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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I once bought a handgun here from a Thai acquaintance some years ago, resulting from a few half-arsed attempts to break into the house I was renting at the time.

    My loyal mutt at the time seemed to have deterred the would-be robbers. I came home one time to find it slightly injured and with its collar halfway over its face, obviously as the result of a struggle. (I loved that dog *sniff*).

    Anyway, I sold the gun on again at a small loss, when I realised that I had never bought 50k's worth of fireworks before, and not let them off...

    I enjoy the occasional trip to the local shooting range, but using or possessing a gun in a domestic setting is a whole different thing. You are upping the stakes exponentially....

  2. I think old people should be used as stunt doubles in action films to save on special effects / crappy cgi animation. If they get seriously injured or die, no one gives a sh!t. I wish we'd sold grandad to a Chuck Norris action film set, to watch Chuck roundhouse-kick him off a high balcony. So we could remember him in a nice way... :o Instead of the slow slide into senility that we experienced.

  3. Furniture shops in Rayong; Index on the main Sukumvit. Opposite is the SB Furniture shop. Index has a vast choice of stuff. SB has some real quality stuff. Searching through both places will take you the best part of an afternoon.

    Home Pro (just before Laem Thong) is a good (huge) place to shop for tools; and any home improvements; kitchen; bathroom; garden; etc. I have had good service there, but know a few people that havn't. If you're not a good Thai speaker, take one with you if you are shopping for more than just small stuff.

    The guy in Banchang "Lifehouse Furnishing" did my kitchen, and other "built-in" furniture. I have known the guy (he also owns a restaurant next to my office) for a while, so I got a good price. He is not cheap (for the area), but workmanship and service are excellent, so I'm happy to give him a plug and a name check. (Try getting a similar price & job done from any company in Pattaya...)

    The Green Ville office team can give you a quote on any kitchen; built in furniture items, etc. But they quote much too high for extras, imo. Good Luck. :o

  4. The good news is, errr...

    Houses are set to become affordable.

    And maybe the govt will realise you cant build an economy on debt, house prices constantly rising and the financial centre of London, hence we may start to build a industrial base again giving people skilled jobs....................and Nulabour thieves and liars will soon be out of a job.

    To do that you need skilled people and that takes 4 year minimum apprenticeships. The Thatcher legacy comes home to roost, if a nation produces nothing it has nothing to sell.

    Yup. I was in one of the last intakes of the apprenticeship schemes of the early 80's. The government of the day did actually subsidise companies to take on apprentices (to alleviate seriously unemployment stats). They trained them up for the government handout, then let them go.

    No one invested in Britain's manufacturing base. No thought for the future of output, or for a society that had grown up around heavy industry; hard work; war; rationing; etc. Nowadays, we have to be thankful if some Korean outfit deigns to open a factory oop North, and has a few hundred people assembling crap, after doing 30 minutes of Tai Chi in pink overalls in the car park before starting work... :o

    Banding the wagons round an EU mirage, or becoming the US' lapdog are simply not enough to maintain a credible economy anymore.

  5. Why would a woman want to hang out with a male who spends more time in the gym than with her? My personal feeling about bodybuilding is that it is a sport for narcissistic people.
    I would have to agree with your assessment. I am not sure if most, but certainly many Thai women at least profess to like men with a muscular physique, although they are not as attracted to the huge ripped body-builder-type body. The swimmer's build seems to be the object of admiration for those women who like a muscular body.

    Its a fine line between hobby and all-consuming obsession... :o

  6. all men live lives of quiet desperation

    the way you get through it is by the act of repression. its the same way people spend 60 hrs a week doing a job they hate then come home and sit in front of the television watching mind numbing bs and admiring what immature bratty children they have raised (like the little international school bastards who cant keep their mouths shut for 2 minutes in a movie theater).

    Are you a "Motivational Speaker"? :o lol

  7. OK we've done Thai for vinegar... thank you, but we seem to have missed the maybe one day vitally important, Thai for box jelly fish? (again, phonetically)


    "Maengkapoon" is the closest phonetic I can give. This is for "jellyfish" only. Asking my Thai staff for the name of this box jelly elicited only blank looks, so far.

  8. I used to have Banchang Cable a few years ago, but binned it after a lot of dissatisfaction.

    They had a lot of decent channels, but seemed to be broadcasting them illegally; hence the channels you enjoyed would disappear overnight, pending threats of legal action. :o It was cheap enough, mind; 400Baht / month. But I have to say I got what I paid for.

    The film channels seemed to be manually operated by some lackey, who would just stop a film midway though so he could stick on another vcd that would give him an hour to bugger off somewhere... :D This happened often. The same employee of the month obviously manned the complaints desk, as anytime you phoned to complain, nobody answered.

    Sorry for the negative report; they may now operate a better service...? But I don't know anyone who uses them.

    I use UBC/True Gold package. There are a lot of repeats, but I think its generally quite good.

  9. what do you want to know?

    general info...

    houses are good quality

    there's a small centre to the village where you'll find a pool, changing rooms, small gym, shop with seating area to relax and have a drink, a park and basketball court

    it's a new village-- i think they started about 4 years ago

    probably about 120 houses there now

    with room to double that one day

    about 80 houses are lived in the others empty-

    thai economy has been set to pause for the last 2 yrs-- military coup, followed by high inflation here, political uncertainy and now recession starting

    so still feels like a work in progress- lots more construction yet to happen and houses to sell

    it's location is quiet , 3 mins from payoon beach

    and 5 mins from ban chang centre

    but on the main payoon rd

    population-- 40% farang 60% thai i reckon-

    good as it means houses will be lived in all year long not just second homes lying empty for long periods-

    the thais are all professional sort - who want the village to look good-- ( it's all a face thing )-

    but this means probably that the village won't get neglected over time as so many do and look shabby in 15 years time

    security is very good-

    24 hr guards - and they do really check who you are

    it's the 2nd most expensive moo-bahn village to live in in ban chang-- the first being the villages located on the eastern star golf course-

    very similar to the other main choice in ban chang-- which is lomtalay

    but newer-- lom talay is more established - the tress have grown further, people in all the houses, more of a lived in feeling as it's about 10yrs old

    green ville is slightly better in terms of quality build, and as it's on the main payoon rd the land prices are higher-- lom talay is tucked away in quiet a hidden spot really unless you know it's there!

    the architect has tried to do the village with a bit of style too-- there's a few splashes of 'modern design' around in the way that he's obviously been looking at some glossy interior design mags-- bit of a bangkok design feel about it

    prices about 2.3- 3.5 m i think- check the website for more...


    anything more?

    Spot on. :o

    I think that plots on the phase II expansion of the village have been bought already too.

    Just to echo tvaddicts succinct summary of the houses; the build quality is relatively very good, with a 12 month guarantee on construction and workmanship. Any small problems encountered have been dealt with quickly and satisfactorily by the builders.

  10. Thais and Asian men in general seem less prone to male-pattern baldness than their Western counterparts. I don't know if that is due to more resistance to the testosterone that causes baldness, or less actual testosterone...? :o

    I have a few staff and customers with thinning hair though, that tend to go for the combover / painting effect. :D Shame really, as Asian blokes suit the shaved head look more than us, imo.

  11. The closest movie theater is in Pattaya or Rayong

    I think!

    The SF complex in the upper floor of Laemthong Center in Rayong is closest.

    But bear in mind the movies are all in Thai as far as I know and never the original soundtrack in English with Thai sub titles.

    Please someone tell me they do get movies in English.

    Nope. Sorry to inform that the cinema in Laem Thong stopped showing original soundtrack foreign films a while (2-3 years) back now. :o

    Terrible if you don't understand or speak fluent Thai. Even worse if you do... :D

    I have never been back, but my missus keeps badgering them to show original soundtrack titles...

    The nearest and best (afaik) cinema showing the latest films is the Royal Garden mall in Pattaya.

  12. Ive deleted one post

    not offensive, but just is against forum rules to discuss.


    the very ( sad) fact that there happens to be one subject, any subject ( we all know what it is in this case) that any society cannot maturely openly discuss shows the lack of maturity in that society

    and why it remains open to question regarding its progress,and the butt of some jokes.

    Jokes often contain some truths. And sensible discussion.

    Hence we cannot make jokes about this subject because it might just spark some people to start thinking for themselves and question certain things and eventually grow up.

    frowned upon in some places.

    True. Try to imagine "Spitting Image" or any other ruthless political / societal satire being shown here? :o

    Jokes often contain the whole truth said in a lighter fashion, that might prevent people or egos ballooning out of control.

    The cultural deficiency known as "face" here usually precludes that, though.

    • Like 1
  13. The strange thing is that one does not need to cover up any truth. It is a pity that many people lazily accept the rules for truth instead of following their "real" ideals.

    That's a very interesting point. "The Emperor Has No Clothes" !

    Since most know the truth about why you don't really want to attend so-and-so's party, or often do, why pretend, why go through the rituals of pretence ?

    Oddly, too, Thai culture is supposed to be one which values individuality very highly. In some ways, I do see this, but in many others it's patently not the case. (I will try to find a reference)

    The power of indoctrination, I suppose.

    "Form over substance" can be seen Asia-wide, I think (feel free to contradict if any countries don't fit),

    but Thailand seems to have perfected the art form.

    I think the Philippines and Thailand are seen as the "dumb blondes" of SE Asia. Preoccupied with style over substance, or "perfuming the turd" if you prefer. :o

    Immediacy is the preserve of a country with a climate that has never seen anybody starve, or have to plan ahead to survive. Common to other countries on a similar latitude as this.

  14. There are good milk products available from China, but the problem is knowing which are the good ones, so don't buy any products that you suspect. Personally I do not buy anything edible from China or known Chinese sources as their quality systems are very poor.

    The comment regards Fonterra above is very incorrect. They had one product (being made for them and not by them) with excessive melamine that they immediately removed from the market. Fonterra (from New Zealand) is leading the change in the Chinese milk industry at the source of the problem (the milking shed) with state of the art milking sheds and quality systems and is one of the few who's products can be trusted.

    The problem with the Chinese companies is the problem starts right at the farm. The farmer is paid by volume and there is no quality checks on that volume. So the farmer will add water to increase that volume. Hence the watered down milk arrives at the treatment plant and they are faced with how to put body back in that product to compete in the market place. Enter the Melamine.

    If its not the Melamine that puts you off, then what should is the whole process from the Chinese companies. A large chunk of the milk comes from two bit farmers with a couple of cows. The system is bloody primitive with no hygiene and no chilling of the product from milking through to delivery to the plant. It is not uncommon for a collector to be tipping a farmers milk into a container on the side of the road as trucks are passing and dust and fumes waifing over the whole process.

    Edit for spelling

    Enlightening post. Thanks.

    The Chinese appear desperate to get their product out onto the world market, but lacking the QA/QC measures to ensure much of any sort of safety or quality. This is also true of a lot of piping / plant products I have encountered here in the O&G marketplace. Unbelievable... :o

    are you suggesting i should not buy gas for my rental car the next time i am in beijing?

    No, just suggesting you don't ever buy valves or pressure vessels from there. They tend to burst. :D

  15. There are good milk products available from China, but the problem is knowing which are the good ones, so don't buy any products that you suspect. Personally I do not buy anything edible from China or known Chinese sources as their quality systems are very poor.

    The comment regards Fonterra above is very incorrect. They had one product (being made for them and not by them) with excessive melamine that they immediately removed from the market. Fonterra (from New Zealand) is leading the change in the Chinese milk industry at the source of the problem (the milking shed) with state of the art milking sheds and quality systems and is one of the few who's products can be trusted.

    The problem with the Chinese companies is the problem starts right at the farm. The farmer is paid by volume and there is no quality checks on that volume. So the farmer will add water to increase that volume. Hence the watered down milk arrives at the treatment plant and they are faced with how to put body back in that product to compete in the market place. Enter the Melamine.

    If its not the Melamine that puts you off, then what should is the whole process from the Chinese companies. A large chunk of the milk comes from two bit farmers with a couple of cows. The system is bloody primitive with no hygiene and no chilling of the product from milking through to delivery to the plant. It is not uncommon for a collector to be tipping a farmers milk into a container on the side of the road as trucks are passing and dust and fumes waifing over the whole process.

    Edit for spelling

    Enlightening post. Thanks.

    The Chinese appear desperate to get their product out onto the world market, but lacking the QA/QC measures to ensure much of any sort of safety or quality. This is also true of a lot of piping / plant products I have encountered here in the O&G marketplace. Unbelievable... :o

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