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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. I am aware that the previous post on this thread was made just over a year ago, but by subject matter it is a good place for me to give this report.

    I decided this year to try to find an air purification device that would let me breathe clean air in my home during the annual period of poor air quality in Chiangmai.

    I started by doing some research on air purifiers. My research was not even close to exhaustive, but I'm comfortable it was enough to let me make some reasonably well-educated decisions. I am not going to run through all of that here, but I thought it might be useful to some if I reported briefly the outcome, with enough information for others to follow up if they wish.

    I bought a free-standing room air purifier by a Swiss company called IQ Air, in part because their products were rated quite highly by Consumer Reports in the United States.

    Finding a place to buy one in Thailand was not hard. I simply found IQ Air's website (iqair dot com) and sent an inquiry to them through a spot they provide for finding out the nearest dealer to where one is located. I recommend that anyone interested do the same.

    The next day I received an email from IQ Air telling me about their sole Thai importer/dealer, located in Bangkok. I also received, the same day, both an email and a telephone call from that same dealer. They were competent and helpful throughout the process, emailing me information about the different models they carry and so on. I picked the one I wanted, deposited the purchase price in their bank account last Thursday and received the device today, mailed to me, as arranged, for pick up at my local post office.

    The dealer also carries replacement filters. Although they last more than a year when used daily (and I'll be using the device for only a couple months of the year, so the filters will last that much longer), I decided to go ahead and order a couple of replacement filters now.

    Happy breathing.

  2. So it was a TV meet and greet? I thought it was a bunch of people in a cricket club.

    Not exactly a TV meet and greet. There was a group of people who knew each other through the TV forum and who gathered at Tuskers by arrangement (their own; nothing was arranged by the TV forum). There was also at least one person there who was in town for a cricket event.

  3. I like that bar...

    I like this restaurant...

    I like tis place...

    I recommend those guys...

    --- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

    But maybe I'm the only one. . . . .

    If you feel that way, why on earth would you open a thread with a title like 'Pleasant Evening At Tuskers'? The only explanation that I can think of is that you affirmatively seek things that you do not like. If that is the case, you are what I would call a very unfortunate person.

    You may not be the only one who dislikes what you think you have found here, but I would hope that you are the only one who wastes his time searching to find that which he dislikes.

  4. Bonjour, M. Hulot.

    On the chance you might have missed it, as I posted it on an another thread where you happened to have left a notable ejaculation (the subsequently embedded 'Darn!' below), I quote here, in less than perfect fashion, an observation I made earlier today.


    I have another 'darn' for you, M. Hulot. I tried to send you a personal message just now, to express my appreciation for your generosity at Tuskers last night, and the following appeared in response:

    This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger.

    This personal message has not been sent

    As a result, my gratitude is now a matter of public record!

  5. Darn!

    I have another 'darn' for you, M. Hulot. I tried to send you a personal message just now, to express my appreciation for your generosity at Tuskers last night, and the following appeared in response:

    This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger.

    This personal message has not been sent

    As a result, my gratitude is now a matter of public record! :o

  6. How about ghost-busting?

    Now you're talking! Do up a red songthaw with the Ghostbusters logo, some flashing lights and a nice noisy siren, hire a couple of monks to give it that authentic flavour, rent ad space on the back on 150 tuk-tuks and wait for the phone to start ringing off the hook. What could go wrong?

    Who wants in....

    And if you can't assemble a team for that, how about being a mendicant monk?

  7. As an addendum to my previous 'suggestion', how about scizofrenchic? Or maybe not....

    Whether he loves it or no, I am a 'scizo'-phobe. Call me, if you like, a schizo-philiac, but could we please have an haitch where it belongs? :o

  8. Unless someone shows up with a great idea before.. let's say today at midnight, Hill16 is the winner.

    I think it's already been taken.

    But Rasseru, the runner up, will also get a well-deserved cold one.

    Now I am in fear.

    In any case, you'll always be Oddjob in my book. :o

  9. This thread amuses me, something like the story of the Hollywood mogul who said to a young starlet, after spending an inordinate amount of time talking about himself: 'But enough about me! . . . . What do you think about me?'

  10. How 'bout Oddjob?

    Historically, it builds phonetically on your soon-to-be previous moniker. Descriptively, it captures you perfectly. Fashionably, it associates you with none other than the suave and world-renowned James Bond. Finally, it would up the ante, in terms of raciness, on your imitator's 'bj'.

    I offer it to you under a ten-year royalty-free license.

  11. Those learned posters who blow hot and cold are driving me crazy. I'll have a beer with my German baker instead. He just called me to say that he survived and will throw a "I don't give a storm" party tomorrow.

    When the pressure's on, always good to go for some German storm-und-drink.

  12. . . . . . the above post is what we call advance warning. The next time I'll come downtown my first beer is on Priceless and the second one on Rasseru.

    You get even some slight spray from your beer on me and you will regret it. I promise.

    Now you scare me. I'll remain sober.

    Ah, but you will regret that even more. I promise. :o

  13. Strong rain, winds and lightning. And along with it, power failure. :o Running on UPS at the moment.

    Just went through a big storm. Power failure. It lasted only 10 minutes but it was quite impressive.

    What's an impressive power failure like?

    / Priceless

    It's exactly like a big storm that lasts ten minutes.

  14. Hoping same thing Greenside. Was quite a short sharp burst (thunder and lightning too, plus a few mini power cuts)here in town, but very refreshing. Fingers crossed for a brighter, bluer, and clearer morning. :o

    Hmmm. I joined the two of you in your hopes, but at 6:50 in the morning, it seems to be neither brighter nor bluer nor clearer. I am left now with the hope that the air itself is much cleaner, and that the smog we had has been replaced by ordinary cloud cover. One fact I hold up in support of this hope is that I can see, through thin cover, the top of Doi Suthep, below which is a band of much thicker cover through which I can see nothing, with the boundary between thin and thick being fairly sharply defined, just as it is with . . . ordinary cloud cover! Well, I can cling to my little hope, at least until someone like Priceless comes along to dash it to the ground.

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