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Everything posted by LivingNThailand

  1. I read the news clip in several newspapers. It was the sensationalizing headline that is bad ????. Thailand sees 29,000 daily COVID infections since June 25 Trying to scare the public into thinking there is a bad surge of Covid when lots of people that have had covid just stay home and isolate. Covid is here to stay and we don't need scare monger headlines to whip people into a frenzy. It's bad enough already.
  2. And in another story I read: Cases soared especially in Phuket Phuket News reported 28 cases today. ???? Soaring?
  3. I just read the BKK Post and they say 2,084 cases today ? Sounds like a conspiracy to me. ????
  4. 9.3 million tourists or 9.3 million ARRIVALS. I know a family of 6 that are RETURNING this month. Are they counted as tourists? I think so. When my family leaves and comes back in December will we be counted as tourists? I think so. Yes, you think they would have a better system by now.
  5. I was replying to this On 6/23/2022 at 9:33 AM, sandyf said: I'm scratching my head trying to remember when was the last time I saw one of those used. When I said I hadn't seen one since 1973...the old imprint devices. Big metal devices that you had to push and pull the carbon paper forms through.....And when was the last time you saw some carbon paper..... I guess I'm really dating myself, but we only had 4 TV channels back then. ????????
  6. I'm scratching my head trying to remember when was the last time I saw one of those used. 1973 when I had my first job in retail after I graduated from high school. Never saw them after that.
  7. I showed my BKK Bank debit card to a rent-a-car company about 3 years ago in California and they said they wouldn't take it. My name had to be printed on the front (or back now a days) I had another card with my name on it so it wasn't an issue. I paid cash for everything else because I'm used to it. Not sure if you walked up to an airline counter and tried to buy a ticket at the airport if they would take it. I kind of doubt it. On line no problem. I didn't even think you could get a debit card here with your name on it, but I will ask next time.
  8. Some of the Thai people have embraced the mask with passion and will keep wearing them forever. There's even a Thai women in my neighborhood that still walks with a shield (like that ever did any good). But no one else walks with a mask in the morning walk. I'm okay with wearing a mask in stores, but it will be really nice when I can have a conversation with a clerk without both of us wearing masks and talking through a plexiglass shield. If people want to wear a mask forever, I'm okay with that. But it's time to let the rest of us make a choice too. It's all about control. That is very obvious. And probably the big companies that have invested in them.
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