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Posts posted by swain

  1. Nothing good. Better off to stay in the USA. Depends on what back bone in the USA but in general nothing is better here and its more expensive. Unless your delivering video and or audio to a Thai customer base I would not move.

    Anyone have and experience with BKK or CM Based Hosting Companies? I am looking to move from the USA...
  2. Amazing game, and a great online broadcast. Tried to get a seat in the bar that was showing the game but it was packed. I thought last years game was good. This was better. Amazing!

    I don't have UBC or Satellite TV. I have pulled everything I wanted to watch over the net. There are ton of websites that are broadcasting either a pirate feed or legal one. I don't really care which. If anyone knows an address I would be grateful. I know I can find it but I am not in the mood for doing the searching. Thanks again!
  3. It was, still is packed. "Best Super Bowl gave EVER!"

    Does anyone know for SURE if the Pub is showing it?

    Just came for the Saloon on Ratwithi, the one near the UN Irish Pub. They are opening at 5:30 in the morning for breakfast and the Superbowl. I got that from both Bill the co-owner and Min, who is currently working and possibly spending the night there to work in the morning

  4. I don't have UBC or Satellite TV. I have pulled everything I wanted to watch over the net. There are ton of websites that are broadcasting either a pirate feed or legal one. I don't really care which. If anyone knows an address I would be grateful. I know I can find it but I am not in the mood for doing the searching. Thanks again!

  5. Cocoa butter is supposed to be one of the better and cheaper alternatives out there. There is a problem with it though. My wife had morning sickness for what seemed like the entire pregnancy. Its very smelly and I would bring it out and try to rub some on and she then was in the bathroom vomiting.

    What we have been told and this seems to be proven out so far is that its mostly genetic, keeping the skin hydrated is supposed to help lessen the marks, but if your skin is prone to having stretch marks then you will have them no matter how much butter you put on.

    Also once you have them, you have them. The laser sessions work better for light skinned women and not for women with darker skin.

    Went to a plastic surgeon and they gave us the options (tummy tuck, relocation of the belly button) which are quite grizzly so I wont go into detail but its expensive, very painful, and because this is major surgery there is always the chance of dying under the anesthetic.

    Lets face it, its natural, and they fade, go into the pregnancy with doing what you can, but accepting what comes your way.

    Look at your child's sleeping face and then look at your belly and accept that this is what it took to get you to where you are now.

  6. I agree "Thailand Fever" was the changing point in my relationship with my wife. One page is in Thai and the other in English. So even if your sweet heart doesn't read English she will be able to understand. I am not the same person I was when I first came to Thailand. I was like a lot of Americans that thought they could bring their American lifestyle with them when they came to Thailand. Too much can be said on this topic. The book really starts you on the path.

    Alas, there is no easy short answer to your question. You are about to embark upon quite an adventure :o

    If you haven't already done so then I suggest you obtain the book "Thailand Fever" by Paiboon Publishing (google this title), and encourage your fiance to read it to. There are other similar books around - read as much as you can to avoid misunderstandings which can lead to conflicts.

    Also google on "why I never married a thai", a short story in the stickman bangkok web site, for a different but interesting perspective.

    If both of you have some understanding of the fundamental differences and can talk about it, then this is a good start.

  7. The same people that are unhappy in Thailand I think would be unhappy where ever they were. Grass is always greener. My best friend is always thinking someplace else is better than where he is right now until he goes. He always comes back crowing about how good it is in Thailand and how his home country has so many more problems than the last time he was there. BUT wait 6 months and he is the same whining unhappy person he was, telling me he is going to leave the first chance he gets. Being unhappy is some peoples natural state of being.

    For me its slow, its easy, its home. There is always going to be something you don't like about where you are.

  8. We have the same problem. Our next door neighbor decided just in the past month to start to breed shitsu dogs. Their barking is the worst because its very high pitched and travels far. He has built kennel like cages and the dogs are right next to our bedroom window so one way or another we need to resolve this

    We went to a friend and Neighbor that lives in the same village that just so happens to be a judge. He told us that they would never allow a permit (and a permit is required so he says) for this type of business in our village. He has offered to pen a letter that explains the situation to the owner of the house and assist with the process of going to the right people to get the situation resolved. My argument was that all they have to do is say they have these animals as pets and the situation is resolved. He says any amount of dogs over 5 (even 5 sounds too many) they are looking at having a permit. (strange that I never heard of this permit before)

    I have lived in Thailand going on 8 years now so I know that this type of thing is going to happen. I don't accept it and will resolve it, even if it means moving.

    Whats amazing is that there is a mother that lives there with a 2 month old baby. She cant stand it either and wishes her husband would take the baby in to consideration. But he is firm in his resolve to make this business work.

    I will keep you updated on this and suggest you explore this permit requirement.

    We live in Ban Tarn Dong behind Kad Farang out in Hang Dong. The Judge also can be hired independently to assist in arbitration.

  9. Makros do a packet of chicken ham to go with the mustard at 100 Baht a kilo. In addition to the excellent blocks of cheddar cheese and fat pork boy cumberland sausages, as mentioned on other threads

    I thought you had to be a wholesaler member and buy a ton of whatever to shop at MAKROS. Am I mistaken?

    Yes you are mistaken. You can buy there, just ask for a temp card and they will give it to you. You can do this every time you shop there. You can not use credit cards so get your cash first. The card (membership) just gets you something like 2 percent back at the end of the year.

  10. You know, I was getting thirsty reading this so I went down to Rimping and got a couple of bottles. I never took the time to smell the beer right out of the bottle no ice. It really is a good smelling beer, and good tasting too. If I let my imagination run wild I can smell all the odors that they used to describe the smell and taste. I like the alcohol content being a bit high as with ice its about right. I like the taste of Chiang Draft with no ice out of the bottle, it appears to be a lighter version of the same beer. I think the reason it gets a bad rap down here sometimes is because the price was so cheap to us foreigners, and we drank so much and had such bad hangovers, we started to give it a bad name. Sort of the LOW SO beer. I like it and order it, I like Myanmar beer better, and Lao beer better than Myanmar but for Thailand, Chiang is my beer of choice.

  11. Not really, you clearly are biased favorably towards Uncle Sam.

    So that is as much as I can write you about the current MIKES Vs UNCLE SAM saga - may the best burger win. The above comments are purely speculation and grand gossip - and any actual factual comment may only come from the businesses themselves - but as a forum we each have a right to pose our unbiased comments. Have i been that?

  12. I would extend the invitation to leave. The fact that Mom owns the bar puts your Daughter in a power position and being a bar girl is about the lowest position in a bar like this. I doubt she willingly go to the dark side of this business as she would lose too much face.

    What I would do, if funds allowed, would be to sit down with her and talk about what makes her happy in life. What are her dreams and goals. At 18 they may or may not be realistic but she might surprise you. I changed my major at Uni 6 times, this is a time for her to find out what she wants to do with her life. Also I took off a year before going as well to travel. Maybe this might have some interest for her as well.

    As for Mommy taking her money for school and spending it on??? I would let my daughter know that her Mother did this, and that you start to work things out directly with her. Take Mom out of the loop for goodness sake. You don't want to speak ill of Mom but you want her to start to understand that she has to look out for her own best interests. Accept whatever she says .. even if its not what you want to hear as long as its not self destructive. Offer suggestions not ultimatums. Get her on your side. Showing love for your Daughter, and that you are sad that she lied NOT angry. She will start to think about this. Just plant the seeds. Shunning doesn't come into the equation. Unconditional love will allow your Daughter to truly find her place in the world.

    Mom seems to be playing to the wrong instincts in your Daughter and getting your Daughter out of this situation would be best in the long run.

    Good luck and let us know what happens.

  13. Besides looking smart, does the smart card have any benefit? What makes it smart, is the information encoded on a magnetic strip on the back of the card or does it have a chip? What information is encoded on the card if this is the case and how are they planning to use this smart card. A smart card in a not so smart system benefits who exactly?

  14. I think everything right now is rumor but I heard that the person that bought the franchise is trying screw Mikes out of their due by changing the name and tossing out their agreement with Mikes. Rumor is that the owner of Mikes is taking legal action against this happening. Some people think that they can do anything in this country without repercussion. Some people would be wrong.

  15. In Pattaya I would say no... In Chiang Mai, I would say yes.. Cut the 1.5k for UBC and spend it instead on a faster internet connection and you have your TV and Movie fix over the net. Shop at the local markets instead of Big C, Tesco, etc.. Its a buyers market in Chiang Mai now, as rents are down. Mode of transport is required, so bike or car. Basic lifestyle but easy and comfortable.

    This is not MY lifestyle for sure as I have a wife, babies, and family.. But I often think that it would be bliss to be bored and broke. Dont get into bed with a large family and you can do it easily.

  16. Ouch! Most of the pricing I have heard so far is a bit over the top if you ask me. San Patong market has very low end to moderately priced frames. The prices start at ready made prescription glasses, (if you know your prescription) 35 baht, yes yes 35 baht! Small vendor with a strolling bin full of glasses. They come out of China, though I have had no problem with them at all, I can not speak to the quality. I buy my reading glasses out of this bin and have not been disappointed yet. In another part of the market they have a mobile optician with all the testing equipment that you would expect to see at one of the stores where your minimum purchase when on sale will be 700 baht or more. Here you can get tested pick out the frames and have them mounted all in about 30 minutes prices starting at 100 baht going on up to 500 baht for some of the more fancy frames.

    I used to shell out 2500 baht minimum and for all you cheap charlies (yes I am one) this is the place to go!

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