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Everything posted by Foghorn

  1. No receipt, I would of said something but I was doing my yearly extension so I gave them that one
  2. Charged me 500 baht to transfer to new passport at hua hin 2 weeks ago , needed copy Id page of old passport only
  3. China said it ain’t for sale, they want to keep hold of thailand
  4. We’ve lost everything, including our country , the government hate expats because they’re not getting our business so they hammer us any way they can
  5. My friends son was at a supposedly good catholic school near us , cost about 7000 a term , he took his kid to school and waited for teacher to show up , had many children in class unsupervised, took teacher another 40 minutes to show up , my mate was angry teacher leaving kids so long alone , director said if you not like change school , he did , I did , Thais think if you pay you get better service , doesn’t always work like that
  6. Who’s going to monitor the one not too far from me that is owned by plod that I can sometimes hear ,if wind in right direction, at 4 am or more , it also can’t be legal because of where it is , I feel sorry the the people next to it
  7. And a uk one took me 16 weeks , my child’s Thai one took 3 days , I think illegal immigrants in uk get quicker than British citizens
  8. Power and money ,money , money , lack of principles
  9. I think someone needs a English speaking reporter or rewriter , how bad is this article
  10. Is “Completely unlicensed “ another word for not even paid any bribes , as compared to to unlicensed
  11. So he’s not even being charged with drink driving , only reckless
  12. Didn’t he sell overpriced family land to people who own one of the beer companies
  13. Come on the police need time to sleep of their hangover from the day
  14. I hope she can’t have children , I pity them if she does , stupid as stupid can be ,
  15. Everything we buy or pay for is taxed so he must be paying tax , I would also expect that he doesn’t work or take a job from a Thai but contributes to some Thais income , don’t you think ?
  16. Have the watches been given back to the beneficiaries of the will ?
  17. Amazing what plod can do if kicked up the ass , there needs to be a plod ass kicking force in thailand
  18. The school director got 365 years halved for confessing stealing childrens food , this policeman should get 10 years for every gun and more if used to kill someone , confiscate all families money aswell
  19. I remember when you had to get a certificate from the doctors here to say you’re sane enough to drive , didn’t need see the doctor just pay receptionist 50 baht , the only thing that will change is price
  20. Governments want all guns out of the hand of the civilians then they can do what the police in Australia did and beat who ever they want to ,then prosecute that person for assault
  21. Make licences easier to get then if you point a gun at someone be aware that you may be shot dead . Or make having an unlicensed gun an offence that carries a 7 year prison term , no exceptions,no appeal, no bail including hi so and you know who my dad is ,
  22. Leave him alone , he’s in talks with the Mexican cartels , when it’s done the coke will become legal, drug crisis solved
  23. Let’s hope they don’t go nuts on the farangs , best bet is to get wife / gf licensed to have gun and you lock in safe but not give her key , no what I mean
  24. That’s because they tested primary school kids to water down the results
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