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Posts posted by illiterate

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    That is not a study, it is just a letter to the Lancet by Carlos Franco-Paredes


    "According to a spokeswoman for The Lancet Group, such letters represented the views of the author and "not necessarily the views of The Lancet journals".


    Here's a fact check on that particular letter.


    There’s five studies linked there for you. The problem is the data is inconvenient for you. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    You're throwing out as much as possible hoping it sticks, its failing each time.


    Vaccinated people with breakthrough COVID infections had lower viral loads

    UCLA study of 12,000 health workers found infected individuals who were unvaccinated shed more viral particles


    As I said, viral loads are basically the same between vaccinated and unvaccinated. You guys can twist it in your favor and make it like something it isn’t all you want. Countries fully vaccinated have had high infection rates.

    Viral loads being equal between vaccinated and unvaccinated is why the cdc made the vaccinated put the masks back on. so…. They were just like you, they wanted it to be true, but it wasn’t. So they made the vaccinated mask back up.

    What is your reason they did a 180 on masks for vaccinated? And if what you are saying is true, why don’t they let vaccinated go without masks now? 

  3. Free info: this is why the cdc told vaccinated to remask up. We all remember that?


    Cdc says no masks for vaccinated, and they 180 on that decision. Why??? Because the “science” as you guys call it, came out. But some of us are selective readers. 

    That is to say, the cdc realized the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated was the same due to study results, and they rescinded that order.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Name one of those 100% vaccinated countries.


    I can help you though, vaccinated people pass the virus too. Their viral loads bw vaccinated and unvaccinated are “similar”, at least according to UC Davis. So at best let’s call it a question that doesn’t have a clear answer yet. You don’t get to just make stuff up because you want it to be true 

  5. 4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    An alternative explanation is that there are a lot of morons who believe misinformation fed to them for political reasons.

    That’s not really an alternative. If a medicine truly is needed to save peoples lives, they’ll take it. People understand that the risks associated with the vaccine are not necessary to expose oneself to. 

    We all do know that every vaccine has risks, right? 

    Recently in headlines was one of the top athletes in the world. One of the fittest people in the world! And they are trying to compel vaccination on him. Well, he most likely has a better chance of being in a plane crash than dying from Covid, he’s rightfully not too concerned. But, they want to use him to fit their political agenda. In other words, the side trying to force him was into politics, not his actual health. He’s one of the fittest people in the world, he knows how to take care of his health himself, as most people do.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I've had that happen a few times, I just pointed to the Thai menu and paid that price.

    No need for a wife, I can read the Thai menu myself.


    If a place insists I pay more than a Thai, I just don't go (or sneak in the back for free).

    Parks are big places, plenty of ways in without passing a ticket office.

    Do I feel guilty about not paying?

    Not for a second!

    Here, I will quote it so he can't renege and backpedal his way out of it. 


    Pure class there. A classy move to leave <deleted> like that up too. Visitor of a country, sneaking into, trespassing, and stealing from a foreign country and encouraging other to do the same. All in the name of screwing beautiful and treasured national parks (not bankers or politicians) out of money too. 

  7. 12 hours ago, madmen said:

    lots of posts saying the apartment doesn't look dirty including this post. It just confirms what pigs farang can be whilst crying about there deposit being taken. judging by the comments on this thread they certainly deserve to lose their deposits !!



    I am going to tell you what landlords do right now. Not all of them. But it happens 100%. 


    A landlord will have a tenant skip out and the costs to clean the apartment will be more than the deposit. I admit, this sucks, and I am with the landlord. 


    But, here is what happens in reality. That landlord who lost out and now needs to just eat that as a cost of doing business, deducts from the next 10 tenants who check out and leave a perfectly clean room. That is what happens, do with the info what you may. I suppose the tenants are in fact the root of the problem. I do personally believe that if all tenants were well mannered, the landlords would be too. But i do not like it when landlords do not eat their own costs, and instead pass them on to good tenants. 


    This case here looks like a 500 baht cleanup job. Cry me a river, sounds like landlord made out with the deposit to me. 

    • Like 1
  8. Oh the troubles of a landlord, who all the regulations seem to favor in my opinion. Ever had something replaced in a Thai apartment, like a section of pipe or a drain. They usually charge you, the tenant! Not to mention the way they deduct from deposits for nothing a good 20% of the places I have stayed.


    Give someone 500 baht to clean this up and find another tenant. Seriously, woes me. Poor Thai landlords have it so tough. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    If 80% don't pay tax, that makes non tax payers the average Thai.

    Or are you too illiterate to understand the word 'average'?

    You just said (above) "80% [of Thais] don't pay tax". 


    It is so difficult to take you seriously. Any Thai who has ever bought something in a 7-11 has paid tax. 


    You seem to be a numbers guy. But, oh, what a surprise, all the numbers you look up are in your favor. 


    Find this number: how much of the total Thai tax burden rests with Thais, and how much rests with foreigners? 


    You will find all the answers you need right within that number. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    My gf has never paid any income tax, and none of her pals or family have either.

    Less than 20% of the Thai population ever pays income taxes.

    You missed the word "average". That was a very important word to comprehend there.


    And there are expats who pay no income tax too. So what is your point? 


    Look, point blank... if you can't answer i am done, there is no point. Who pays the vast majority of Thai taxes, Thais or expats?


    If you are too proud to answer that then fine. The answer is obvious, and those are the folks let into parks at a lower price. If you want to do something silly like check tax forms before entering a park, then say so, but as it stands the dual pricing makes perfect sense considering the fact that Thais pay the vast majority of Thai taxes.

  11. 9 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    First you say, that it´s not possible to compare Thai government owned parks with private owned shops. Then I show you, that private owned businesses do the same. 


    Then you talk about tax what Thais pay and I show you that most Thais pay no tax. Then you wrote you mean sales tax. 


    Mr. Somchai makes 14,334 Baht per month https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages  He buys his fruits and vegetables and other stuff at the market without sales tax. I spend 100,000 Baht per month for travelling in Thailand, restaurants, shopping and so on. Plus I bought a multi million Baht house, a 1.4 million Baht car (every 4 - 5 years a new one), expensive furniture and a build-in kitchen for 200,000 Baht and much more. What do you think who is paying more taxes, what kind ever? Me during 10 years in Thailand or Somchai in his whole life? 

    Anybody can pick and choose. Is there a Thai citizen who exists that pays less taxes than an expat? lol. That is not the question buddy. Anyway, I could pick an expat who pays 0 tax and a Thai who pays a ton of tax. So what? All that matters is that the average Thai pays Thai taxes a lot longer. Anyway, even if they did it how you say and people brought in tax statements to the park you would be complaining that is too cumbersome. 


    You were the one who brought up private businesses when you mentioned the noodle stand, not me. 


    This is your thread! Read the topic. It is about a national park. If you want to start another one on private businesses, go ahead, but like i said they charge different rates in every country for things like college tuition. I am not sure you can read at this point to be honest. 


    Look, you obviously do not read. Just read this: you just said....

    "i show you that most Thais pay no tax".

    No! No, you most certainly did not show me that in any way. There is sales tax in thailand! How many Thais do you know who do not go into 7-11?. 


    Your statements are barely making it past third grade intelligence levels. 

  12. 11 hours ago, simon43 said:

    He is eligible and treatment is free from day 1. All he has to do is formally state that he is returning permanently to live in the UK.

    Even if he had to pay 1000% you still just return home. 


    I suppose i am just of a different opinion on this stuff. Silly me, I am potentially dying i am not going to spend a second worrying about hospital bills, especially to a country i have paid taxes to all my life. 

  13. 11 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

    It makes no sense at all to me! I have paid National Insurance contributions for 46 years and still pay UK income tax on my pension, and yet because I am now resident in Thailand, I am no longer entitled to NHS treatment if I ever return for a holiday. However, others who have contributed far less, some who have never worked,  are allowed free treatment. So unfair. Hope things work out for Kevin.

    In his shoes, what are they going to do if you show up at a hospital. Treat him, right?


    That is all that matters. Worry about the bill later, my god. This is someone potentially dying here. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    Still wrong in so many ways and I am bored to explain it to you. So I let you think I am wrong and you feel better.

    People who can't explain how others are wrong are usually wrong themselves. 


    Mr. Somchai who was born in Thailand, has three Thai children, and will live his entire life here will pay much more sales and other types of Thai taxes than the average foreigner. Much more. So, paying a little less when he goes to a government run facility like a park is perfectly reasonable. But people fueled by bias like yourself just refuse to see it. 

  15. 16 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    Wrong in so many ways. A Thai has to earn more than 150,000 Baht per year to pay tax in Thailand. So all the Thais who are working as a waitress, salesman and so on never pay taxes.


    What´s with the foreigner who works in Thailand and pays taxes? What´s with foreigners from Myanmar, Cambodia and so on they work in Thailand, earn 300 - 400 Baht per day and have to pay the 300 Baht foreign entrance fee?


    Sea World, Art In Paradise in Chiang Mai, Floating Market in Ayutthaya, etc. are private owned businesses and they charge foreigners more. Not only government owned national parks.

    THere is sales tax in Thailand. 


    as I said, foreigners who pay tax, on averge, do so on a much shorter timeline than Thais. You logic is flawed, fueled by emotion, believe me. You are the epitome of biased.


    There are also programs where foreigners get their sales tax back at the airport. 


    Your own country has private enterprises like colleges who charge more as well. I remember disneyland had a "drivers license from state xxx get in for $20" period. The list could go on but it is boring. 


    You are wrong. Get over it and move on. 

  16. On 11/2/2019 at 2:04 AM, CNXexpat said:

    Right, I also can afford it. But I am not a fan of paying 600% more than a Thai. If a noodle soup stall would ask for 300 Baht foreigner price instead of 50 Baht for a Thai, I also wouldn´t pay these 250 Baht more. I also refuse the 400 Baht entrance fee for foreigners at the San Khampaeng hot spring instead of the 50 Baht for Thais. That´s 8 times more. 

    You are comparing a noodle stand, a privately owned business, to a government funded park. That is flawed logic.


    The park is funded largely by tax dollars. Thais pay tax their entire lives, while foreigners probably average much less than their entire lives. 


    It is perfectly logical, and the Thais have a perfectly legit argument to charge more. 

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