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  1. There really is not much hope for the EU as the damage has been done. Years of allowing illegal migrants into its countries has changed the very fabric of a once great Europe. Globalism has destroyed the once rich traditions and culture of Europe and now factions of of the Middle East have control. Next is Sharia Law. Very sad indeed.
  2. I used to suffer from Insomnia and was taking Trazadone for many years. But then after Trump won the election last November, I have been sleeping much better. I have gone off Trazadone and have a much better outlook on life. I have hope in the future and look forward to getting up each day.
  3. Two less Indians to watch for walking down the middle of the street.
  4. So true Yogoda, left wing socialist Biden gave away so much of the good tax payers money to his left wing zealots and other DEI causes that inflation increased exponentially under his tenure. Now that Trump and DOGE are trying to stop the gravy train by the Democrats, inflation is finally coming down. Another win for Trump and the American people.
  5. Seeing as how President Trump is doing such a wonderful job cleaning up after the disaster that old sleepy Joe caused to the good citizens of the United States, I am looking forward to Trump's reelection in 2028. Life is looking good.
  6. Wow! Unbelievable, I did not know just how screwed up the Labour government was. How did this happen to the good folks of the U.K?
  7. First it was the Brits, now it is the French that have contracted the dreaded "Trump Derangement Syndrome." What is the world coming to?
  8. Left wing socialist CNN is losing more and more viewers to Fox Network. CNN cannot be trusted for any thing they say. Millions of dollars of the good taxpayers money has been wasted by the Democrats on their perverted ideology that humans can change their gender. Thank God Trump is putting a stop to this madness.
  9. Entitled Zelensky will come crawling back to Trump with his tail between his legs. Old senile sleepy Joe gave billions of the good U.S. taxpayers money to the Ukraine for nothing other than to kill and mutilate thousands of Ukrainians. Time for the gravy train to stop and put U.S. interests first.
  10. So true mzanzi, just like in the South of Thailand. These people feel that their religion is special and that they have the right to have their own separate country inside of a sovereign nation. Thailand is doing the right thing by deporting these illegal squatters.
  11. What I love about Trump is that he really knows how get the left in an uproar. There is never a dull moment with Trump as President. The next four years are going to be so much fun to watch.
  12. Only idiots get on motorbikes in Thailand no matter foreign or Thai.
  13. Michigan boy dies 3 days after getting Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, CDC is investigating https://www.freep.com/story/news/2021/07/02/jacob-clynick-pfizer-covid-vaccine/5323095001/
  14. Thailand is ranked number 107 in a ranking of a corruption index: https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/corruption-rank The Thais might appear to be nice but corrupt.
  15. Interesting, yes history in the making. I really enjoy watching the left wing zealots come apart at the seams, it makes my day. Can't wait for the next melt down post.
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