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Sweet Swede

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Everything posted by Sweet Swede

  1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  2. Habba is a disgusting excuse of a human being, with an IQ not better than a chimpanzee. Money, money is like bananas for her. Being useless and stupid is ok if you are Maga, and she REALLY proves it.
  3. Easy answer. The want Fascism.
  4. Authorities are helpless and passive. They could easily do something to to prevent a lot of the fire ignition. But they seemingly don't care.
  5. Why can't this dinosaur just shut up and disappear. Power hungry people are a disaster.
  6. I would have accepted the challenge, if what they offered to drink was really good stuff and that they paid for it. But when I felt I had enough i would throw in the towel. I am 72, but at 21 you might think you are invincible. RIP young man.
  7. Blasphemy must be legal. We don't live in the time of inquisitors. Or do we? Religion whether it is christian, islam or any of the thousands of religions that exist have one thing that unite them . All of them are occult and superficial and not connected with the reality we live in today. If people want to live in fantasyland they can, but we who will not, should not be allowed to argue and point out how false and dangerous their beliefs are. However the "holy ones" will get a free ticket to attack us that are Atheists' and Agnostics. In USA they try to rewind the time clock to the 19th century and force totally deranged christianity on the population. Let's hope this will not succeed. Todays inquisitors deny science and instead they promote a fairy tale book, with strong focus on the old testament as an obligatory guide to humanity. Is there no end to the inquisition of people who believe in what actually can be proved, instead of making occult hocus pocus beliefs obligatory. I ABSOLUTELY HATE RELIGION, because of the damage they have done to restrict the progress of humanity.
  8. Trump is a total fascist. Why questioning something so obvious?
  9. The wrong side drivers, both MC and cars are all over. Main reason why I avoid driving when dark. Not seldom they also have defect lights. Daytime driving is ok, even if then there are many driving on wrong side, but in daylight it is not that big problem like when the darkness set in. They never get caught, so it never gets better. Often cars do it to save a mile to avoid using the correct U-turn, but motorbikes do it even more frequently. The police here is close to 100% stationary, so the risk of getting caught is close to zero, and if they get fined it is more like a hand slap than a fine that hurts. I lived here 29 years now and this behaviour has not improved. Not even slightly.
  10. He should be a good friend of Trump, as he shares the same interest in molesting females just like Trump and his buddy Epstein. As Trump said, you can do anything you want if you are famous. But Diddy is not a white predator, so who knows?
  11. Partially! He is the main person responsible. It is like saying Hitler was partially responsible for Holocaust.
  12. Some really poor people rented a van with driver for a trip to Mae Sai, when they got the money.
  13. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜She is a fraud, just like her criminal husband. Both are absolutely sick and pervert. They are disgusting creeps and a large portion of the USA population approves of their criminal and fraudulent scheme. Unbelievable but true. It also proves why a scumbag like Hitler came to power and maybe his pupil will succeed like him. Humanity did not learn anything from history as many wants to repeat Nazism, even if their leader will struggle to spell it as he never read a book, only fragments of Mein Kampf, that is written by the idol and mentor of an adult baby..
  14. Happen to often. It is regular news that this breed kills and injure people. Ban them like a lot of countries have done.
  15. I disagree with her on her views. But i respect that she did not buy the fascist ticket.
  16. Wherever you meet your girlfriend that end up as your wife does not matter. The most important thing is that your chemistry is good and that both are faithful, which ncludes the male.
  17. Trump is obviously and for all to see, a mental sick lunatic and lack connection with reality: His weird family should find a mental institution that can take care of this old and grossly demented predetator.
  18. He is more than weird. He is also creepy and so much more. He really is a good running mate for Trump.
  19. About 15 years ago I was stopped in Stockholm because approximatly a third of my picture page had loosened. After some discussions they let me fly and said that it will be up to Thai immigrration if they would acccept it, but they did not notice it. The passport was only 2 years old. To avoid further problems I applied for a new Passport at the Embassy. The new passport was free, becausse my pasport was part of a batch that was defect. To my dissapointment the start date was the same as the old passport and my travel epenses to apply for and pick up the new passport were not covered even if it was a known batch with defect passports. But it learned me to treat the passport with extreme care.
  20. I have bought almost nothing at duty free for many years, mainly because "duty free" does not mean profitt free. I noticed that for tobacco and spirits they often are just slightly cheaper than in the store in the country where the duty free is sold. Ten years ago 200 Camel were 50 bath cheaper at 7/11 than at the airport duty free shop. We were in Tokyo 5 years ago and at a local shop were we stayed i bought a 70 cl Remy Martin VSOP cognac for 3500 Yen, but at Haneda Airport Duty free the price for 50 cl of the exaclly same Cognac was 5500 yen. And most of the souvenirs, Duty Free sell at Suvarnabhumi, can be bought for a fraction of the DF price at Chiang Mai Night Bazar. The only thing I bought the last 15 years which has been really price worthy has been deoderant sticks and some of my favorite perfums when they been displayd att special price.
  21. Ask Trump. He surely knows more about mental state than anybody else. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
  22. I spent so much money to live here now, but I dont regret it. But in march and april i spend most of my time in the house running Air improving purifiers. However if I previously(1995) had known how bad it will become, I probably would choose to live somewhere else. I can live with it because it is not the whole year, but it is really terrible for approximately 3 months and quite obviously the authorities seems to totally accept it and and also are very passive to really do anything about it. The whole of South Asia is a burning inferno. It has been like this for many years and I really hope that people will stay clear of North Thailand during Songkran, because lack of Tourists is the only thing that might spark authorities to actually do something about it..
  23. We just completed the Visa UK 6 Month Tourist Visa application for my wife. Total cost about 8000 bath. I did it all myself without any paid assistance. 15 pages with all kind of questions like Father/Mother Names and Birth data, any Terrorists/Criminals in the family, and many more weird questions. It felt more like an application for Citizenship. I dont believe that they ever will allow Visa free entry for Thai Citizens. It is nothing but window dressing.
  24. And nobody get caught for starting the fires.
  25. We live in a world that is devoted to serving the rich and privileged, while treating the rest of mankind like garbage. This is valid in all countries today, whether they are capitalist,fascist or name themself as communists, although they totally play by capitalist rules.
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