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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Thank you, UG. I will let Mr Forbes speak to whether he prefers to smother his peanut butter sandwiches with sweet jam. Having said that, my impression of the man is that he would not let a substance like sweet jam anywhere near a sandwich destined for his own mouth.

  2. :):D :D

    Yikes! Are we at risk of this from Alice in Wonderland? "When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, β€œit means what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.”

  3. . . . I always thought that Thailand's foreigners were 95% complete losers. I can't unhonestly say I met anyone who was other than chatty, decent and friendly in CM. . . .

    If you want to preserve your current impression of Chiangmai, I advise you strongly under no circumstances to start a discussion on this forum about a restaurant.

  4. Why dont you try suang prung. Im sure theyve got a nice restaurant there.

    it might get you away from your computer.

    Thank you very much for that, ajarnpim, on behalf of Ian, and for your concern, on my own behalf.

    Could you kindly provide some directions to Suang Prung?

  5. From forum rules as recently revised:

    8) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.

    Thanks for that, PeaceBlondie. Could you help a little, though, with interpretation? I'm not sure what 'specfics' means in this case. Has anything in this thread so far violated the rule?

  6. Our dear friend Mr Ian Forbes is a little too shy -- pause to stifle uproarious guffaws -- to start this thread himself, so as a favour to him, I will launch it.

    Mr Forbes very much wishes to know which restaurant in Chiangmai offers the best peanut butter sandwiches, and on his behalf I am seeking here your recommendations. I am unable to say whether he prefers a creamy or chunky style of peanut butter sandwich, so please offer suggestions in both categories, but be careful to note in which type of sandwich your recommended restaurant specialises.

    Thank you all kindly, in advance, as I quickly duck out to avoid the kicks and blows.

  7. Nobody has yet told me what restaurant to go to for the best peanut butter sandwich. :)

    Ian, you know I think the world of you, but if you want to start a discussion about a particular restaurant, I would be grateful if you could do it on another thread. Word may not have reached you yet where you are, but discussing specific restaurants has proved recently to be an activity very dangerous to the health and life of a thread.

  8. Well.. to be honest my main worry doing that would be that it may turn out that it's actually not all that hard. :)

    Believe me, the very last thing in the world I was trying to do was encourage you or anyone else to try, and I share your concern about what you might find out if you did.

  9. Gatorhead333, might I trouble you, on this thread of mine, which is rather precious to me, not to talk about moderators and what you think about them and what they do? It creates some risk, I fear, of the thread getting its neck twisted or legs cut off, and that is something I would very much rather not see. If you cannot control your urges in that regard, may I politely encourage you to start your own thread? Thank you in advance for your consideration.

  10. Also, gatorhead333, I would like to join your brother ~o:37; in offering my support, and present now to that end one of my patented and trademarked one-hand claps, to your brilliant idea of a nothingness sub-forum. Did it come to you just like that, as I would like to imagine (if only I could), or did you have to not think about it first?

  11. . . . If you think that there are "secret" places for farangs seeking young girls, how would they get customers if no one knows about them?

    . . .

    Thanks for your whole reply, Ulysses G. In answer to your question above from it, I don't think that there are secret places of that kind, because I don't know one way or the other. But while I understand better now your basis for thinking you have enough information to make an informed judgment that underaged girls are only a very tiny minority of the prostitutes who associate with farang here, I think that there is still the possibility that much could be going on that you are not aware of. I think probably the only practical way to find out if there is such a scene is to seek it out as someone who wants to participate in it. That is obviously something you do not want to do and have not done, but precisely for that reason, I think, you cannot be so sure about whether and to what extent the scene exists.

  12. I think I remember asking a question similar to this in another post, but I was serious.

    A question similar to what? The exact question of this thread was recently asked by Tywais on another thread. That is what led me to start this thread. I am happy to hear everyone's thoughts about the question, very much including any serious ones.

    I've come to the conclusion, myself, that competition in the restaurant business probably has something to do with it, at least some of the time. If a particular restaurant is receiving too much praise, competitors will not like it and will sometimes try to to kill the topic to stop that restaurant from receiving too much positive publicity. By being 'contentious' on a thread, they can sometimes achieve what they want. Similarly, a restaurant's owner and his or her friends may try to promote, truthfully or falsely, the quality of his or her restaurant by posting about it in a way that appears innocent but is not. Thinking that such a thing is going on may contribute to the preceding phenomenon.

    It's sad, I think, because it can have the effect of interfering with and even stopping innocent discussions that others are trying to have.

  13. What percentage of the places where underage girls could possibly be 'available' have you been to? A substantial majority? If not, how is it that you can speak of anything other than the places you have been? And how can you know whether they are representative of what goes on in the country or region as a whole?

  14. Underage girls have never been more than a very tiny minority of the straight, farang sex scene here - and usually girls who could easily pass for 18 years of age.

    How on earth do you know that? If someone asked me, I wouldn't have a clue. Mind you, that is true of many things - other than restaurants, of course! :) - so perhaps my lack of knowledge should not be taken as a sign that there is anything odd about your having such broad (as it were) knowledge in this case.

    Seriously, though, how do you know that?

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