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Everything posted by Adiudon

  1. My sister, who has been double jabbed in Dubai (well quadruple jabbed as she was part of the trials in Dubai last year). She returned to UK and still had to isolate for 10 days, this isolation started when she reached her home after landing in Heathrow, travelling by tube to Kings Cross, then train up north 250 miles? seems pointless to me. A friend returning to the UK from the Philippines without any vaccinations didn't want to do the quarantine in a UK hotel so choose to stay in Dubai for the required 10 days, then return to the UK with the same isolation rules as my sister. My sister did the full 10 days in isolation, but her husband who returned later will pay for the test and hopefully be released earlier. In the 10 days no one contacted my sister to verify she was isolating in her home but they called her husband after 2 days.
  2. 100% true. The HMMMV uses 70 year old technology and is very basic, the MRAPs they had were the first edition, no more technical than the International truck chassis it is built on albeit with added armour, this model is on its 6th generation and doubt very much that any of these newer models where left behind. The drawdown started in 2014 when OP Enduring Freedom ended and Resolute Support mission started, and since then huge numbers of vehicles and equipment had been shipped back to the US, Germany and other places. I find it hard to believe that anything that was given to the Afghans will hold any value other than eventually scrap metal, and these will be left to rot away scattered around the country, as the Russian helicopters and armoured vehicles from the 80s are. The monetary cost to US tax payers money is another story.
  3. I have spent a fair few years in Afghanistan, both within the confines of large relativly safe bases and outside on ANA bases, latterly I was involved in training the Afghan National Army how to repair the military vehicles that had been gifted to them from the US (mostly HMMMVs & Ford Rangers but a few M1224 MRAPs) The ANA were on the most part incompetent and illiterate but willing to learn, I never had any confidence in them being able to repair the vehicles fully or withstand a prolonged battle with a aggressive enemy without back up from the US or ISAF. I agree that the troops needed to be withdrawn but think the bases of Kandahar and Bagram should of remained in US/ISAF control until the withdrawl was completed fully.
  4. Definatly sounds like a loose connection or something connection breaking down when warm or vibrating. An OBDII reader could narrow down the search to what system is loosing the power but I would start by checking all connections and plugs that are accessable. With all electrical power being lost it points to a main feed, battery, alternator, fuse box or vehicle modules. OBDII readers are available on Lazada for 100B plug in and connect via wifi to your phone.
  5. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hitachi-itc-i1332758445-s3329382469.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:12654756915!117524295342!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!3329382469!142610486&gclid=CjwKCAjw3_KIBhA2EiwAaAAlik3iuMI0WD8Dy69psLWNfGf9dV1vXjBa0_WJ9C1bf892TQWP8FkuixoCp4MQAvD_BwE I do not know if this is the correct model of pump but it shows the blow up of the parts.
  6. The switch will unscrew of the diaphragm housing below it, remove the cap then the wires, unscrew the switch then the cap will come off after removing the 3 screws, might need some PTFE tape on the threads when refitting. I would buy a new diaphragm and some tape before removing as its a good chance its damaged. Obviously turn the leccy off before prodding about with a screwdriver.
  7. I have a 5 year old Hitachi pump that I have repaired before, a leaking air bleed diaphragm, the parts needed I got from Lazada after a bit of searching. I started with a search of a part number off of a part on the pump and narrowed it down from there, might take a bit of time but eventually you'll find the correct joint or o ring for it.
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