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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Having been around Thailand for about 12 years, I can count the number of private trailers I have seen on one hand.

    Even small commercial trailers are not very common. I saw one the other day hauling a small backhoe, rolling along at 30 km/h, and from the looks of it I would not have wanted to pull it even that fast. Somehow I think that one was not Transport Ministry approved.

  2. Most of the pictures look to me like there is to much fat marbled in the meat. Need some fat but this looks in excess to me. i grew up in cattle country and where I am from heavily marbled beef like that is not preferred.

    Fat equals flavour. You might not prefer it, but a lot of people do.

    Especially the Japanese who I believe are the largest nationality for expats in Thailand.


    Marbled japanese steaks have soft fat which melts while being grilled.

    Western steaks have chewinggum fat or gristle/senuw. I also don't like the look of a a steak with 2cm of pure fat at the edge. Maybe the Thai eat it but i won't.

    Your generalization of "Western" steaks is off base. Good steaks are not hard to find in USA; most large grocery stores have good cuts of meat if one knows how to judge it.

    In rural areas local locker plants where many of the farmers bring their own beef to be butchered are easy to find.

    Other than some crappy chain restaurants, most will have good steaks as well.

  3. you have to be smarter when dealing with potentially jealous and judgmental thai women, not all thai women are like this but it is a common trait.

    the smart thing to do is tell her you will be staying with a friend; say the friend is male or say female friend and her bf/husband.

    as long as you know you're behaving yourself a little white lie can save you a lot of bother.

    From the first line, delete "thai" in both cases.

    Second sentence, FULL STOP after the first instand of "friend".

    It is not even a white lie if you just say "friend".

    Although in the case of the original poster, the cat is already out of the bag.

  4. Mr. Smith says this is about the children.

    "This is about children that are going to sit down and they're going to watch the show and they're not going to see themselves represented," said Smith

    How many children watch the Oscars, other than being in the room while Mom and Dad are watching?

    How many children would notice the racial mix, unless an over-privileged, self-important parent pointed it out?

    You'd be surprised at what children see and know.

    Not at all surprised, I have raised children and now have grandchildren; they do not miss much.

    But for them to have the context of discrimination and playing the victim due to race...that is taught.

  5. OP, I think you don't need to do anything cos your mistake is now firmly imprinted in your gray cells...smile.png

    PS, I cannot see my tailgate via the rear view mirror..

    You can not see your tailgate because you have a top up lid.

    In the center mounted rear view mirror you will always see your tailgate, unless it is in a position to squeeze out your pimples.

    Not always....depends upon your height, and how high you crank your seat up, if your vehicle has that adjustment.

    In my Toyota 4-door, with the seat set as I like for my 5' 7" self, and the center mirror set so I can just barely see the bottom of the rear window, I cannot see the tailgate.

    So if you barely see the bottom of your rear window, then you will see actually your car ceiling, and also see barely behind the car

    Yeah, maybe some people are unable to move their head or mirror a little to enable them to see the tailgate, but those people should actually not be allowed behind the wheel of a movinmg vehicle.

    You have not been in my vehicle, you have no idea what is viewable in the mirror.

    When you get anywhere close to the miles I have driven, in everything from 2 wheels to 18, then you can judge whether I should be behind the wheel.

  6. I suppose it depends on what "broken" means.

    Typically, the landlord is responsible for the physical plant...but check your rental contract (if you have one).

    I disagree with "he can't re-let the unit if the a/c is not working". He surely could rent it for a bit less and say "no a/c".

    Withholding rent would be the last resort. Talk to the landlord first.

    Speaking of which, have you approached the landlord about this? That would be the first step, even before posting here.

  7. I have had it 3 times over a 4 year period. Dont tell me you cant get it twice because you can. Am living proof of it. But that is not the point. Here in Bangkok where I live the mosquito problem is rampant! I live next to a wet market that operates from 4AM till noon. Have asked the govt department that deals with it to come over after my 3rd infection to fume the place. But nope!!! The market people went nuts claiming they loose a days trade. Oh well.... And lately the kids at the market here also got infected but still they wont budge! Guess as soon as the kids of the owner get it something will be done.

    On;y a fool would suggest you can't get Dengue twice. ...however you are likely to be immune to the STRAIN your caught - there a 4 (even 5) strains of Dengue.

    I hope your infections were diagnosed with blood tests .... subsequent infections appear to run the risk of being more severe than the first, so you need to be absolutely sure that you had dengue each time.

    Even if you know, what difference does it make?

    Take the precautions and go on with your life.

  8. Mr. Smith says this is about the children.

    "This is about children that are going to sit down and they're going to watch the show and they're not going to see themselves represented," said Smith

    How many children watch the Oscars, other than being in the room while Mom and Dad are watching?

    How many children would notice the racial mix, unless an over-privileged, self-important parent pointed it out?

  9. OP, I think you don't need to do anything cos your mistake is now firmly imprinted in your gray cells...smile.png

    PS, I cannot see my tailgate via the rear view mirror..

    You can not see your tailgate because you have a top up lid.

    In the center mounted rear view mirror you will always see your tailgate, unless it is in a position to squeeze out your pimples.

    Not always....depends upon your height, and how high you crank your seat up, if your vehicle has that adjustment.

    In my Toyota 4-door, with the seat set as I like for my 5' 7" self, and the center mirror set so I can just barely see the bottom of the rear window, I cannot see the tailgate.

  10. Scientist will say anything that keeps money flowing in to their pockets

    England suffered the coldest winter

    and even at my home in Australia they tell me they had the coldest winter in years

    That is why the correct terminology is "climate change" rather than "global warming".

    "Global warming" was a scare phrase that quickly lost credibility after a few "record cold winters".

  11. Watched a pair of ladies practically shove their yard-long Look-At-Me-I'm-With-Nat.Geo Nikon lens up the nose of an elderly lady sitting on the pavement selling veggies at the Chiang Rai street market. She smiled at them, and they returned her smile stone-faced, like she had two heads, then glanced at each other and laughed.

    A pair of ladies I think not !. I see far too many tourists acting that way and worse. I was asked by friends in the states why I don't post more pictures of things and people in my neighborhood. I explained that you don't nose around and take pictures of your neighbors...I am not a tourist...it takes a good 3 to 6 months to get your neighbors to become accustomed to you in their space, you don't go screwing it up by acting like a ninny fresh off the Lonely Planet bookshelf.

    Indeed...the whole "photos or it didn't happen" mindset is nonsense.

    I would rather experience what is going on than have my eye to a camera or phone cam.

    Photography is one of my hobbies...but I do not feel the need to record everything.

    I get the impression that I'm being misread. I couldn't care if folks record...on Facebook or on film...their daily trips to the toilet.

    What I consider disgusting ignorance is A)Shoving a lens up somebody's nose, and B)then refusing to smile, even as a thanks for the intrusion.

    ...I spend winters here only...so perhaps unfair to comment, but I find the behaviour of many of my fellow farangs (particularly in groups)embarrassing.

    Your point is taken...shoving a camera in someone's face as you described is rude, as is the subsequent behavior you observed from those two women.

    I used the opening you provided to rant a bit.

  12. A few things of note:

    The article says "some scientists", which is being honest. "Hottest on record" would seem to be pretty objective, until one starts defining "on record".

    The two entities claiming "hottest on record" are US government agencies...thus will promote the agenda of the current administration.

    When mentioning the "other side", I like that the article uses the phrasing "...those skeptical of human-caused climate change..." (emphasis added). Typically those skeptics are characterized as having the position of "climate change is not happening", which is intellectually dishonest.

    I have not talked to anyone who believes that our climate is not changing. Granted, it depends upon where one is in the world, but in the temperate zones it is very evident.

    The disagreement is how much is natural cycle and how much is caused by human activities.

  13. When I first came here, what I found frustrating was when I would ask a question, and if the other party did not know the answer, then they would not respond.

    It took a while for my wife to grasp the concept of "I do not know" is an acceptable answer to me...she will never say that to another Thai, at least for anything important.

    How I finally got it through was to explain that she is no more "stupid" for not knowing the answer, than I am for having to ask the question. That, and telling her the "business" response: "I do not know, but I will get the answer for you".

  14. Watched a pair of ladies practically shove their yard-long Look-At-Me-I'm-With-Nat.Geo Nikon lens up the nose of an elderly lady sitting on the pavement selling veggies at the Chiang Rai street market. She smiled at them, and they returned her smile stone-faced, like she had two heads, then glanced at each other and laughed.

    A pair of ladies I think not !. I see far too many tourists acting that way and worse. I was asked by friends in the states why I don't post more pictures of things and people in my neighborhood. I explained that you don't nose around and take pictures of your neighbors...I am not a tourist...it takes a good 3 to 6 months to get your neighbors to become accustomed to you in their space, you don't go screwing it up by acting like a ninny fresh off the Lonely Planet bookshelf.

    Indeed...the whole "photos or it didn't happen" mindset is nonsense.

    I would rather experience what is going on than have my eye to a camera or phone cam.

    Photography is one of my hobbies...but I do not feel the need to record everything.

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