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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Thai driving habits behind 4 wheels are dangerous enough, but usually most drivers follow the same habits, however dangerous or selfish they are perceived to foreigners unused to the "rules of the road" here. The system works relatively well, after you get used to it.

    The riders of 2 wheeled transport though, do not appear to give one single sh!t about their own or anyone else' safety. I've driven past probably hundreds of dead or dying motorcyclists. :o 2 Wheeled transport here seems to be Darwin in motion, or at least an unemployment solution...

  2. Don't ask me what I think of Bonobo's.


    My avatar IS a bonobo.

    aka.... 'chimp'

    Back on topic: How many muscle men do you see running a business (CEO) other than a health club/nutrient store... How many muscle men are in politics (other than Arnie).... How many muscle men are on Forbes Wealthy list? ...... I see most muscle men are too busy working out to be really successful in life. the only ones I can think of are possibly the athletes that get paid enormous amounts of $$$$. But then again have you ever heard those athletes talk when being interviewed. Maybe I'm stereotyping but it seems to me that the bigger your muscles are the smaller your brain becomes.... (and I have heard other body parts get smaller as well) :o

    I don't think Thai women want a fat slob nor a skinny whimp, just like us guys when choosing a gal. But then again there are other factors that attract our mates and not just the physical appearance.... Just my thoughts, as I have dated some real beauties in the past (model, NFL cheerleader) but it's more than just what's on the outside that counts.

    Models and NFL cheerleaders are noted for their cerebral qualities, and romantic penchants for intellectuals like yourself.

  3. The Thai Press is biased towards the political and business interests of it's editors and shareholders, same as the media outlets in most countries. Up until Thaksin started pulling strings (and advertising revenues) from newspapers critical of him and his government, the Thai press was relatively open and free.

    Duncan McCargo's book Politics & the Press In Thailand is an interesting book on the media here.

  4. Once saw a natural history prog about these creatures. The sting of a box jellyfish is reported to be unspeakably painful, and can send a person into shock. source.

    A bit of digging around on the web shows that the stingers are more prevalent in Thai waters than I had believed before this. :o

    People surviving the stings of these creatures complain that local hospitals at the beach resorts do not carry anti-venom, also.

  5. Has anyone made a study about how many male regulars at a gym are gay? Honest question - okey? :o

    I'm not sure if anyone has carried out that particular study, but there certainly have been other studies of bodybuilders and what motivates them Big Men Feeling Small: Childhood Bullying Experience, Muscle Dysmorphia and other Mental Health Problems in Bodybuilders


    Gyms and the martial arts scene tend to attract some weird people, 'tis true.

  6. Traditionally in Thai society, men have been the rice-winners (thai version of bread-winners), so its how societies have functioned and continue to in upcountry Thailand. The men go out and do the work, women raise the kids.

    You need to get yourself out and about in Thailand (actually anywhere on the planet) and learn who it is who is 'winning the the rice' 'raising the kids' and 'doing the work'.

    That such horse sh1t arguments are made in a discussion about body builders does not surprise me.

    Scratch the surface of most farang men in Thailand and you'll find someone who has problems with the part men have in his society back home, it is almost always the reason he's in Thailand in the first place. Muscle builders, guys flashing the cash same same in my book.

    Come and play the fantasy - you man - she woman - ug ug!

    A lot of your posts have a recurring "most farang men in Thailand" theme. You being the one notable (and wonderful) exception to whatever you're decrying the species about.

    How's the Latin doing? Can you pontificate like Pilate yet?

  7. I have heard this fallacy that Thai women do noto like men with muscles.

    I am 50, and I work out regulary.  I am no Arnold, but I do have a healthy chest (46 inches) and good guns (17 inches).  When I meet someone, even if not in a potential dating situation, I get comments about my physique, and mostly in a good way.  My best friend (male) now thinks I am too big and that Thai women will be afraid of me, but that has not been my experience.

    When I am with a Thai woman, even one who might have said she doesn't like guys too big, they are invarably drawn to my arms and chest. Sitting watching tv, they will snuggle up and hold my biceps, even unconciously stroking then while her eyes are glued to the tube. Their hands always gravitate to rest on my chest, and when they look at it, they always give a squeeze and usually make comments on it as compared to the size of their own chest.  And in the more intimate moments, it is my chest that they look at, and that is where they place their hands.

    One woman I know always wants to see me right after I lift.  She knows that a person pumps up after a good lift, and she has told me that she loves to see and touch me then.

    Yes, I know that there are many different things which attract a woman, and maybe a good physique ranks low on the totem pole.  But it certainly is a factor. Just as a man can be attracted to a great smile and bubbling personality, he can still appreciate a nice bosum if she has that as well.

    I also realize that perhaps the women who go out with me are the type who like a more muscular guy in the first place and women who abhor that steer clear of me.  And perhaps women are discerning or appreciative with regards to my age. Where a 25-year old guy might do better with the softer look, at 50, I have been told that so many other men my age look "pregnant 6 months."

    Whatever the reason and whatever the demographics of the women with whom I go out, I can say with certainty that most of them like my musculature. I hope they like a lot more about me as well, but the subject here is just the muscles.

    Sounds like you've got your motivation back, m8? :o

  8. I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men.

    The androgynous look is seemingly popular. Ambiguity is always popular here, though.

    "Mum, I'm not sure what I want to be, when I grow up...."

    - "If you study hard there might be a few careers available".

    "No. I meant male or female".

  9. They (Cambodia) press for recognition as a World Heritage site and then they start planting mines around it, I find it hard to accept this and believe that the World Heritage listing should be removed.

    I predict an upsurge in the no. of limbless beggars plying their trade around Rayong in the coming months. Thais vs Cambodians? Well, I suppose its a nice change for them to be killing other than their own people for a change.

    The recent spat seems just to be a smokescreen to deflect internal strife over the border. Hardly Macchiavellian, but it seems to work.

  10. I avoid "reality shows" like the plague. Some of the horrible "contestants" on those progs would suck Satan's scaly pecker just for a fleeting glimpse of fame. If they were "eliminated" with a nail-studded baseball bat, it might just be worth watching.

    How cheap are those shows to produce? When the viewers themselves provide the mostly unwitting, un-paid "entertainment" that millions tune in to, they are a television exec's dream. :o

  11. Hi, I'm Thai and quite new here. Just wondering what you guys mean when calling someone a "Troll"?? Would me asking dis question make me a troll too?? 555+

    Why do you want to join thai visa

    Do you know what the forum is for?

    I'm in the real estate buisness, so some of the thead & topics here could really help me in the business!!

    What's not to like about Dave5stars? :o

  12. Many times there are postings about farangs being ripped off by Thais and I know this happens and has happened to me also. So I thought I would be fair and show the other side of this situation. I rent a house and the other day signed one year lease extension. The next day the landlady, an older Thai woman, came to my house and told me since I was a good tenant she was lowering the rent by a thousand baht a month. I did not ask for this reduction in rent and as I had signed the lease the day before, she did not have to do this to convince me to stay. I believe she did this to be nice because she knows I have family in US with medical problems that are very expensive. Anyway I only wanted to add that there are people here who will rip you off, but there are also very nice and kind hearted people,just like anywhere.

    Always good to hear from people who have not been ripped off; insulted; received awful service; cheated; beaten up; etc. ie. the vast silent minority...

    Shame they don't make for interesting reading / threads, though. :o

  13. Over-paying Thai staff encourages a sense of "entitlement" that some of them are a little prone to...

    Thais are also really status-conscious, and do not like to be told what to do by anyone they consider to be socially "inferior" to them.

    Try to involve them in the decision makings, and ask them for their input. Reward only loyal / hard-working staff with promotion and bonuses.

    After a good job well done, take them out for a meal / night out. Do not get involved in their personal lives at all.

    Good luck. :o

  14. As we Australians say, the Poms wash once a month whether they need to or not!

    How do I report this poster for such racial sterotyping ? Very offensive indeed

    Just racial-stereotype him right back. Preferably in a nasal tone, with a rising inflexion at the end of the sentence.

    Diet has an influence on body odour for sure. Dairy products do make a difference, although I'd rather have minging armpits than be 4'11" with rickets or other calcium-deficiencies, for example. Thai people have started to introduce a lot more dairy products into their kid's diets. Although probably contaminated with melamine and other healthy additives. :o

  15. All the above I think right but suspect the downfall in numbers will be significantlt higher than some think. On the subject of regulars I also think will be down, many save all year for this and will now be worried about their jobs and their homes.

    In addition as I write this the G7 is meeting along with the world bank and others. Nothing to date has helped the downward spiral and if we dont see something dramatic I strongly suspect that the next week will be apocolyptic for many and consumers (tourists) will really batten down the hatches.

    Agreed. I feel for anyone with a tourism-related business or profession right now. The GDP of Thailand won't be hit too hard just yet with the decline in tourism, but the people employed in this sector might be. I hope not.

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