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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Wonder what the ratio of scams / suckers actually is? I heard that the Nigerian email scams net millions $ / year. After oil, it seems like its what drives their economy. :D

    I think Bangladesh just usurped Nigeria as "most corrupt nation" in some poll, so the Nigerians have maybe been resting on their laurels a little too much? :o

  2. Unfortunately, the world is filled with morons who judge events and people on absolutely no evidence or knowledge. They fail to see that their very judgements casts an embarrasing spotlight on their own restricted mental abilities.

    Kmart, I am sorry, but your comments about the mental health and character of this particular individual is sickening. :D

    Oh, boo-hoo! Bwaah! I think I'm going to cwy my wittew eyes out! :o

  3. Going to the UK over Christmas, but this time going to spend a few days in Scotland - try and find some snow to show the missus.

    Must say I'm really looking forward to it for various reasons, including the anticipation of returning to Thailand at the end of it all.

    Ditto. I need a break from work here. A nice change of pace and some perspective on the good things in LOS will do me a world of good. It will be great to see friends and family again too. :o

  4. Transexual to fight 'mental disorder' statement

    whilst a person has every right to change whatever it is about themselves that they are not content with , and to live in a society where such people can live freely and without persecution or discrimination , it can hardly be accepted that someone who wishes to be castrated , have their penis removed and have an artificial vagina fashioned out of what is left can be conidered as having a completely ordered mental state.

    it might seem ordered to them , but to the rest it is certainly disordered , and it is certainly an aberration of normal function.

    I think a lot of katoeys elect to keep their "meat + 2 veg" and just keep eating lots of oestrogen. But, I'm, erm..... no expert. Honest. :o


  5. Poor guy. He sounded like a real eccentric, but was probably mentally ill. :o R.I.P.

    On 16th January 1969 Jan Palach died of burns, his suicide being a protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces, and the installation of a military puppet government.Although stooges, cronies and the usual foreign lickspittles of the illegal government attributed his action to mental illness, this was clearly not the case and today he is regarded by the Czech people as a national hero.

    "Lickspittle" is my word for the day today! :D

  6. Just another attempt to copy the laws of "developed countries" to make Thailand seem advanced and sophisticated. A bit like the abortion ban ages ago to ease trade with Catholic Germany. :D

    They passed a law a few years ago to ban smoking in bars / restaurants with air-con; and I've never seen a shred of any difference there.

    They can pass any law they want in never-never land of the Thai Parliament, and it will not make one lick of frigging difference to yer average citizen; just another opportunity for the cops to get into your wallet again. :o

    I'm busy loading up on booze; drugs; fireworks and cigarettes for Loy Kratong this year. Anyone care to join me? :D

  7. This thread rocks! :D

    If ozzieman is genuinely seeking advice and not trolling (benefit of the doubt, m8! :o ) then I would advise him to steer clear of debt-ridden girls; their credit cards; and grasping relatives; before everything ends up pear-shaped. Hope this helps. :D

  8. Semtex, on the other hand no problemo I just get onto my mate at the bin Laden fireworks factory and it's next day delivery.

    didn't that factory close down due to a labour shortage? :D

    No, this is the Bradford division operating out of a mosque behind the disused glue factory. They tried to shut it down but the courts ruled that it would be an infringement of human, ethnic and religeous rights. The resulting claim for compensation netted 32 million GBP from the government, 28 million from the lottery and they were awarded massive tax breaks due to the fact that they employed a high proportion (100%) of people from disadvantaged ethnic minorities.

    They used the money to form a "Single-Parent Lesbian Theatre Group Workshop & Sharia Bombmaking Co-Operative?..... :o

    (Note: Anyone who ever uses the word "workshop" without referring to light engineering or carpentry should be given a severe thrashing. :D )

  9. Lets have a ban on bans for a while, shall we? :o "We're going to ban this, ban that, prohibit this, blah blah!" It just makes the people who utter these halfbaked decrees seem utter fools.

    I seem remember a "No Smoking Day' edict a few years ago when some pompous blowhard ceremonially cut a cigarette in half with a sword on live Thai tv. The "cigarette" in question was a balloon effigy filled with,... you guessed it, - Hydrogen! This guy brought the sword down and the cig exploded in flame and put him in hospital with major burns. :D

    I've never stopped laughing at that yet. :D It was f*cking priceless!

  10. Sound like the people who stood to loose the most from this have some how managed to get their way. I wonder how much is has cost them and what exactly they have managed to offer them ???

    Another well-thought out plan of practical common sense. :D

    The liquor tycoon Mr Charoen is now Thailand's richest man(?), so he won't have any influence at all regarding this palaver then? :o

  11. its seems to be that galt is writing for 1 sort of person and that is the bar crawling whore mongers and respect doesn't seem to come into it.

    if this is your game you might think galt is a top fellow. :D

    each to his own i suppose. :D

    Agreed. I don't understand why he seems to have such a personal vendetta against the real Stick though? :o Maybe a dissatisfied customer of one of those hilarious "Bargirl Investigations" that he offers? :D

    Anyone care to offer a suggestion?

  12. But it doesn't explain why, out in the country miles from anywhere, you suddenly come across 8 or 10 roadside stalls selling those gaudy cushions for the back shelf. Then nothing for miles and then 8 or 10 stalls selling kites.


    Don't get caught out without your kite!

    Those tacky cushions used to be a staple of the back shelf of Datsuns driven (erratically) by Asians in the UK. :D Essential "must have" items all.

  13. I think it's something Chinese. In any China town you can see entire streets where all the shops sell exactly the same thing. Must be very bad for the shop owners, but good for the consumers :-)

    Soon as someone comes up with an original idea to sell something new, there will be 5 stalls set adjacent to them immediately selling exactly the same thing. :o

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