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Posts posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. 7 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    Those suggestions have worked really well in India, Brazil, and mexico

    And the lockdowns worked amazing in the UK — 127k deaths with some of the harshest restrictions and lockdowns. Up until recently was in the top 5 highest covid cases and deaths in the world. Even with full-measure lockdowns.


    Here’s something you may want to read up on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking

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  2. 26 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Where in Bangkok is it packed as you say. Every morning and evening we are out. Unless it's during the morning time when people go to work and then the evening when they return. The streets for the most part have been empty, we can run on Rama 4 around the outside of Lumpini park, up ploenchit to Sukhumvit and back with very few people especially in the evenings between 6 and 8 when we go at night.  Last night a 2 hour jog up and around and even walking through Central World it was fairly deserted, even inside and we walked out at 8pm. True the gyms could be opened as well as the pools and parks.  Even ran down Soi Cowboy and back out to Soi 23 and up sukhimvit on Friday, no bars open and no crowds anywhere.  Maybe I am living in an alternate universe Bangkok.




    Sukhumvit. That’s where I wanted to live because it’s close to everything I want; modern shopping centers, BTS, food courts, and my Gym. Basically, I don’t own a car here and need everything I want to be within walking or mass transit distance, so I chose the Onnut area.. it’s busy and bustling but I don’t really need to go far for whatever I do, but if I want to go for a walk on the main drag it’s hell on earth, which is why I joined a gym.


    Nice photos, by the way ????

  3. Better keep gyms closed but keep mass transit open with literally ZERO changes. No queue system to stagger the number of riders, it’s business as usual packed like sardines. 

    Sidewalk stalls and cramped makeshift drinking spots and 7/11 sidewalk Bars open off the main sois still open. Tiny 7/11s where you are bumping into everyone still open. God forbid someone might want to visit a gym to relieve some mind numbing boredom and stay fit though...Even though there’s actually good evidence to suggest that gyms are one of the least virus spreading venues when sanitation practices are followed.


    Who needs exercise? That’s not essential. Sitting down at MK restaurants that are always packed solid and eating roasted duck and waiting in a 15 person queue in a parking garbage definitely is, though. That’s essential. Eating at an over-capacity KFC at lunch hour is definitely essential.


    Just go exercise outside, plebeian. It’s definitely not crowded in Bangkok and jogging on the streets definitely isn’t a nightmare and it’s bloody hot outside anyway with unevenly paved roads and psychopaths riding motorcycles on sidewalks.


    It’s both infuriating and hilarious to see everything crumble within a couple of months period. Like literally seeing the Junta panic and institute overzealous measures while the numbers still climb, while I can’t do <deleted> except chill out all day or go exercise in the blistering heat with a mask restricting my breathing. 


    Guess I’m going to be investing into an indoor cardio machine of some sort. Gyms will not open anytime soon.. because gyms are what caused this third wave, definitely not an alcohol fueled holiday that wasn’t necessary at all, especially before mass vaccinations took place.


    Just open up the god damn Gyms and I’ll shut up forever.????


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  4. 12 minutes ago, fleccer said:

    In other words, the restrictions has caused far more damage than the virus. Well I think there's no doubt about that now

    I wouldn’t say “far more” but it’s quantifiable that the effects of lockdown and fear mongering by the media for profit, have had an impact upon the collective mental health of society.


    A big issue, is the response to the threat compared to the threat itself. Seriously, banning ALL indoor dining because of a virus that greater than 98% people will fully recover from? Closing parks, gyms, curfews, etc. It’s nothing more than fear mongering.  Just sit in your house all day for years or longer until the virus magically disappears.  Because that’s what viruses do, they just go away magically.  Nevermind that widespread vaccination of the “vanilla” flu viruses didn’t stop the flu, and over half a million die from it every year even with full on, mass vaccinations. 

    Also, Who in their right mind will ever take a job working at a restaurant or a gym again? Your entire livelihood can be taken away on a whim. Who will ever become a pilot again? 

    If you aren’t prepared to pay people at least 70% of their monthly wages while you expect or nigh-force them to stay home all day with mind numbing boredom, don’t be surprised when a lot of them start to oppose the idea that some pseudo-intellectual in some far-off capitol can plan the lives of you, and your family, better than you can plan it yourself.



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  5. 35 minutes ago, fleccer said:

    Seriously, this thing is not to be underestimated, they are obsessed with the goal of being better than the others in the world in fighting this virus, which make them dangerous

    By using a backwards mindset that doesn’t fit the gold standard that Most first world countries enjoy, — the ultimate in individual freedoms that is consistent with law and order. 


    It’s no different from outlawing booze and then saying “look, we have the least amount of alcohol consumption in the world! We are number 1!”


    That’s what these clowns don’t realize, nobody civilized is going to praise you because you initiated a brutal crackdown, knee jerk restrictions and over zealous lockdown measures to get numbers under control, because it’s ends don’t justify the means. You achieved this position by instituting a system that causes economic devastation, deaths-of-despair including suicide, drug and alcohol overdoses and addictions, crime, and even more crippling poverty and unemployment. 


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  6. On 5/21/2021 at 9:27 PM, Pravda said:



    In Canada I can't kick the tenant out even if the lease is over. 


    I am forced to rent month to month, not raise rent and have to pay tenant one month rent in case I want the place back for my own use. Under no other circumstances I can kick the tenant out.


    Oh, but you are in Thailand.


    Tough luck. 

    Hahaha it’s so true. It’s funny how guys on here think common first world courtesies and common sense, renter’s rights apply to what is essentially a third world country, especially if you are a foreigner. Foreigners make up a huge percent of the economy here and account for some of the lowest crime statistics, yet they are treated like dirt because of ingrained xenophobia and “THAILAND #1” mentalities.


    Living here is Bittersweet ???? If I took on a contract back home and was rejected without good reason, I would have all kinds of rights and the owner would be punished. Just remember, the United States, and Canada, is not Thailand. They don’t give a hot-turd about you.

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  7. 19 hours ago, realfunster said:

    Some nasty business ! They seemed to have been making a <deleted>-ton of money.

    If I was RPT, I would think that keeping an eye on purchases of super cars and doing a little digging now and again might reveal some interesting things...


    Anyway, my wife constantly tells me I am wasting my life playing computer games but thanks to Call of Duty, I can identify that pictured gun as a fennec.

    Rapid fire rate but inaccurate as hell, that's just as well for RPT, whom I hope make a swift recovery. See, games have their uses after all !


    Wrong. That’s a carbine kit that turns a glock into a short barreled rifle. That extra magazine is non fictional, it’s just for storage.

  8. Just now, richard_smith237 said:


    Your argument that that those who take the vaccine are selfish because they believe those who cannot be protected by a vaccine should at least be protected from those who choose not to take a vaccine ???



    Complete unhinged selfish mentality - but its those who refuse a vaccine which that statement better suits. 




    So according to you in other words - the vaccine doesn't work.


    Nice argument???? Are you trying to refute your own point? 


    Boomer-mush-brain strikes again.

  9. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:


    there is another side to that that will also fill up the courts.

    - travellers suing for being infected whilst travelling with unvaccinated travellers

    - Employees suing for being infected by unvaccinated other employees

    - Interviewees suing for getting infected by unvaccinated people doing the interviews.


    Either way you cannot win and the courts will be full for the next 50 years

    Is this satire? So an unvaccinated travelers gets infected from another unvaccinated travel, and thus can sue? How do you not see how ridiculous this is lol? They weren't vaccinationed either so arguably it was their choice to take on the risk of getting covid. You can't sue for that.

  10. 3 hours ago, androokery said:

    This is presumably based on the notion that your body is your own and you should be allowed to decide what happens to it. If it's in a society's best interest to remove an individual from the collective, the collective quite commonly does so, both in democratic and in totalitarian societies. For various reasons and with varying degrees of fairness and logic. 


    If there is a person in a group who insists on being a possible vector for a deadly disease it makes sense for the group to remove that person physically, by sending them to another place or burning them. I'm arguing the principle here, such as if these were medieval times and the bubonic plague was upon us and somehow a very clever person developed a vaccine against it. But we can enjoy cute arguments now, because Covid-19 isn't killing enough people to compare it with medieval plagues. We seem to be fine with allowing individuals to put other people at risk while they seem to be fine with reaping the benefits of the people around them getting vaccinated. You don't want to be vaccinated. Fine. Leave society. Take the other needle-shy people with you to St Helena. Or anywhere but here. 

    Greater than 99% survival rate. What a deadly disease.

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