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Posts posted by Bruntoid

  1. 1 hour ago, Loiner said:

    And yet you keep missing. 

    Give up and emigrate to an EU hell hole. 

    ouch touchy ! 

    Given you haven’t come up with any economic answers in 4 years I would say it’s a direct hit every time - only it’s getting tedious pulling Brexiteers apart now. 

    Any hell holes in particular ? Moss Side ? Toxteth? Any U.K. coastal town ? 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    I am totally confused...the EU is totally shafted if there is no deal......so why are we (the UK) negotiating...we should be dictating the deal surely????

    Here we go again - can someone organise a sticky explaining GDP please to Brexiteers 


    starting with EU SIX times the size of U.K. 


    seriously this is like shooting fish in a barrel 



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  3. 19 hours ago, kingdong said:

    Academic,we hand over 37 million and get back a fraction and are told how to spend it,link..we won,t be fooled again the who.

    Just words - so again for the hard of thinking show us the workings behind your 37 million NET incl the returns you mention not forgetting to factor in how much influence this can gain you when it comes to trade deals. I appreciate trade deals are not high on the brexiteer agenda but give it a go anyway. 

    I mean how difficult can that be for someone so convinced of what they voted for ? 

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  4. 8 hours ago, vogie said:

    I don't think you understand what sovereignty means, my take on it is we should say what happens in our waters and not Mr Barnier. The whole point in leaving the EU was to regain sovereignty and not still be dictated to by the EU, now this might be a difficult concept for some people to come to terms with, but trust me, it is not difficult.

    Would you like your next door neighbour to keep walking into your garden and pulling up your prized pansies or ripping up your roses, and to have him say to you 'don't worry, you have survived for the last decades', come on now, you would be livid.

    We got nothing from the EU ? A huge amount of northern regeneration projects EU funded. Superior deal criteria, which you’re about to painfully find out. Or is the OBR on the never ending brexiteer bias list ? 

    and here’s an odd one we are allowed to fish for scallops all year in french waters but they are not allowed May to October. 

    Take the blinkers off chap, they’re limiting your view. 

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