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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. What has Italy done for the world other than the so called discovery or "pizza"

    Canned spaghetti :) ?

    That, it seems, was an American contribution to the culinary arts. You might perhaps want to propose that TV members vote for it on a Miele Guide poll of some kind. :D

  2. . . . If Blinky Bill is there, just go up to him and call him a big girl's blouse. . . .

    From what I have heard about one past TV party at Tuskers, a little girl's blouse might be more accurate.

    I can say that now that Blinky has promised not to be at the next party.

  3. So, my insanity thread was slammed shut for being "nonsensical" but the BJ thread lives on?

    Yes, I was laughing about that too. But then, one should consider the possibility that there might be a difference between the given reason and the real reason.

  4. But if we . . . were back in farang land and made an effort to pass the time of day . . . in many many cases we would be told exactly in what direction to take ourselves.

    And that would be the market at work, as I suggested earlier.

  5. Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that IanForbes, john b good and others, when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.

  6. Why is this turning into a slanging match? . . . Didn't realise that on this forum you even get shot down for saying thanks!!

    You know Tuskers well, but you're just beginning to learn about the TV Chiangmai Forum. :)

  7. . . . outside the city all the young women were topless and . . . during the logging season you could walk across the Ping on teak logs - I would like to have seen that.

    Could you be more specific?

  8. [...]

    Mobile phones were a rarity and a land line had to be ordered 4 years prior to installation.

    Just a nitpicking sidenote: Since the title of the thread is "30 years ago...", mobile phones were not a rarity, they were non-existent.

    If I might nitpick and add a side note to your nitpicking side note, sassienie said in his post that he was talking about the early '90s.

    /Rasseru (with a background in nitpicking)

  9. The guy who established it was Renato, he was the original Italian chef at the Rincome Hotel way, way back. The old fellah died some years ago now.

    His daughter and some of the old staff are doing a very good job of serving the same menu at the Arcobo Leno. Let's take one of your ex wives and daughter there next time you are in town.

    His daughter tells me that her mother does most of the cooking at Arcobaleno. And it's good.

  10. . . . we are talking about foreign restaurants in THAILAND. . .

    There is a disconnect here. I have not gone back to check again, but I could swear that when I went on the Miele Guide site, it referred to the top twenty restaurants in Asia.

  11. I enjoy and admire The Duke's very much, and I would place it well above some of drivel's favourite twenty restaurants in Chiangmai, but drivel is quite right, it is laughable to suggest that The Duke's belongs on a list of the top twenty restaurants in Asia.

  12. What difference does it really make? I can never figure out the guy who wears how many years he has been here like a badge of honor but what surprises me is half of the "I have been here for 25 years" group can't speak read or write Thai, that's just sad.

    Well, just remember, everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

  13. I have been in Thailand over the past 26 years and have worked in about 15 Changwats and travelled extensively through most of the others so, like Ajarn, I do have a little knowledge which is more than I can say for the majority of the posters on this forum.

    Well done, Blinky! And there I was getting all proud of myself for still having only a little knowledge after living here for three years.

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