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Posts posted by swain

  1. Hello,

    I get from some people here that perception is everything. If you say its great.. then its great.. you say its falling to shit.. it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

    From what I have seen here in Chiang Mai, up in the Hang Dong area there appears to be a huge drop off in people buying houses and my friends that are trying to sell them have discounted them heavily. Don't get me wrong ,I own two houses up here as well, one for my family and one for me and my wife so I am dug in. Granted the pollution of late is not helping any but that aside, I have not heard of a house being sold for over 8 months now. Which is strange as when we moved in over 3 years ago they were going like hot cakes. I do have friends that have come and visited, but the one that felt like it might be worth doing felt that if he waited, that the baht would drop and he could get the deal I got.

    This is just a personal observation and not based on any numbers.

  2. I want to buy a persian kitten. If anyone can give me contact info in Bangkok or in the Chiang Mai area I shall be most grateful.

    We have a litter of 5 .. 2 white, 1 white with a patch of grey on the top of her head, two tiger stripped ones. 4 girls and the only boy is the tiger stripped. My wife wants to keep all of them but we have a small house and already have two cats. send me your email and I will send you pics. We are in Chiang Mai. If you were interested .. money would not be the motivator. You would have to love cats more than her and I am not sure its possible.

  3. Just came back from dinner there.. Good burgers.. open from 11am to 11pm.... Mike says that he will be adding a breakfast sandwich ... egg and something like jimmy dean sausage... plus adding hash browns and coffee... and we have breakfast ...

  4. Great location for me... right near Kad Farang .. I will be going there alot, just hope he gets enough traffic to keep it going. I mean there is a nice pocket of Farangs out our way but no real night traffic. Anyone know the hours of the new place.. ?

  5. Are we the only line of help? Is there a organization in Thailand that deals with lost, sick or injured animals. I have 2 cats and a litter of 5 new Persian long hairs. Happy family all with shots and well fed. No problems in our world until a sick or internally bleeding cat stumbles in our yard seeking safe haven. Her eyes have discharge, it appears she is bleeding from the nose and mouth or there are signs of dried blood. She wont eat but drinks alot of water. Our cats are flipping out and want her gone and we pity this animal but cant take in another cat as 7 seems to be our limit.

  6. Today in Chiang Mai was the worst I have ever seen ... you can look directly at the sun through the haze .. I live in Hang Dong Chiang Mai and the smog blocked out the ability to see the mountains. My wife and I moved here to get away from the insanity that is bangkok but we have started talking today about moving again. We have a baby coming and I cant see raising a child in this soup they call air.

    Its too bad as we have just gotten comfortable here... found a house, Rimping opened a store near us and the internet connection is solid.

    It really looked like there had been a forest fire someplace .. it reminded me of when this happened in Oregon, or when St Helen's erupted up in Washington and blocked out the sun.

    Question: that Al Gore movie .. where did you see it and when is it on again. I would love to see it.

  7. I just saw the eclipse up here in Chiang Mai or at least the moon going into eclipse. I think the sun will be out before it starts to come out again. I am glad I was awake... it really didn't start until 4:20 up here and only now is fully eclipsed at 5:50 am. March 19th at 7am is the solar eclipse and will be checking that out as well. Thanks for the tip it was worth it.

  8. This cold ripped right through me with fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, acute respiratory distress. I am hearing many people are in the hospitals in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but only through my own network. Have not seen any news on the TV or Newspapers or websites though everyone I know seems to have it. The fever is persistent goes up and down but never really leaves the body. Went to hospital when my temp was 102 degrees and rising. Started with a sore throat, moved to the sinuses and then to the lungs with fever and intense head and muscle pain.

    Never had the flu like this before... this strain is a bad one.

    Anyone else going through this hel_l?

  9. My Thai wife is about 7 months pregnant and we have been going monthly for ultrasounds and to check up on the babies development to Ram hospital in Chiang Mai. We were planning on having our baby delivered there. We heard a rumor about prices going up and confirmed it today. Regular child birth prices have gone up over night from the price we were originally quoted 25,000 to 35,000 baht. C-section birth from 40,000 to 50,000 baht. This does not include anything but the birth itself, the price of the room for over night stay, and just about everything else is extra. This is almost more expensive then Bumrungrad packaged deals in Bangkok and of course Ram is no Bumrungrad. We had to spend a night just recently because my wife had a fever and they wanted to get some fluids in her. When we got the bill there was no itemization and when I asked for it they printed it on a separate piece of paper gave it to me and then asked for it back, meaning we were not to leave the hospital with this breakdown. Not sure what the deal was with this but it seemed shady. My wife is now comfortable with the doctor (as we have been going there 7 months already) and so it looks like I am going to have the baby there to keep the stress down to a minimum. Would be interested in hearing any other negative experiences that you or others have had with birthing a baby at Ram hospital. Also if I was going to move to another hospital which one would you recommend?

  10. I have the same problem but have a pregnant wife and kittens so I want a natural solution. I don't really want my kid to be born with an extra leg or something much worse. My wife says cucumber but that just sounds like we are supplying them with food.

    Any thoughts?

  11. Serious questions come to mind. And ones that would better be talked about in private. What was her life before you met her, as in who she hung with, what kind of work she was doing, and her emotional history. I am not a judgmental person if you want another take on how to handle your situation and there is more dirty laundry that you would rather not air here, message me.

    I hope you are able to help her.

  12. Been here two years... and think I have it wired... well ... I am not very humble but I think when it comes to Chiang Mai and living here I have the answers. Beer is good Jack and coke is better. Message me when your in town.

  13. Superbowl :o and with all the padding it's definately a girls game.

    I have often wondered the outcome if a squad of (unpadded) NFL players and soccer players met on the field.

    For an offensive linemen in the NFL, size is about 6'3 (1.905 m) in the high 290s-300 (136 kg) range. Some can weigh as much as 350 lbs (158.75 kg). A fullback would be about 6'2 240. This link shows that the average NFL player is 6'1.5" (1.867 m) and 245 lbs (111 kg). I could not find an average size for a professional soccer player but I doubt that it approaches the size of a NFL pro.

    Here is an amusing Football vs. Soccer thread (from another forum) that I found while researching this post. "...the major reason their football is so huge in so many countries has a lot to do with the fact that Soccer is an extremely inexpensive sport to play and far less complicated to organize than the American version of football. While American football is a very high maintenance sport which requires very expensive equipment, soccer requires almost no equipment and all a potential player really needs is a ball. Because of this important, yet rarely mentioned fact, the sport spread all over the world. Over the years this has continued to contribute greatly to the sports colossal popularity, particularly among third world countries. This also explains why Basketball is played all over the world and is so popular in poor urban areas of the US. Congratulations, fellows! - your favorite sport is the past-time of choice among the deprived, the neglected, and the feeble of the world."


    Its not about NFL players versus soccer players, who ever wins the superbowl tomorrow I would like them to play

    the New Zealand "All Blacks" American Football is not soccer in the same way Cricket is not baseball

    Get your pads off practise for a month for a game and bring it on

    The jokes about pads are about American Padded Football Games versus non padded Rugby games

    But that said I know most Europeans dream of competing with America in different ways like winning the World Series of Baseball which is comprised of american states versus other american states, and doesnt include any competition from other countries

    One mans world series is anothers local sport

    Get your pads off :D play rugby

    THE BEARS RULE... Almost slept through the alarm this morning... sure glad I didnt... an amazing game so far... The bears are up by two touchdowns!!!

  14. I'm hearing rumours of a water park (ie waterslides) has just re-opened in the Hang Dong area after being closed for several years. While it may be too cold now, I'd like to check it out. Does anyone have info on this?

    me too i was asking about this myself in a previous post . i went there about 8 years ago it was out on the hang dong road several miles and on the left hand side , but i dont know if it has reopened . i hope it has it was a good day out . any one else know more ? sorry im not much help i know :o

    Hmmm I live out in Hang Dong and I have not heard or seen anything like this ...

  15. I have a friend who "may" have gotten a young lady pregnant but wants to hire a P.I. to go and get a blood sample and take it to be cross checked to see if he is the daddy. He is in the USA but wants someone professional and is willing to pay for it. He should have references and preferably be a Frang. Please message me here...

    A word to the flamers ...its NOT me it really IS a friend and he wants to do the right thing and support the child if it truly is his.

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