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Scott Tracy

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  1. Seekers of asylum, ECHR... Identification issues, age issues, the French 'authorities '.. You name it. This government has not yet stated where these deportees have been deported to.
  2. The senate? Appointed not elected? Sounds like someone is about to throw their toys out of the pram. As diddums.
  3. Musk wasn't there then... Oh, you mean Mr Trump. He's a pawper in comparison to Musk.
  4. You want to come and look around the village in which I stay. Drunkenness is not a taboo here, it's an expectation...
  5. Maybe it's because the container material leaches into the salt poisoning it over time....
  6. Yeah, but that's case law, or 1 interpretation of a clause in the constitution. It all depends on the color of the court, as can be seen in recent years.
  7. He knows how to butter up. Nothing if not flexible and the inevitability of being targeted seems to have focussed Meta's strategy going forward. All for the greater good, of course...
  8. I know exactly what a landlord can and cannot do in the UK. As for your final comment, I need say nothing.
  9. Ok, we won't get into spelling and grammar and the abuse of the English language at this point. You make an assumption about whether or not I'm a landlord. Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm a tenant or house owner. I consider the question as valid. Checking the renting checklist: Be considerate to the neighbours. Antisocial behaviour may be a reason for your landlord to evict you. Does that not make the question valid?
  10. You know Hamas' intent? You can state without equivocation that this was not an attack on the State of Israel? I Hate all Israelis means the State of Israel... Does it not? If representatives or members of a foreign terrorist organisation killed a relative or friend of mine in my country, I would expect the government of my country to strike back so that said organisation could never do such a thing again. But that's just my opinion...

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