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Posts posted by illiterate

  1. This is not simple at all. Some of the CHinese based products are sold on lazada and they are insanely cheap and they are real. If it was nike or similar of course it is probably fake then. 


    You can get some items for half price on lazada compared to the US. Everyone assumes they are fakes but not all are. if you want a sure thing go with lazmall stuff or buy from cheap sellers where all the thais buy from and leave good reciews. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Time to grow said:

    Suit yourself. You can listen to the scientists or not, it's completely up to you. You want to pit the likes of a Mercer Family shill, Tony Heller, against NASA, be my guest. I would make the argument that we are in this predicament precisely because a general public refused to listen to the scientists warnings in the first place. You want to pit the likes of a Mercer Family shill, Tony Heller, against NASA, be my guest. You and Trump will learn the hard way.

    The problem with many of the things you are saying is science does not have a clue. They can guess, but a bunch of experts can also guess which way the stock market will turn tomorrow too. Science is effective when they test and run thousands of successful trials, say with penicillin or something silimar. 


    We do not have trials with sea level rising. People are trying to predict major changes on way too short a time scale, and they do not have ANY comparable models. For example, when was the last time in the earth's history a group of humans expelled enough co2 gasses into the atmosphere to affect climate?


    It is unprecedented. 


    One problem humans have is they feel safe when they think they understand stuff. We do not understand this. It is picking which way the stock market will go. Pretending like humans know what is going to happen is just sticking your head in the sand. They make their best guess, do what they can, and go back to the drawing board when they are wrong. 

  3. 3 hours ago, peterkroll said:

    It is not at the same level as 1990. After the beginning of industrialisation, sea levels started to raise slowly.

    From 1880 until today average sea levels raised by 25 cm, of that by 10 cm since 1990.


    We know now, that the increase is growing exponentially, not evenly. And the predictions are still not precise but they are getting more precise with every year.


    Another thing, the increase is not distributed evenly around the globe. Some cities such as Jakarta are already highly affected. Go there and watch the 1.60 m waterwalls they build. The water is a few cm below the top, of course which is partially because Jakarta is sinking.


    Bangkok had far lesser floods in 1995, the first year I came for business. Scientists universally agree that Asia will be most affected.




    It is allegedly rising about an inch every 8 years. I do not personally think these measurements are getting any more accurate. What made you say that? Truth is, we are not very good at predicting or measuring these things. I know we all like to tell ourselves otherwise. 


    The guy who sounded like he was half drunk was probably correct in my opinion. Things like this happen very "slowly", even if you assume human acceleration. We live under 100 years, so we base "slowly" off that number, but really major changes only happen on times scales in 10 or even 100's of thousands of years. 


    The drunk guy was right, I would say infrastructure would be able to  effectively counteract levels we are currently experiencing. 



  4. Right, there is more to the story. And that "more" is that the government has basically declared cash illegal. If you do not believe me try getting pulled over in a car with a few hundred bucks on you. You will practically be indicted. 


    Carrying cash is not a crime. This is just how the governments do their shakedowns, and then all the sheople get behind them and say things like "I never have that much cash on me when i go to work". 

    • Like 2
  5. On 10/16/2019 at 2:53 PM, john terry1001 said:

    OK, have read this bit




    Can't find this bit quoted anywhere in the police order


    So you got the exact opposite answer to Tanochi when he asked at both his local Imm Office and the Immigration call centre in Bangkok.


    So this really shows the answer you and Tanochi got is still just speculation. One of the official replies you both received as got to be wrong.

    That may be true, but when you corroborate what he has said with what ubon joe had been stating, it is enough man. You are not going to get much more solid info that that. Relax. 

  6. 3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    Can anyone else say glass bottles please.


    Not only will itvsave the environment but it will give poor people another means of income

    It is a better, more flavorful product too. For whatever reason they use actual sugar in the bottles and not the corn syrup or whatever it is. 

    • Like 1
  7. I think you are right when you say they do not care. They never have though. Why should they?


    I think you are right and wrong when you day things are changing. Things are changing a bit, but if you look at the changes calmly, you will notice a pattern. He changes are counteracting abuses! Too many foreigners staying here on ED visas and not getting an education - crackdown. And the list goes on like that. 


    Another way to state that above paragraph, is that there are a few changes happening, but it is the result of our own actions and abuses. You can't throw rocks around all day and start complaining when a few windows break. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/17/2019 at 8:30 AM, DoctorG said:

    There are members of both parties who are warmongers/beholden to the military manufacturing regime.

    Of course there are! That is the point, both sides only cater to the rich and powerful, and the country (and things like wars) is run accordingly. In fact, I would argue dems are worse. But, that is beside the point.


    How can we stop warmonger proliferators from wasting tax dollars, and creating more enemies for us while they do it? Simple, elect candidates who do not accept pac money, as i said previously. 


    This is the next big step Americans need to take. It will be better than a revolution, because it is change for the better without bloodshed. So simple too. 

  9. 15 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Under 50 lived here since 2001. Home here, wife, dogs, many vehicles, etc


    Now running a business outside of the kingdom and travel monthly or so. 


    Can't get a multiple entry in the country of my passport, can't extend, etc etc. 


    Sure there's always ways, but it's slightly rediculous how difficult it has become for a legit, newly 2 decade resident, well off married man, to continue to visit his home.



    When you fly here could you not stop at one of the cities that issue non-o's? 


    That is pretty drastic I will admit. I do not understand why they stopped the flow of non o in UK. I wonder if it is possible they simply felt too many were being issued at that location. 




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    • Confused 1
  10. I feel like i am reading comments to a different thread. 


    He stated right off the bathe showed up without the original. I think it is wise to put the comments about others he had aside as he had no idea of their situation.


    As for his situation, he did not have the correct documentation. Of course you are going to have trouble. But if you read some of the replies in here the sky is falling. If an expat shows up there tomorrow, well dressed, all required docs, i am giving 20 to 1 he gets through completely unscathed. 

    • Like 2
  11. I had a Thai speaker say "doo kaao" to me, for something like watch tv, or turn on tv? 


    Any explanation on this usage, I could not find anything on it in my reference. Is kaao a common tv reference or...? 

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