeast Asian beer would have to be Myanmar Beer....

    Worst would have to be all American beers except for Samuel Addams honey wheat ... or for that matter all Samuel Addams beers.

    Follow up to best/worst food survey…what are your preferences for best worst beers in the world by nationality(specify a brand or type if you wish to be more specific)

    Here are mine


    1. German pilsen

    2. Czech

    3. Any other German

    4. Belgian(what variety—I like the Dentergems in particular)

    5. Murphy’s Irish stout only freshly served in Cork

    6. Guiness

    7. Kilkenny

    8. UK Bitter

    9. Canadian Microbrews

    10. Aussie(honourable mention VB and XXXX are pretty good)


    1. Any American beer(except microbrew)

    2. Malaysia Anchor

    3. Indian beer

    4. Tiger beer manufactured outside Singapore(guaranteed headache)

    5. 333 from Vietnam

    6. French beer

    7. Italian beer

    8. Beer chang Thailand

    9. Brazilian

    10. Chinese

  12. Now that's class.. How much did it set you back ??

    1,400 baht per person. By the way, the service is also excellent.

    Wow... they raised their prices .. alot .. when I went there about a year and half ago the dinner buffet was about a 1000.. dont get me wrong I think its worth it.. but thats a hefty increase. Breakfast/brunch was about 700, lunch was about 800-850, and dinner was about 1000.... do you have the new prices on breakfast/brunch and lunch?

  13. When I was in the UK a short while ago, I ran across a diet / fast / cleanse that seems to be all the rage. It's been around for years in the health industry, but apparently just became known to the general public.

    Some people are reporting 20 - 100 lbs lost.

    Has anyone here tried it?

    Well, I never took it but my roommate did. Its a lemonade with pure maple syrup and Cayenne pepper. He was on it for 40 days after he drank some epsom salts and water to clean his liver??? it all sounded so nasty... he lost alot of weight but smelled bad most of the time... also had the worst gas attacks... He didn't seem hungry..... but I wouldn't call this a diet... he called it a detox fast...

    I call it disgusting!

  14. How do i make my living in Thailand?


    Working hard, very hard. Being able to ride the giant emotional rollercoasters of runing small business in a foreign country where there are great big bear traps appearing under your feet on a daily basis. Luckily, being quite gifted in my chosen field of work, & therefore having good demand for my services. Having the necessary skills to attempt to run small to medium size business trained into me over most of my lifetime.

    And on top of that, more hard work. I reckon I work harder in Thailand than I ever did in my country of origin. Longer hours, more stress, less time off.



    Is it possible all farangs who came to Thailand did it to work harder then they did before, and often even for a lower salary ?

    I find that hard to believe :o


    I came here to take it easy... I cut my stress level by 2/3 and increased my enjoyment of life by 200 percent. Work is like very low on my list of priorities. Spending time with my wife and soon my daughter is what its all about.. If I wanted to beat my brains in and chase a carrot that I could never reach or if I did reach it spend my life trying to hold on to it I would have stayed in the USA. Going to live here as long as I can... Until my daughter needs something that Chiang Mai may not be able to deliver ... a quality non-sexist education. But I am hoping that this comes along in the next 4-5 years as well.

  15. My advice would be this ;

    As you don't appear to have a lot of money, you would rely on trying to scrape enough together to survive each month, therefore I would suggest you get a job in your own country, save all you can then take 6 months off and come to Thailand with money in your pocket, Thailand will still be here.

    Cos believe me, if you are skint in Thailand, it's no fun, and you can't go to the Social Security office and get a handout, have an accident of any kind, no money, what will you do?

    The chances are that if you could scrape enough together teaching English, you would be working without a work permit and would be risking arrest and deportation all to get a survival wage, is it worth it?

    Work at home bro, save save save, then come with money. I know it's not what you want to hear, but in my opinion, it's the way to go.

    Good Luck whatever you decide on. :o

    Hmmm... you appear to have been gone from your home country a long time... Social Security... hand outs.. even food stamps are thing of the past... free lunch is gone in the USA... The only benefit I see to being there as apposed to here when crisis happens is that the hospital emergency rooms cant turn you away. My advice is to try and put together a plan that allows you to pull some dollars from the USA and not rely on wages you would earn here... which really are only survival wages... Unless you have some programming skills or technical skills that are seriously lacking here I would not rely on monies you could make here. The internet is the great equalizer ... and if you take stock in your skill set ... you are likely to find something that you can do remotely via the internet.

    I did this very thing... but even took it a step further... I stayed at home in the USA .. didn't go to my office and did everything remotely just to see if I could do it for almost a year... only after I had worked out the problems and the kinks did I even consider coming over here..

    You don't have to make alot by USA standards to live comfortably over here.. but you do need to make it in the USA and then get it over here...

  16. Hi all,

    My 1975 Toyota Corona has started "chugging". As if its running out of fuel if you know what I mean?

    Anyone know what this is? And if it needs fixing, and good places to go (cheap please :o )



    check your fuel line... if you let your car run low on gas regularly, all the gunk that collects in the bottom of the tank gets sucked down.. into the fuel line clogging it. To do to prevent this.. dont let your tank get below 1/4 tank.. try to keep it full when possible. Also check your fuel filter it might be clogged as well.. if this is the problem.. than its a cheap fix...

    Good luck

  17. why wouldn't you just by bottled water? its cheap and other than the plastic being bad for the environment you get a good taste and portability for free.

    I agree... bottled and delivered very cheaply... in a sparklets type water dispenser or just in straight up sealed bottles.. its all very cheap ... and they even recycle the bottles... I wouldn't trust the UV filter with reverse osmosis type of situation, if the filters get gummed up or the UV light blows a fuse how do you know if your getting truly clean water?

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