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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Ermm......80 Baht is 3 meals + water.

    And if someone threw money in my face, I would for sure deck them.

    Stabbing is a bit over the top though.

    To the Pakistani who posted earlier saying the Welsh guy should get 10 years:

    Presumably you have read the Quoran and practise it?.

    So many Muslims here and in UK scoffing whisky and shagging tarts - put your own morality in order before barking.

    Oh- and learn to shower not wearing your underwear, it's cleaner you see.


    Couthy :o


    If thats "HenryB" you're referring to, he's a troll, and about as Pakistani as I am. :D

  2. Thailand and a lot of Asian countries attract Western men because the roles of gender are probably 30-50 years behind that of the West. Western culture has become so occupied with "equality" in everything that the goalposts have moved off the field altogether. Now we have "Affirmative Action" and reverse discrimination being "normal", just to really tee off the traditionally productive and successful members of society. :o

    Sorry, rant over!

    I normally pay when we go out. The missus has a reasonably paid secretarial job and some money for herself and her family, but I am the major earner and it seems to work out well for us both. :D

  3. It not "duty free" at all, unfortunately. The ridiculously high prices seem to merely reflect the brib.... sorry, "commission" that King Power seemingly paid to win this concession. They must think that all visitors to this country are mugs at best. :o Its typically all style over substance, and I'd rather shop anywhere than the new airport.

  4. Some of the people posting here ask: "If you're finding things to complain about, why do you stay?" Good point, but the people who do actually stay here will eventually feel some culture shock; double standards applied; and inevitable frustration. This is the whole point of a forum like this, so these issues can be addressed, and one can know that other people might be having the same annoyances.

    Working here as an expat, and paying taxes here, I feel that I should have some recourse to air any grievances here that are not petty or "cynical." :o

    Sometimes, living here long-term, I think that one cannot be cynical enough! :D

  5. All those warm relations fostered (no pun intended) between our nations over the years by Aussie heroes and cultural ambassadors like Rolf Harris and sir Les Patterson.

    And "Neighbours". And "Home & Away?" :D

    "The Saints" were a top band though. :o

  6. Well said, Chownah. When will they finally build industrial sized incinerator facilities in remote areas so that this carcinogen threat is finally out of sight and out of mind?


    How long did it take to set up a coherent waste disposal system even in a huge town like Chiang Mai? :o Even now, the villagers still burn crap everywhere, and mess up the quality of the air.

    So I don't think remote areas in Thailand will be getting any incineration facilities soon, sad to say. :D

    It would be nice if a small amount of education was taught regarding pollution / waste in the national curriculum.

  7. Christmas was always a time a year I enjoyed. Looking at people with their colorful scarves walking down the street looking at all the Christmas decorations in the stores windows. The enchanting Christmas music they played on the walking street downtown or on the radio on the way back home after shopping.

    In a desperate attempt to feel Christmas, I downloaded a CD over the Internet yesterday - but all I feel is 35 degrees. I'm sad.

    Books by Dicken's are readily available here. May I suggest 'A Christmas Carol'?.

    Then have a good greet over your gravy covered gai yang.

    Other option is to go home to where cheerful urchins in short trousers whistle cheerily in the frozen streets whilst waiting to be hanged for stealing a loaf of bread.

    One presumes that you like the old USA Christmas Hollywood hype. Jeez...........

    A little secret: Christmas ain't real.

    The Christians took over the old Pagan mid winter festival and some many years later the advertising moguls got involved.

    Money, lovely money.

    Take your girlfriend / wife out for a nice dinner, go to a movie then finish of with some khao man gai and a slow walk home...............every day can be Christmas.

    Nostalgia is a terrible affliction mate.


    Couthy :o

    Guess you won't be dressing up as Santa this year then? :D

  8. This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

    Is this representative of Darwin peeps?


    if you have ever been to darwin you would realise that fools like this guy are a dime a dozen.

    its like they are pissed all the time, which they usually are when they are not working.

    drinking as much as you can for as long as you can is a national sport . :D

    different part of aussie up there and they can have it. :D

    a soccer hooligan could not hold a candle next to those stupid aussies in darwin. :o

    A few Aussie mates of mine tend to get on the case of a guy who happens to be from Darwin. :D

    Actually he's a good bloke, too. :D In fact, he deserves an award....

    Darwin Award

  9. Thaksin has a five-year multiply-entry visa to Britain. He can stay in Britain during each period for no more than 160 days.

    160 Days ? I thought it was 90 ?

    I believe he applied under a new program in the UK that allows professional lorry drivers to have 160 days instead of the normal 90:


    I wonder if he's got his own picture painted, Pojaman's face or maybe Rambo, Al pacino on the mudflaps?


    Or Osama bin Laden's?

  10. What South Africa needs is more parking ramps... Thailand has perfected the fully employed parking lot with an ARMY of staff:

    :D Salute Guy

    :D Look for bomb (two guys)

    :D Ticket Guy

    :o Reverse whistle guy (one for each floor)

    :D Return - review ticket guy

    :D Departing salute guy

    Thai companies certainly have an abundance of staff! :D Any Western "time & motion" pencil neck who surveyed a company here, would have a fit.

    Does growing a long fingernail constitute an occupation?

  11. This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

    Is this representative of Darwin peeps?

    :D that's classic, it says at the end that 'this man is the sickest ever to survive' is that a typo?

    a great example of Australian mens legendary bravery................. :o

    This line is a classic; "I saw what I thought was a python," Lyons told reporters, "but it was actually a deadly King Brown. I grabbed it with my left hand because I was holding a beer in my right," :D

    And this: "I started to lose consciousness about then, but luckily my mate kept me awake until the ambulance came by whacking me in the head and pouring beer on me." :D

    Top bloke. :D

  12. I enjoy Christmas back in the UK every year. :o Its a nice break for me, and also a timely "perspective check" to remind me how good I have it here. :D

    This year the missus is coming with me also. It will be great for her to meet my family, and if she doesn't get hypothermia to show her round my old town. :D

    Looking forward to the visit already. Its the only time of year that I feel homesick.

    Wishing everybody a great Christmas and New Year.

  13. Jeez! What an evil c*nt! Think I'd rather have Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot at my wedding. :D

    However, as it will probably drive a huge wedge between you and the family, maybe allow her to attend under duress... Tough call. :o

  14. I've worked all over the place and get on very well with other expats from everywhere else. A lot of ribbing and p#sstaking goes on naturally; but it usually helps to bond guys that are sometimes a long way from home.

    Some of you lot are starting to sound like one-trick-ponies with a sack of spuds on yer shoulders. :o

  15. Little t#at is obviously trying it on with the OP judging from the demands for money first. He got paid too, which might mean that next time his football gambling / karaoke funds are low, he might try it on again.

    I wouldn't advocate confronting the little twerp, just move out and leave him a souvenir / lesson in life.

  16. There is a collective apathy and lackadaisical fatalism towards any sort of planning ahead or forward thinking that might eliminate the chance of accidents / mishaps, etc.

    The waste here is phenomenal! Waste of human / natural resources; time; money; etc. It beggars belief sometimes. :D I've lost staff and colleagues due to just stupid accidents that would have easily avoided with just a smidge of common sense or forethought, and it really rankles me that other colleagues just accept this as normality. :o

  17. I was in hospital (Rayong) last Friday with a suspected food poisoning myself. Although the wife and I ate the same things previously, and she had no problems! :o

    I tend to get sick; flu, colds, stomach problems, etc; around this time of year anyway. Bacteria changes probably, due to change of season / temperature etc. :D

  18. I bought a huge parcel of Tetley tea bags in Banchang, Rayong. One of the restaurants there orders and sells them. :o I have a cuppa every morning at work. (PM me for name and phone no. of restaurant).

    Viz comic I have seen in Bookazine Pattaya, Fat slags and all,... :D

    What do I miss? - Branston's relish; Marks & Spencer undies and socks; fresh cuts of lamb; good pork pies; quality chocolates; Marmite; etc. No big deal really. :D

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