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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Every nation is racist to some degree. One of the posters above insinuates that it is somehow a Western speciality, well give me a break, please? I've had the hostesses of several airlines ask the nice Japanese or Chinese person sat next to me if they mind sitting next to a gaijin or gweilo*, and would they like to move? :D (*trans: barbarian / white devil)

    Asians are as racist as anyone, too.

    What those National Park signs are saying is that it is open season in ripping off Westerners; whether you have a "driving license" or not. :o It is totally contemptuous of the people who contribute a great deal to this country, and who don't throw ######ing litter everywhere they go.

  2. Its taking the p*ss. Pure and simple. Asking "falangs" to pay 2000% more than the locals? :D

    I expect some two-tier pricing as a long-time resident here; but that is outrageous in my opinion. Its not the price either;- its the principal; racist; xenophobic; arrogant,....

    Stick it where the sun don't shine. :o

  3. Thailand has never seemed to have a problem with murdering people. Behind the phony smiles and lip-service to Buddhism, life here is very cheap indeed if you have the misfortune to be in the way of someone's business interests or other plans.

    Recent history; the student killings in '73 and '76; the cold-blooded shootings of protestors on Bangkok streets in '92; etc. Authorities here are as brutal and cold-blooded as anywhere in the world. Wonder how many people "disappeared" during the Communist witch-hunt years? Journalists and environmental activists are bumped off pretty regularly here too.

    The "drug dealers" were just the tip of the iceberg.

  4. I think all politicians here are playing to their own domestic audiences.

    The term "democratically elected" is an increasingly tired, "one-size-fits-all" Western cliche, that just involves revolving political actors serving their corporate masters and the status quo. I bet the recent seemingly popular bloodless coup here might have caused a few raised pulses overseas? :o

    Anand is usually a little more tactful than this last statement, too btw....

  5. Songkran tends to get on my tits after a couple of days, too. And has been the source of a couple of altercations that thankfully didn't turn into brawling... :o

    Fighting amongst farangs seems to be a source of entertainment / revenue amongst the locals. Both parties will probably end up down the cop shop having a miserable and expensive end to a night out.

    Its best not to stand there arguing with an idiot. Sometimes bystanders can't tell you apart.... :D

  6. Never disagree with anyone.

    Never retaliate.

    Be a 'doormat'!?

    Sometimes, you don't have much of a choice... When dealing with the cultural deficiency known as "face." :o Be prepared to acknowledge that the size of someone's ego may be inversely proportional to their intelligence or ability.

  7. The trouble with this country is still basically a lack of decent education. Its at the root cause of just about every economic or social problem here, still.

    Kids are not taught how to think for themselves, or about the world around them. How can the economy of this country ever be "self-sufficient" when nothing is ever invented or developed here? Its a bunker-mentality, bordering on the absurd.

    Thailand will always be a follower, not a leader, until this changes. :o

  8. Some very crediable comments but one can't help but feel there is a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black in some of what is asaid.

    Or, from the frying pan into the oven...

    Now we have army in TV stations, clear government instructions which news can be brought and which not. In case of violations editors and reporters are called in and reprimanded. Editors are now instructed what contains positive and constructive news, and are regularly reminded of that. Reporters are forced into self censorship.

    But yes, we have martial law, that is going to be lifted as soon as possible, at the appropriate time, not now as there are undercurrents.

    Nice to know how well we are infomed now, suddenly.

    Always got to be careful what you wish for in Thailand. :o

  9. The horrendous Thai version of the "War On Drugs" was seen by many officials and cops as a "green light" to ramp up their illegal activities and just dismiss the dead bodies piling up as drug-dealing collateral damage. In the same way that the cover-all "Lese Majeste" is used to silence critics / dissenters.


  10. Is thailand very this dangerous? With 5 yrs seperation, I thought the husband wouldn't care what she's doing anyway at this point?

    He'll care what she's doing if its making him look like a fool. Add to that potential financial benefits, and its time to get out out of Dodge. Pronto. :o

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