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Posts posted by khaosai

  1. "... to marry their Thai girlfriends, most of whom are from the Bangkok middle-class and obviously have no intention of deceiving anyone for money."

    This and at least one reference to Thai women as "Thai girls" in the OP makes me believe that this is a sarcastic article written by a white man.

    I think that you will find that the author Prae Sakaowan is actually a Thai female,
    Thanks for the link, so I guess I was correct since the profile says that Prae is a fictional character. It should really be highlighted in the article, even though it's obvious from the writing style.

    I did not actually see that link, but did visit her Facebook site. She looks anything but fictional on there. I take your point on the writing style.


    I would be very surprised if this article was written by a Thai female, and most certainly not proof read by one. Grammar, spelling and choice of words like aphorism to me trigger alarm bells. Cynical maybe, one man's opinion for sure.

  2. Hi,

    Opened account at Kasikorn Bank in Central mall Pattaya.

    Savings account with platinum debit card.

    Passport with tourist visa and hotel address. All done in 15 minutes costing 800 baht.

    I didn't open that account as only difference was the insurance which is not going to be valid if your a tourist.


    Which insurance was that. I can't remember any discussion on any particular insurance requirement when opening it.

  3. Generally large commercial jets can operate with up to 10 to 15 knots of tailwind, however the performance particularly on landing increases by a large margin.

    Large increase is an understatement, Huge increase. Most normal airports operate up to 10 knots down wind as a very general rule of thumb without any issues.

    You really learn about down winds when mucking about on skies (snow/ice) and floats (water), things get really 'exciting' really bloody fast.

    Don't know about every operator but 10 kts of tailwind is pretty standard for landing. However, there are plenty of airports that stuff aircraft in with winds at (or beyond) those limits. China for one comes to mind.


    Just had a look at some numbers on landing with tailwinds, using Bangkok as an example with a landing weight of just over 220 tons. Basically for every 5 knots of tail wind the landing distance required increased by 200 metres.

    Add to that crossing the threshold of the runway higher than normal then your up against it indeed. Potentially landing with 15 knots of tail wind and crossing the threshold 50 feet higher than normal would have your landing distance increased by approximately 1000 metres.

    Tail winds are best avoided for sure.

  4. ^^ Fantastic post ... clap2.gif

    Seriously, you guys know more about this stuff, then I could ever imagine.

    In the case I mentioned ... I knew it was a wind change because a few of the planes I was hoping to spot, tracking their flight path in ... they changed.

    No more jets landing over the Farm ... all of them taking off.

    It's knowledge like your and the others here that makes it a joy to read.

    Cheers ...

    Hi David,

    Wind direction will be the predominant factor when deciding on the runway in use for both take off and landing. Any significant tailwind will have an adverse affect on the aircraft performance so airmanship will dictate taking off and landing with a headwind present.

    On occasion air traffic control may prefer to use a certain runway even when light tailwinds are present. Once certain factors have been established a crew may elect to use that runway ensuring safety is never compromised.

    Some issues than can occur are whether the wind direction and speed passed to a pilot are instantaneous or more common is to have the direction and speed issued which was averaged over a time period of let's say 2 minutes.

    It can get interesting when given a certain wind speed and direction by the controller only for the display presented to the pilot onboard to be significantly different.

    Generally large commercial jets can operate with up to 10 to 15 knots of tailwind, however the performance particularly on landing increases by a large margin.

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