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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Heres a brief story.

    Last week , I met a friend in Starbucks. Sat on her own was a very good looking Thai lady around 30. (hard to be exact but she wasnt a kid).

    A western fella sat close by had his eye on her, easy to see and i think most of the men in the shop did.

    Anyway, he walked over and politely introduced himself and sat down. they appeared to get on extremely well. he was no great looker by the way.

    I dont know if it progressed or not but the point is, he saw a pretty girl and got talking to her.

    Try it. it worked for me when I first saw my wife and was hit by the proverbial thunder bolt.

    There is a lot to be said for the direct, no-nonsense approach.

    A good friend met his wife of many years that way. They were both working in a manufacturing facility, he was leaving the break room as she was walking in. He stopped, turned around, went back to the break room and introduced himself.

  2. Well now I have noticed nothing of the sort here in the South,We go into the town and sometimes we see 1 or 2 Westerners at the most 3, that has not changed over the last 4 years .I like it this way,,, We don't have to Mingle with to many Westerners,,,Just the way we like it . 1 or 2 Friends is Fine . Love it !

    I know a few people like yourself and I really cant make it out.

    Why do people who have no wish meeting fellow Westerners in real life spend much of their spare time conversing with them online ?

    Seriously I don't get it.

    Inability to mix in with others. Harder to BS about the 'happy life' they lead, or financial status when face to face with someone. So many keyboard millionaires on here, probably, without a pot to piss in.

    I have noticed that the ThaiVisa forums have an inordinate number of professionals....most predominantly investment wizards with intricate knowledge of the global monetary system; but also a large number of highly skilled engineers, biologists, epidemiologists, automotive technicians, Special Forces/SAS/ninjas, and what have you.

    I appreciate people sharing their knowledge and experiences here...but some do get a bit carried away with touting their "credentials".

  3. It is much faster here in Thailand than it is in the states..

    Go online and download the form and follow the directions and make an appointment at the US Embassy.

    I got mine in January of 2015 and it was ready in less than a week. (They make the passports here in Thailand)

    They might not contact you when it is ready, so you can just go pick it up at the embassy about ten days after you file.

    One interesting thing is that the beginning date on the passport is the date that you submit the forms at the Embassy.

    US passports have been made to order from USA for many years due to security concerns - only emergency travel document types are held locally. They previously were marked as issued by the office providing, such as US Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand or Passport Agency, Miami but are now marked as United States Department of State.

    My first passport, obtained in USA in 1992, Authority = Passport Agency Seattle

    The next passport, obtained in USA in 2001, Authority = National Passport Center

    My current passport, obtained in Thailand in 2010, Authority = United States Department of State

    bangkapi is correct in that obtaining a passport here is faster than in USA...he is incorrect in stating that the passports are made in Thailand.

  4. One is not obligated to be everyone's "best buddy".

    At most, I would offer to send a message for them....not give them my phone to do so.

    Same if someone says they do not have balance to make a call or send an SMS...I will offer to send a message asking them to call.

    My phone will not leave my hands.

  5. Considering that the baht was at 28.70 to the US dollar in April 2013, and at 32.25 to the US dollar in April 2015, I would not say the baht is "holding strong".

    Granted, it is not at that magic 40.00 to the US dollar that we saw in 2005 (easy math), but it is trending that way and has been since 2013.

  6. It seems to me there are three factions involved in the political events of the past ten years or so:

    1) The rural people, mostly from Isaan, who support(ed) Thaksin due to the "free" things from the Thaksin regime, who would probably support another regime who likewise gave out "free" things

    2) The Bangkok "elite", those with money who were not with Thaksin, and supported the ouster of the Shinawatra regime

    3) The educated young and middle-aged professionals, who naively believe that "reform" in this political system is possible, and acted on the mantra "Thaksin out then we will worry about the rest later"

    I am not including those paid "protesters" used by both sides to bolster their mob protester crowd size...they will put on any color shirt they are paid to wear.

    Group #1 does not really care who is in power, as long as the freebies come

    Group #2 likes the status quo, and will support that "forever'

    Group #3 will eventually realize that their idealistic outlook has no basis for reality in the real world, and *may* be the group to make some noise when elections are not forthcoming

  7. 3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

    Isn't there a law against this?

    I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

    They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

    I think the hearing loss happened in the womb for most.

    As far as a law...I have no idea. But if there is such, I have never seen it enforced. Take a wander over there, you are likely to see at least one brown uniform.

  8. I've noticed more Caucasians up here in Korat over the past 18-24 months.

    A few are obviously just passing through, but I believe many of them are settled/settling down here.

    I concur with this observation.

    Certainly in my village (Chok Chai, 30 km south of Korat city), there are many more non-Thais than there were 10 years ago.

  9. Chase it up with the cops. Might cost you a couple of thou but they'll get it

    Perhaps the other guy has already paid the bib, thus no chance for OP.

    Sir, I believe you may be correct in that assessment.

    Or the local police are "family" with the other guy...

  10. I have a question. As a skeptic, is this 2015 heat wave a fact supported by the 97% or is it supported by the 3%.

    Or did they simply concrete around each and every temperature sensor to get the desired result?

    "Heat wave" implies something temporary.

    Maybe you didn't have a very good maths teacher.

    This is what a wave looks like on a graph.


    This is what the global temperature looks like on a graph:


    I hope that goes some way to explaining this simple concept to you.


    The earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old.

    You are taking data from .0000000002709% of the earth's age and trying to demonstrate that as a trend.

    Yes, it is a trend....a very short one. As is your graph from x = 3 to x = 5.

    It is accepted that the earth has been through multiple cycles of heating and cooling. So if were were able to have data for a meaningful period of the earth's existence, it would likely look very similar to your "wave" example.

  11. So if you barely see the bottom of your rear window, then you will see actually your car ceiling, and also see barely behind the car

    Yeah, maybe some people are unable to move their head or mirror a little to enable them to see the tailgate, but those people should actually not be allowed behind the wheel of a movinmg vehicle.

    You have not been in my vehicle, you have no idea what is viewable in the mirror.

    When you get anywhere close to the miles I have driven, in everything from 2 wheels to 18, then you can judge whether I should be behind the wheel.

    I don't nee to have been in your vehicle to have an idea to what is viewable in YOUR rear view mirror.

    Viewable in ANY rear view mirror is EVERYTHING that is behind you, and even when it isn't viewable in the position you put it, a mirror is adjustable and a persons head is movable also to change the view temporarily.

    And yes I can judge if you should behind a wheel, because I remember that you once posted on this forum that you had never see an accident happen in Thailand.

    I would challenge you to find that post.

    I can think of a half-dozen that I have seen right off-hand.

    Including at least one seen in the rear-view mirror. I dodged debris in the road, the car a couple of seconds behind me braked instead with predictable results due to the next car being approximately 10 milliseconds behind.

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