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Everything posted by LivingNThailand

  1. Happened to a couple I new about 6-7 years ago. They didn't want to spring for the 800,000 in the bank so kept coming in as tourists every 90 days. One day coming in to Thailand the IO told them that it was their last time as tourists. So they had to cough up the 800,000.
  2. I was at Phuket immigration last week. The Russians (and Ukrainians) are asking for a 7 day extension, which they can. Some are coming back for another 7 day extension and are told they have to leave. They are asking if they leave (Malaysia, Cambodia, etc.) can they come back? Can they? I think they can, but how many times can they leave and come back as tourists? (They were all in their 20s and 30s) It was a bloody mess at immigration. I hope immigration is formulating a plan to deal with this, because they will keep bouncing around until immigration puts a stop to it. (I was just trying to sort out a TM30 for my annual. Found out I was okay, but I was not happy being in that same room. It was hysterical. I prefer the civilized room for retirees, students and teachers ???? )
  3. Legally they need a lot of credentials to operate. I had a friend that had a legal small school in chalong. There was a lot of paperwork and inspections involved. Very hard to do. This school needs to be reported. If you can.
  4. They're pinned to the top of this forum... https://aseannow.com/topic/981135-laws-regulations-police-orders-etc/#comment-17706004 I read the TM30 new rules a while back. But what about item #4 4. Notification of receiving an alien to stay as a resident according to the article 3, shall be in accordance with the criteria, conditions and supporting documents as prescribed by Immigration Bureau. What is the criteria and conditions? Every 3 years? Anywhere I can find criteria and conditions?
  5. And they don’t get any money for the TM 30 Why ask ?
  6. Ok. But the do you have to register you address tm30 every three years? I have a lot of retired people in my neighborhood. Anyone can provide immigration rules.
  7. Good one. BTW, apparently Phuket immigration isn't enforcing their "dress code" for foreigners anymore. There were a lot of boobs and butts. OMG ???? Did I say that?
  8. exactly. That is why the 90 day guy in the drive through was confused. He finally gave in and gave me a stamp. What are you going to do? If the clerk at room 103 says you got to do it..... If I get a nice guy tomorrow when I do my renewal I will ask. but I'm not hopeful. I was hoping to find something in writing to keep in my immigration book.
  9. I went for my extension of stay for retirement today at Phuket immigration and the clerk at Room 103 said since I had not left the country in over 3 years (covid) that I had to re-register my address TM30 in Room 101. I thought I had all the information with me, but after waiting in an over crowded room for 40 minutes, I was missing a piece of paper from my landlord. Luckily I got it by 1:00pm and was able to go back to the drive through to re-register. (2 people told me I could do drive through for the TM30) The drive through guy, who is the 90 day drive through guy and I see him every 90 days, asked me, are you at same place... yes. He looked very confused. I kept saying they said I need a new piece of paper because it's been 3 years. Finally he went inside, probably looked up my history of 90 days, and stamped the old piece of paper with a new date. Didn't need all the paperwork I had. I research the requirements for visa extension every year and never have seen a 3 year limit on the TM30. My question is, do you really have to re-register you address TM30 every 3 years if you don't leave the country? This does not make any sense to me, but this is Thailand. Thank you.
  10. I have had only problems with clothing from US and Singapore for duties. Usually carriers collect but I did have to go down to the tax office once in phuket town. I just wanted to make sure my good deal stayed a good deal. I think I’m good and will order them up. Thank you everyone.
  11. From the Zenni website "about us": Doesn’t everyone deserve to look good while wearing an affordable pair of glasses? Thus Zenni was born in the San Francisco Bay Area - a natural fit in the home of forward-thinking, tech-savvy companies. American company, but made in China....at least that is what they say.....???? A lot of American companies have their stuff made in China. Thanks for that input. I've only had problems with tax with shoes, clothes and bags. So I send anything I need or want to a friend in California and they send them to me "used". It's worked so far.
  12. I have a book with at least 5 extra copies of everything. It comes in handy sometimes.
  13. Zenni is what I am considering. Thanks for the input. Regular mail is always good. Fedex is not so good as far as duties go. I guess I'll give it a go. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks, but this is a US company, not a Chinese company. My brother has been ordering glasses from them for years and years and have a 100% guarantee. I was just worried about the duty, not really the glasses.
  15. I want to buy some eye glasses online from the US. My progressive glasses cost me 15,000 THB here in Thailand and only about 5,000 THB if I order them on-line from a US company (which has been highly recommended by some friends and relatives). I'm not sure if they mailing address will be a US address or China (because I believe they are made in China). My question is does the Thai government charge duty on eye glasses? And if so, how much? Or can you direct me to a website with this information? I know, even if they charge duty it will be cheaper, but I don't want to hassle the tax office if possible. Thank you for your help.
  16. In the past two months I cannot believe what I have witnessed on the roads in South Phuket. It is absolute mayhem,. Now the Thais drive crazy and the majority don't look when they are turning or entering a traffic lane, but I agree that there is a basic understanding of the craziness by people that live here. The tourists have no regard whatsoever to anyone around them except themselves. The weaving in and out. passing in between cars, looking at their cellphones, I can't believe I haven't seen more accidents. I even saw one lady drinking a bottle beer on a motor bike. People are walking around looking like mummys at the shopping centers. If I was to wage a guess I would think that the 500 tourist accidents are 500 REPORTED accidents. I would think it would be much higher by what I see. And the article doesn't even mention deaths. I'm sure there has been more than a few. Driving around Phuket the past two months has been miserable. I'm afraid I'm going to hit one of these crazy people. It wasn't this bad before the pandemic with 40 million tourists (nation wide). What is wrong with these people. Are these the high end tourists the government wanted? huh! Sorry for the rant, but I don't think it's going to get better until a lot more people die and it's reported internationally. Maybe, and I say maybe, they will try to do something. But unfortunately I doubt it.
  17. Not yet. He's going to get a 60 day tourist visa and get a bank account when he gets here. That part is okay. It's already set up from the USA to transfer. Thanks for all your help.
  18. Thanks. hahaha. The links to the Non-O are "not found". (I wonder why?) Anyway, That's okay. I have enough now for my friend. He was worried about the money being in the bank long enough for the non-O. Appreciate the prompt replies. It's been a big help. ????
  19. Thanks. I have been reading and reading. I got 20,900,000 hits on the topic and I thought it might be easier to ask the "experts" than look at all 21 million pages. ???? Thanks a million or two!
  20. Thanks, but what about the money? How long does it have to be in the bank BEFORE you apply for the non-O?
  21. I got my Non-O (retirement) in Penang back in the day you had to leave the country to receive it. I have searched the web, but can't find the answer for this question. A friend wants to get a Non-O (Retirement) visa here in Phuket and do everything in Thailand. What are the requirements to get the Non-O here? 1. Can he apply for the Non-O within the 30 (45) day tourist visa? Or does he have to extend another 30-60 days? 2. When does he put the money in the bank (800,000 THB) ? How long does it have to be in the bank before he gets the Non-O? 3. How long does the money have to be in the bank before he converts to the Extension of stay? 4. Any other details he may need to know. From what I understand he has to have the money in the bank 1-2 months before he converts and he converts about 2-3 weeks before the Non-O visa expires. Sorry if this has been discussed before, but when both of us search the web the answers are all over the board and I can't find anything about Non-O on the Phuket Volunteer Website. Thank you for your help.
  22. Earlier today I was in a certain boutique grocery store in Phuket and the clerks were in a state of dismay, shock and disbelief . Not Happy. And this is only day 1 for the direct flights.
  23. I think Trump did. Not sure.
  24. I just looked at the website and it seems to have changed a bit. I didn't want to fill out the form to see if the information is at the end. You used to be able to email the american embassy in bangkok at (I emailed them July 2021 and they responded) but now there is a different ambassador so maybe things changed? [email protected] but right now all I see is a contact form on the website. You do have to dig a bit on their website. Good luck.
  25. Yes there is a payee, but I don't remember what it is. There are very detailed instructions on the American Embassy in Thailand website. Check it out, it's very specific. Good luck, Chock Di
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