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Everything posted by Adiudon

  1. I did a bit of reading earlier this month on usafructs and Thai procedures following the death of a wife or girlfriend while living in her house and found out what I thought could be a problem for some people. If the girlfriend was childless and died without a will the assets would transfer to her parents, if the girlfriend had 1 child then the assets would be divided 50/50 between the child and parents, 2 or more children then divided equally between them only. Attached is a downloadable usafruct form, fill it in take it to your local land office and go from there would be my first step. usufruct_draft_contract.pdf
  2. I had a similar issue last week when I tried to get a new ATM card from Krungsri (a Debit all ATMs card for 480b). I had to do all the paperwork to update my passport number on that visit then return for the new card this week. I asked for my photo to be taken at the same time just to get it out of the way. All in all about 20 documents to sign and add my telephone number to.
  3. I've seen the amount of pus that a boil or carbuncle contains curtesy of the videos, these to me were different, no discharge or huge amounts of pus just a collection of white blood cells before the scab formed. Yes, new strains of bacteria our western bodies have not been previously exposed to I think, I haven't suffered since my last infections so they will go away with time. Same with mine in my armpit I seemed to get a bout of them, started off with 1 but eventually had maybe 4 in total, I put it down to the friction between my arm and body spreading the bacteria but it could have been in my blood as you say. Good luck in your healing.
  4. 100% not a boil, these infections don't fill with pus or burst, they just swell and be very painful, then heal and subside.
  5. I will just add, don't bother picking, prodding or squeezing it because nothing will ever come out of it, it will be open and sore then scab over, the scab will come off and you will be left with a dent. That was the way all mine went.
  6. Mate I feel your pain ! I have had exactly the same as you are showing/describing, it's just a bacterial infection, nasty but it clears up. I had the first "spot" around 2020 on my lower back, where the waistband of my shorts contact my skin. I had been doing some concreting in my garden here in Thailand and an ant or something must have bitten me allowing the infection in, tried squeezing it but nothing would come out of it eventually after 5-6 days it cleared up. The second time I had them was probably a year or so later, this time in my armpits and the side of my chest, these was definitely from ant bites as I felt them bite while I was gardening, these ones where worse and I had a course of antibiotics to help clear them up, same time frame as the first single spot, 5-6 days to begin to get better. I could feel that the bites where infected again because of the pain, not the usual bite/spot pain but a deeper sharper stabbing pain. I treat future bites with alcohol straight away and keep them covered with a plaster/bandaid until they go down, doing this I have not suffered with the large infected spots you show in your pictures since. The infected nose I put down to the same bacteria entering the area after I plucked some nasal hairs. Hopefully the your doctor will identify the bacteria and a course of antibiotics will cure you, but you will probably always have an indentation as the infection goes quite deep.
  7. I've just bought a 2 year old 110i wave for 36k with 10k km, top spec model, from Nat motor sales, the price for a new one was 45,700 same spec, this is the list price from Honda. The models without mag wheels, electric start and front disc brake are around 6-7000b less. I shopped around as I always do but prices where the same regardless of the condition and milage of the bikes, I was told later that the second hand price is set by Honda. The Honda website has the current models, specs and list prices.
  8. Download and use Grab, I paid 450b for a 30km ride a few weeks ago from the airport, at 19:30.
  9. I own an old Ford, a 15 year old Focus that I bought cheap with a few problems 5 years ago. I am a mechanic so it wasn't a problem to fix but finding the parts local to my area was, but a quick search of Lazada found everything I needed, either here or from China. When I was asking around locally for parts it was amusing to see how scared the Thai mechanics or shop workers were about anything other than the usual common makes of vehicles, other than basic items the answer was always no, no have. One of the best sources of information I found which could help your search is joining a Thai based facebook group for your vehicle, (there is one I looked) you could be lucky and find a competent repairer close to your area.
  10. I had a molar removed a few months ago at the local hospital close to where I live in rural Udon, it cost the grand sum of 255b, reciept breakdown was 200b for the dentist, 50b for the assistant and 5b for the 2 paracetomol. I was in and out within 45 minutes, professional and efficient process, probably the best service I have recieved here or back in the UK.
  11. Thanks guys, I would have been entering the number of my original O visa number on the TM6. I've struggled to find any info on re entering.
  12. I have looked on here & around the web for my answers but cannot find the info I want. I am returning to Thailand after a trip back to the UK, first time using a re-entry permit on my current retirement extension of an O visa. My 90 day report was due late June, while I was out of the country. I will stay 1 night in a hotel near the airport then fly up to Udon the day after (Saturday). Do I need to report to Udon immigration and just do a normal 90 day report on the Monday? or will I have to provide the girlfriends ID, house book plus copies etc to prove my address again?. Thanks for any information given.
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