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Posts posted by Bruntoid

  1. 2 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Has the last throw been made already? Barnier has gone back to report his failure. Let's hope he's ready for No Deal.





    Whos failure ? 

    lol you are so entertaining - your clueless hero who constantly bleats he’s leaving without a deal just keeps turning up - how weird is that ? But then he’s boxing someone SIX times his size !! 

    There will be a deal - even Boris de waffle Johnson isn’t stupid enough to walk away without a deal ! Right now he will be losing a lot more sleep than Barnier - appeasement to Sun readers isn’t going to keep him in a job and he will be fully aware of that! 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Another arrogant jibe with 'Brexit Joke.' That democratic referendum which was won by the leave campaign has been debated on here by myself and a good few others since 2015. Some have changed their names for whatever reason to conceal their identities.


    The said poster has only recently come on these threads with his expert opinions. Having an opinion is one thing but telling others they are wrong, they have made a tragic mistakes,  and they will suffer is another.  It is arrogant, misguided and speculation.


    You would think that it is affecting him personally or any other non Brit.


    As usual Non Brits on here keep going on about the UK leaving the EU. Well I don't care and many others don't. What is a joke is the EU masquerading as a democratic entity, when it is not. I am sure like others you will say the EU has its problems. That's the usual but nothing gets done.


    Some countries don't get to have a democratic referendum and see it through. They have to have another one until the right vote gets done.


    So when people start belittling a democracy like Brexit is, then it shows the character of a person they are and frankly I find it rude and offensive. Disagree with it that's fine. Calling a democratic vote a name shows the level of intellect a person has.

    God that’s precious garbage !! 

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  3. 7 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    You're replying to somebody who said we didn't vote to leave for economic reasons - and you reply with economic arguments ????‍♂️

    And then you suggest most of the 17.4 million who voted for Brexit did so to get Indians and Pakistanis sent home. That's one of the most idiotic comments I've seen on a Brexit thread. 


    Maybe you should stick to commenting on less complex issues. No offence...????


    The ‘economic’ based reply was merely to point out the absurdity of a vote for Brexit without considering the economic impact. 


    Either my words were too big or perhaps read it a little more slowly ? 

    As for complexity it’s a daily challenge dumbing down comments for Brexiteers to absorb 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    The uk came up trumps in ordering vaccine in advance and will now be administering vaccine from early next week.where did i mention anything about the nationality of who did the work which led to the vaccines development? I didn,t,i personally treat all people equal regardless of race and found your comment academic,perhaps you,d care to explain it to me,and if the eu and the us want to adapt a more cautious approach,up to them,as the body counts rocket.cannot help but wonder about what the comments on here would be like if the shoe was on the other foot and the eu and the usa had cleared the vaccine while we erred on the side of caution.

    Could you take a few seconds to appreciate the difference between comments, apostrophes and capitals please.  

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