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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. At 72, it isn't worth intrusive medical procedures because the operation or recovery may be worse than your ailment.  For lower back, you may have lumbar or sacroiliac joint deterioration which exercise will not help.   

    If you want to continue exercising, choose less stressful methods which reduce the effects of gravity such as swimming, or even underwater walking.  Perhaps an exercycle if that doesn't hurt.

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  2. Dudes,

    The family probably wants the body repatriated because they want an autopsy performed in the UK.

    Perhaps they suspect shenanigans which resulted in his demise.  

    Way too many countries automatically cremate tourist bodies specifically to destroy evidence of unnatural deaths.

    Not that I think this was the case, but I'm not a grieving family member.

    I have no problems with GFM, if I don't want to contribute, I don't.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Dan O said:

    Krittapon announced that officers had planned a crackdown, intending to visit each residence of the teenage members for questioning and to arrest those found guilty. In addition to these proactive operations, officers would also implement a 10pm curfew starting from May 3 onwards.

    I am just so glad that the police are planning a crackdown, or as a former boss of mine would say: "We are planning to make a plan!"

    It must be so difficult for police to visit and arrest suspects at their homes!


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  4. 1 hour ago, crazykopite said:

    If your going to

    ban it then it must be a 100% ban that means closing down all the farms and industry cultivating the plant and if not Who is going to police it 

    Oh you silly goose!

    Of course the police will police it!

    Just like how they police against prostitution, gambling, yaba trafficking, and every slight whiff of corruption in the LoS!

    • Haha 1
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  5. 5 minutes ago, off road pat said:

    Hm,...what about all those Russian Oligarchs that bought multi-million £ mansion in London ??? did they had to prove there fortune came from legit incomes !?!?

    Unfortunately, Oligarchs do have provable sources of wealth & income as they pretty-much own every business, industry, and commodity in Russia.  

    The UK laws go after individuals, wives and their children who had no legitimate means of earning that kind of money based-on public service salaries in Third World countries.


  6. 12 hours ago, webfact said:

    Game then went for a cigarette. He alleges hearing a gunshot after which the pair emerged carrying several black plastic bags.

    Now I don't smoke, nor have I ever committed murder before dismembering, and then bagging-up an entire human body, but I have to think it'd certainly take longer than the time needed to smoke one cigarette.

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