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Everything posted by Adelphi

  1. Going off at a slight tangent. If you entre Thailand on a 90 day non immigrant O visa - say three weeks after the start date on the visa. What is the date that Immigration would stamp in your passport as the final day you can remain. Is it: a) the final date shown on the 90 day visa; or b) 90 days from the actual date that you entered Thailand. I hope this is clear. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
  2. So that is what it looks like from Planet Gaga.
  3. Well rather than going to Thailand again this year as I would have liked I have booked a holiday in Gran Canaria. No restrictions or need for Covid test if you are fully vaccinated.
  4. If you tested everyone getting off a Thai train how many would test positive? Almost certainly many more than 0.13% as many of the passengers would be unvaccinated and none of them had to show a negative PCR test to board. Such testing will never happen for the obvious reasons. Covid is now endemic. We need to learn to live with it and just get on with our lives once we are fully vaccinated. Time to dial down the histeria with international travel.
  5. More news from planet gaga. I normally spend winter in Thailand which I love to do. Due to the ludicrous entry requirements, expensive potential incarceration if I test positive on arrival and the general lack of fun I am giving it a miss this year. I have now booked a couple of months in Gran Canaria. Sad really as I know many poor Thais could have benefited from the expenditure from people like me. Still the rich elite who run the country will do just fine regardless - so that is ok.
  6. Hi I know that in the UK they have a treatment for enlarged prostates called Resume. It is a steam vapour treatment. Does anyone know if this treatment is available in Thailand. Any links or details about hospitals that provide this procedure and the cost would be very useful. I have tried looking on the net but so far I have not found anything in respect of Thailand. Thanks in advance for all useful information.
  7. "We keep reading about staff shortages at factories and across most sectors, so will Thailand still be able to offer a 5 star service?" I don't remember a 5 star service first time around. ????????
  8. I certainly could not read your post without bursting out laughing.
  9. If you were to make those same comments about guys from a particular ethnic or religious group you would probably be banned from this forum. However you think it is ok to attack guys because they are old. The issue here is vulnerable young women who are being exploited due to their financial circumstances. I fail to see why it is more wrong for a guy of 80 to do the exploiting than a guy of say 35. It is simply wrong. Your post comes across to me as full of unpleasant ageist discrimination.
  10. As best I can tell there is a deeply embedded prejudice among some Thais against alcohol. I suspect that these are often the same people who have wet dreams about getting rid of the sexpats and replacing them with high net worth individuals. I have heard on the grapevine that Monaco is worried that many of its high net worth residents are planning to move to Pattaya as these people are attracted to washed-out beaches and broken pavements; particularly if they can no longer get a glass of overpriced dodgy wine with dinner. Makes me smile. ????????
  11. Yes I am thank you Dr Jack. Are you aware of how many fully vaxxed and fully tested visitors there have been to the Phuket sandbox and how few of them have subsequently tested positive for Covid?
  12. With a bit of luck it will finally be an acceptance that locking down longer and harder just does not work. Most countries are giving up on that approach. Covid is now endemic in society. Mass vaccinations are the only way to go. We have to live with this virus like so many others. The risk of letting fully vaccinated and tested people enter the country is minimal. Time to open up and start reviving the economy.
  13. I can sympathise with many of the positives and negatives above. I have been looking at the retirement options for other SE Asian countries post pandemic. I am coming to the conclusion that Thailand with all it’s faults is still the best option for access to a wide range of services and retirement visas. I would be interested in the views of others. Particularly which other country is better and why.
  14. The Phuket Sandbox is definitely an improvement on being kept in an hotel room for two weeks. However, given how few of the fully vaxxed and tested visitors were positive any rational person would review this policy. These foreign visitors do no represent an overall Covid 19 risk to Thailand; given how much Covid is already in the country. Rather it underlines the fact that if Thailand is serious about ramping up the number of fully vaxxed and tested visitors it needs to abolish any notion of quarantine.
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