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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. My question is this .. why would a creature have such an offensive call?

    If you are a Creationist then you would have to question the motives of a Superior Being creating such a hideous foul-mouthed beast and if you believe in Evolution you would still have difficulty in explaining how such rudeness could increase your odds of survival - quite the opposite, I'd have thought?

    Any ideas or theories?

    No, a Creationist would not have to do any such thing as question the motive of God in creating a hideous foul-mouthed beast. God, being God, has an infinitely broad sense of humour, one that encompasses even the most wacky jocularity, and the tookay is simply one more manifestation of that.

  2. If I am having wild, uninhibited sex in 32C heat, our slick perspiration is part of the enjoyment, isn't it?

    Or is it just me...? :o

    That depends. Are you having that wild, uninhibited sex with another person, or by yourself? If the former, then it's just you. Otherwise, it still may be just you, but to know the answer, we'd have to have the thoughts of the other person as well.

  3. Sorry if I am wrong. I could have sworn that you told me that you are American. :o

    I'm not trying to be as complicated as it seems I am being. Let me try to be, as some have said, perfectly clear. Legally, I am a citizen of the United States of America. Beyond that technicality, I have and feel no meaningful personal connection to the place. Thus, the people of the place are not, to me, my 'countrymen'. Clear now?

  4. Ah, thanks for that, Rasseru.

    You are always more than welcome, Dustoff.

    Slow as I am, I didn't get that your posts such as your chipping at me on my retirement visa thread, was about anti-American prejudice.

    Whether it is due to your slowness or not, I wouldn't venture to guess, but you have it wrong. Nothing that I wrote on your retirement visa thread had anything to do with prejudice of any kind, anti-American or otherwise. My earlier comment here? Well, maybe a little, but it was meant more in fun than anything else, and I hasten to assure you, and this may take some of the wind out of your sails, that any anti-American prejudice I might sometimes express is really just a tiny subset of my larger anti-human prejudice. :o

    Understood - I suppose we have earned a bit of scorn from the masses.

    Say what?

    I will just accept that your countrymen are far superior...

    I think you must have in mind the majestic and superior cackling hen.

  5. Can't provide you with the full contact info you requested, but here's a partial version:

    P&P Travel, on Thapae Road, close-ish to Thapae Gate


    Their email address is with hotmail.com, using cnxpp as the prefix before the 'at' sign.

  6. But did you go to the hairdresser beforehand?! I warned you!! :o

    Look, the bank book option will work if you clearly show the balances over the necessary amount of time. The reason for that is that, previously, some retirees living here would swap bank account funds back and forth among themselves thus playing games with immigration . . . . .

    . . . . .

    And thank you for your input, Mapguy but, had you actually read my posts, you would have found that I arrived at Immigration with a statement from my bank and copies of my bank book showing the appropriate deposits to demonstrate regular income but none of this was acceptable to the reception guy who was totally hung up on "800K in the bank or an income affidavit from your Consulate."

    . . . . .

    I actually read your posts, and I did not find what you say Mapguy would have. In light of what you said in the quoted post above, I can now see what you meant in your earlier post, but it was quite unclear to me at the time, as it seems it was to Mapguy. I assumed that if you were using a statement from your bank and copies of your bank book, you were attempting to us the 800K deposited in a bank approach, which I have always understood, and as your recent experience supports, to be the only purpose for which a bank statement and bank book are relevant.

  7. Thanks for your tips on keeping cool, drtreelove. Let me share a way to keep cool that I did not see on your list.

    I lived in Japan for many years, and learned to enjoy the hot springs and hot baths they have there. Among other things, they are great for getting thoroughly and toastily warm in the winter cold, particularly useful when most homes do not have central heating and are drafty.

    Summers in Japan can get as hot and muggy as the winters are cold. It occurred to me one summer's day that if a hot bath is so good at heating one up in the winter, a cold bath might be as good at cooling down in the summer. Tried it and found it worked like a charm. Just like getting into a cold pool. Much better than a shower at quickly sucking out all the stored up heat. And much better than an air conditioned room. I like it best in a nice deep Japanese-style tub, but getting into any tub full of cold water is great. Spend at least ten or so minutes in it and you will feel cool and refreshed for up to an hour later . . . when you can get back in again!

  8. The heat has tempted me to look into getting an air conditioner for the bedroom.

    Also, the pool in our building, which resides in the shade all day long and therefore usually more than merely a tad chilly, is positively delightful and refreshing now!

  9. For what I thought was a reasonable fee, they will also pick up at one's home equipment that needs to be repaired and deliver it again after repairing it. Very helpful to me when I needed to have them repair my television.

  10. Valid points?! Really!?

    . . . . . I think these men are just plain 'fcuked' in the head to begin with.

    Exactly right. Which is why it was her fault, of course, for having anything to do with someone so fcuked in the head. Same as it is for someone who gets robbed by a fcuked up mugger in the wrong part of the town, or a country like Iraq that gets attacked by a coalition of the fcuked.

  11. I do not (and will repeat for the slow learners) which is that I and doubt that I will ever suffer fools gladly, readily or willingly.

    That's clear, but wrong. You are making an observation similar to one you made before, but you are not repeating yourself, whether for slow learners or otherwise.

  12. Thanks a lot Sansai Sam I have read about Gigantea but had a hard time figuring out whether it was still open or not. Have you been there recently? It sounds like a very authentic place, I think I read that it's mostly patronized by Japanese customers which is always a good sign. Phone number? I also think I read that it was great for Japanese food but nothing specifically about sushi - they do have sushi, right? :o

    My wife is Japanese, I am half-Japanese and Gigantea is our favourite Japanese restaurant in Chiangmai by some margin. That said, we have never had sushi there and only some times order sashimi (which was good, so the sushi may be as well). Zen and Fuji are the places we go when we need a sushi fix.

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