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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Hi Khwaibah

    They are good photos ,thank you ,and looking at the stock and breeding, he is a guy who has interest in his cattle , and is very intrested in breeding those white Brahman are worth there money, although the ears are a bit short .

    Nearly all the Thai big Brahman breeders , get there stock from the USA a guy near me has brought some Brahman cows from the USA ,most breeding now is done though AI with the best semen coming from the USA , good USA semen will be about 6-700 baht/ straw ,in Thailand SK Farm Pattaya sell there own collected semen ,at 3- 500 baht/straw , one of there best bulls a red Brahman known as SK 245, produces some very nice calves , even on an average Thai beef cow you can see the breeding in the calves .

    That last photo ,the short white bull ,just left of centre ,is a Charolaise x Brahman , a breed that is becoming popular in Thailand ,same breed that the Thai /French beef company in Sakonankon use .

    Charolais cross well with other breeds...pure Charolais can be a bit temperamental and hard to keep around.

  2. Saudi Arabia's employment problem is that every Saudi male wants to be a manager or work in a government job. None will do any menial or labor type work; nearly 80% of the Saudi workforce is comprised of expats.

    Even in the technical fields the vast majority of the workers are expat.

    It will be interesting to see how long this welfare state can continue.

  3. If you arrived on March 20, 2016 with a tourist visa your last day to depart is May 18, 2016.

    Date of arrival and departure are fully included in the count.

    No date on the arrival stamp?


    Look harder or rush to the next immigration office to get it fixed.

    You can not even be sure whether your visa has been used and noticed.

    Maybe you were entered to the system as 30 day visa exempt.

    Another example for THE rule:

    Check the stamps immediately after the passing immigration checkpoint (passport control).

    In case of any uncertainty call a supervisor.

    Thanks for the responses guys. I did look at the stamp immediately after as I usually do, but I figured it was some change. They stamped my tourist visa as "Used - March 20", and on the departure card it just says March 20 without anything written in "Admitted Until" - it is blank. First time this has happened to me.

    How is 60 days May 18th? There are 31 days in March and 30 in April, so shouldn't it be May 19th?

    In addition to this above, I plan to go visit Malaysia for a few days and re-enter Thailand after on a 30 day stamp. I have a flight to the US on June 22nd. What date can I re-enter on a 30 day stamp such that June 22nd will not be over the deadline/overstay? Is it May 23rd, since May has 31 days?

    The departure card (TM6) will typically not have an "admitted until" date...look in your passport.

  4. The book "The Federal Mafia" was never "banned"...Mr Schiff et al were prohibited from *selling* the book as it was found by the courts to contain fraudulent commercial information.


    The court injunction did not prohibit anyone else from selling the book, nor was possession of the book ruled to be illegal...therefore no "ban".

    Mr Schiff's response was to give the book away free (not "for free") on his website. That was not found to be illegal.

    But I guess..whatever makes for a sensationalistic headline...

    “ Mr Schiff et al were prohibited from *selling* the book as it was found by the courts to contain fraudulent commercial information.”

    “ Judge George banned Schiff’s book as “false commercial speech” without any specific analysis or any in-court evidentiary examination establishing the “falsity” of Schiff’s actual speech and by blithely ignoring the substantial body of established Supreme Court constitutional law protecting free expression and publication. “ermm.gif

    That quote notwithstanding, the book was still easily obtainable...therefore not "banned".

  5. One Way? You mean you don't want to come back to this beautiful country with its great beaches and charming people? You should be able to find a return on skyscanner about the same price as one way without having to sleep in a Middle East or Chinese airport.Jet and Finnair would get you there (Dublin) for less than 20000

    Most of my flights out are either to various countries for work, or to USA to take care of family obligations there.

    Many times it is easier to book one-way than to keep changing return dates, and getting banged with the change fees.

    When I go to visit the parents in USA, that is typically a one-way, as it might be week, it might be a month.

  6. "Way early" does not equate to lower prices. Honestly, I do not know how the airlines come up with their fare structures.

    I can be looking at flights a couple of weeks out, move my departure date a day or two either way and things can change drastically.

    Or, look at flights for a given day....check back tomorrow, they might be cheaper, or they might be more expensive.

    Close in to the departure might get you a cheap fare, maybe....but the downside is the uncertainty of being able to get a seat, not to mention possibly getting extra attention as a potential "undesirable", particularly if booking one-way, which I do quite often.

  7. A fish dish for 400 baht in the first place is a bit of a scam

    If not an upmarket place, seems overpriced

    "Overpriced" is not a scam...if the prices are clearly stated on the menu, and that is what you are charged.

    Caveat emptor

    Which part of 400 Baht in the menu and charged 800 Baht when the bill came are you having trouble understanding here ? whistling.gif

    Maybe Rooo should have posted it in Latin and then you may have understood better thumbsup.gif

    I was was not responding to the OP...rather to the person who said "A fish dish for 400 baht in the first place is a bit of a scam".

    Overpriced, yes...but not a scam.

  8. A fish dish for 400 baht in the first place is a bit of a scam

    If not an upmarket place, seems overpriced

    "Overpriced" is not a scam...if the prices are clearly stated on the menu, and that is what you are charged.

    Caveat emptor

  9. Well no shit....

    The Muslim prohibition about pork is not because the animals are "dirty"...it is about the meat is hard to manage in hot climates.

    Nonsense! A religious, ie cultural, prohibition has to be seen in its own terms, not in the light of modern health criteria.

    Muslims, even well educated ones, in Europe do not eat pork, for religious reasons, even though it is perfectly safe to do so. Just as I do not eat dogs, unlike the people of Vietnam or Sakon Nakhorn. I'm sure eating dogs is perfectly safe; we just don't do because of our culture.

    Islam teaches that the pig is an unclean animal, so they don't eat them. English people regard dogs, cats, horses etc as pets; so we don't eat them. It's all about culture and every culture has its prohibitions.

    It is not nonsense at all.

    Those "old timers" might not have had modern science on their side, but surely they were smart enough to understand cause and effect.

    Religious prohibitions did not just come out of thin air...there is some basis for them, some rational, some not so much.

  10. The book "The Federal Mafia" was never "banned"...Mr Schiff et al were prohibited from *selling* the book as it was found by the courts to contain fraudulent commercial information.

    The court injunction did not prohibit anyone else from selling the book, nor was possession of the book ruled to be illegal...therefore no "ban".

    Mr Schiff's response was to give the book away free (not "for free") on his website. That was not found to be illegal.

    But I guess..whatever makes for a sensationalistic headline...

  11. 1984 Ford Telstar TX5 Ghia in a nice light metallic blue.

    Although bought at Ford Chonburi, all services had to be done at a Bangkok dealer which was a bit of a chore. One day when about 2 years old, it suddenly wouldn't keep running unless you kept dipping the throttle. Start OK but if you lifted your foot off the gas completely, it died. Took it to the Chonburi dealer and there was a 'chip' inside the distributor cap that was buggered, would cost about 5000 baht (out of warranty) and take about a week to get it from overseas. Called my mate who had a Mazda 626 to come over and we swapped the chip and proved they were right. Next morning I rented a green Mazda 626 for one day from a local mom and pop car rent place, took it home, swapped the chip and next morning called them up and said the bugger wouldn't run so could they come and collect it? They did, no questions asked, no demands for money because I broke it, nada.

    And that's (one of the many reasons) why I am going to hell.

    I will not pass judgement...whether you are going to hell is between you and your chosen deity.

    I will say your solution is creative.

  12. Tax seems voluntary to big American corporations, why should people pay to a system that makes life harder .

    Another myth perpetuated by those wishing to villify "Big Business"

    That's what I don't get about the Bernie Sanders movement. If American multinational companies were put out of business, would that really be a good thing for the American public? If Americans don't like it the way it is now, with American multinationals doing most of their manufacturing overseas, they aren't going to like any better when everything they buy is from overseas companies who manufacture overseas.

    "Bernie" conveniently does not address what will happen when all "big business" leaves USA...no tax revenue, no jobs....

    Either that, or he really is that ignorant about economics

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