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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Doesn't Buddhism ask to refrain from the consumption of alcohol???

    It is one the 5 basic buddhist precept undertaken by the novice AND the laity....

    Here are the five

    1. To refrain from taking life.

    2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

    3. To refrain from sensual misconduct (improper sexual behavior, gluttony etc.)

    4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

    5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.


    Thailand really shouldn't call itself a Buddhist country...... :D

    -Ignorant expat- :o

    Shoud Britain and the US call themselves Christian countries ?


    Loosely, yes. If they weren't so frightened of calling "Christmas" anything but that, for fear of

    offending some minority / ethnic vote bloc. :D

    Religion doesn't really measure up to modern standards / scrutiny, does it?

  2. Doesn't Buddhism ask to refrain from the consumption of alcohol???

    It is one the 5 basic buddhist precept undertaken by the novice AND the laity....

    Here are the five

    1. To refrain from taking life.

    2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

    3. To refrain from sensual misconduct (improper sexual behavior, gluttony etc.)

    4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

    5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.


    Thailand really shouldn't call itself a Buddhist country...... :D

    -Ignorant expat- :o

  3. The "caste" system is still rife in Pakistan, and the lowest of the social scale are ripe for picking out as suicide bombers and fighters for jihad.

    Does anyone not see the similarities between Gen Mussharef and Gen Sondhi? Both came to power in coups to overthrow a corrupt but elected government; but Mussharef is still "President" of Pakistan.

    Seven years later! :D Decided he rather likes the power, then? Hmmm,....

    Mussharef recently rattled some sabres by implying that the Bush govt. threatened to "bomb Pakistan back into the stone age". Well, bad news there, because Pakistan never emerged from the stone age in the first place. 95% of the population anyway.

    The lovely Gen Mussaref maintains political stability at home through repression and exporting terrorism over Pakistan's borders. He "understands the situation in Thailand's Southern Provinces" because he maintains that type of status quo at home.

    Btw; what are Thai "students" studying over in Dungland that they couldn't find here? :o

    Please feel free to delete any more "expletives" you find in this post...... :D

  4. Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :o

    Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

    But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

    Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

    "Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

    They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?


  5. Seems like the secret to retiring is to keep as active as possible. I remember colleagues having retired from work at my old company in the UK, just seeming to die really quickly after retirement; just apparently dying of boredom, and losing the will to enjoy life after life's little tasks and tribulations are removed.

    I'm never retiring ever. I hate golf (I'm still sexually active :o ), and retirement would never fund my rock 'n roll lifestyle. :D

  6. A very good news indeed !

    Let's wait a few more month, to have other cancelations. And then, maybe, the government will start to understand that they should review their ridiculous face-based decision...

    Sponsorship is only the tip of the iceberg... Actually, it's a big economic blow to the advertising and printing industries. That's the main issue.

    Less activities, less revenues, less VAT, less taxes, etc.

    Face has a price. They will pay it. At no discount.

    I strongly suspect you derive your income from the advertising, printing or alcohol related industries. Remember, alcohol is a drug of addiction, just like tobacco, ya baa, heroin and the like.

    "But ohh" I hear you cry, "what about the economic factors...and ###### the few and their families that can't handle their drugs".

    Do you think Thailand should legalise gambling? roll back the anti smoking campain? go easy on drug dealers?

    I believe these laws are long over due, people that sell and promote drugs IN ANY FORM should not be suported.

    Prohibition doesn't work but massive drug promotion campaigns should be stoped immediatly.

    God save us from po-faced health fascists like you more like.... Hope you don't fall off your high horse anyway.

    Yes, Thailand should legalise gambling. Its rampant enough as it is, and the two-faced hypocrisy about any "social evils" present here serve only to line the pockets of the vested interest crooks at the top of the ladder. Anyone who lives here and ventures out of their ivory tower now and again might understand this...

    Any "new law" here is always some knee-jerk authoritarian OTT reaction to some preceived slight or criticism from overseas. Its usually un-enforceable or totally self-defeating.

  7. :o I have to say it is one of the many things I can't understand about Thailand. You are allowed to watch two cockerels gouge each other, but can't bet on the outcome?

    Thais go over the border to drop millions daily on the tables of casinos next door in Cambodia and Burma. Same with soccer gambling; card dens; etc; etc.

    If this was somehow regulated and legalised, Thailand would save billions yearly; but the illegal status quo is maintained, so this money ends up in the "grey economy" of LOS.

    The "Guns, Gambling and Ganja" book by Pasuk Phongpaichit is a good account of how the parallel economy works in Thailand.

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