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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. whistling.gif I did the change to a new passport (U.S. passport) here in Thailand at CW in June 2015.

    You should have received a letter requesting immigration to switch your current visa data to your new passport at the embassy here in Bangkok when you received your new passport

    You simply take that letter to immigration and they will switch your current visa data while you wait.

    Easily done.

    As I said I went through the process here in Bangkok in June 2015.

    I did the same in December of 2010...no muss no fuss.

  2. The last car(s) I had would be the ones I still own in USA:

    2013 Ford F-150 4x4 crew cab (my daily driver when I am in USA)
    2004 Chevy Silverado 4x4 Z71 (my son has this one at University)

    1992 Jeep Wrangler (this usually gets a bit of exercise when I visit USA)

    1980 Chevy Camaro Z28 (I drove this a few weeks ago for the first time in 16 years...unfortunately it was only from one storage unit to another)

  3. Pretty hard to grow anything without water.


    I see plenty of tree's though! Those could be fruitproducers or timbertree's. Hardwood is easy to grow and gets top price these days.

    There must be water underground there, so you need a crop with long roots like tree's.

    Fruit trees require plenty of irrigation (no water available remember) and hardwood trees take 10+ years to grow.

    Even pulpwood is a five-year deal. If a person had sufficient land that one could get a pulpwood crop each year, it would take some time for that to get productive.

  4. I like to employ family when I can...after I kicked one off a job for not doing things the way I wanted the arguments stopped. They also know that I will pay a nice bonus for completed work, to my specs.

    Over time they have figured out that I do know a little bit about construction etc...and that my ideas are not automatically wrong just because they are different.

    A couple of "standard" building techniques that make no sense to me:

    - Even a small room having a support post in the middle of the room. Trusses seem to be an unknown in residential construction.

    - Building block walls without staggering the blocks...not much more to be said here.

  5. I have linked PayPal accounts to my account at Krueng Thai Bank, and my wife's account as well.

    I created two new accounts at "PayPal Thailand" and linked one to my account, one to my wife's.

    The name needs to match *exactly* ... I did a cut n paste using the Thai script.

    I have a US PayPal account which is linked to my bank account there, and secondarily to a credit card.

    Transfer involves logging into my US PayPal account, sending money either to my or my wife's PayPal Thailand account. The log into the PayPal Thailand account and 'withdraw' to funds to the connected bank account.

  6. from reading the news today minimum fine is 1k but looks like its all kicking off with protests soon. Also something about riding only in the left lane but nothing i can find in english on this at the moment.

    Why dont they use a cc limit instead like the Uk as many bikes can do well over 160kph and wouldnt slow anyone down

    Curious, what is the cc limit & rules there?

    USA allows >150cc [e.g.PCX] on freeways, Interstates, expressways, I believe.

    Unlike the Thais, the USA does use common sense.

    USA it is more about maintaining minimum speeds than particular engine displacement.

    Also, in USA a motorcycle is the vehicular equivalent of everything else on the road, as far as laws go.

  7. I doubt that many people consider the legality for their actions in that type of situation.

    Many people do not know how to fight, or defend themselves.

    Have you ever considered that some folks don't want to fight people?

    I would say that all things considered, most people do not want to fight.

    The thread is not about if people want to fight, it is about self-defense.

  8. mg i didn't screw up as u put it leaving out the bits i won't put in public, i left 18.5 grand gbp in bag on the counter of drug store in airport girl (now wife) found it and got police /soldier to return it to me in food hall. looking story but in private ok.

    told her from beginning was money from boss and i was almost skint, after a year wanted to marry but said i didn't have enough to pay dowry girls sister gave me money to put on table for ceremony so none of family then interested in money.

    since then we have 6 year old son and between em cost me a fortune lol

    That is a screw-up but nothing critical...and you had a good outcome anyway.You met your wife. She could have had a huge payday right there but did the right thing. Why you were carrying that amount in a bag is not really important to the story. I carried 250000 THB in a paper bag between banks in Bangkok several years ago.

    Meeting my wife was an almost accident as well...me asking a stranger in Big C Korat "do you know where is <I forget what I was looking for>". Exchange of phone numbers, it went from there.

  9. There are many cases of dual pricing, some make sense some dont.

    When it comes to dual pricing at privately owned tourist attractions in tourist locations they usually makes perfect sense.

    Most of these attractions have been budgeted/and built with the international tourists in mind. Without foreign tourists they would never had been built as the local tourism could never economically support these attractions.

    The price you pay, as a foreigner, at these attractions is the regular price that the owner of the attraction had budgeted for. The price locals pay, and sometimes even local foreigners, is heavily discounted.

    These kinds of discounts are common at tourist attractions all over the world. The purpose of these discounts is to try and draw in the local residents as often as possible to get some additional revenue on top of what the real customers, the international tourists, bring in.

    In other countries you may not notice these discounts as they often can only be obtained if you get a local discount card when proving you are a local resident in that town/county/state. The point is they exist everywhere and ultimately they make it cheaper for everyone to visit these attractions.

    Try asking for a local resident discount as a non Thai here and see how long before the laughter stops.

    My point was that it's common practise all over the world. Google "local resident discount" and you will get about 3,000,000 hits with places where this happens, some of them even in Thailand.

    And my point is that price discrimination based on nationality is wrong.

    Based on personal experience I have yet to see any local resident discount for non Thais advertised anywhere. You say it exists and I believe you but I ain't seen it.

    Been here 14 years now.

    Why is it wrong?

  10. So who are responsible for enforcing the direction against Taxi's not using their meters?. Come - on you red shirt supporters you know it is the police but you prefer to blame the Army when they can't act, and then you complain when the Army senior officers are given civil powers. Give the PM enough time and he will prevail. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    Seeing as how the taxis are owned by the police...good luck getting any change there.

  11. i count myself very lucky first met my wife (thai) after her returning a large amount of cash i personally lost (don't ask lol) been with me 16 years even though i didn't earn enough to bring her to uk. looked after me well and sorted most of my problems (don't really love her but she's a damned good cook lol)

    Why "don't ask" and why "lol" ?

    You brought it up...share the story...

  12. Where did you meet her ?

    i met this girl from up north and she even had farang boyfriend for 2 years we started talng then she said if you look after me and my family you can have what you want i thought family her 2 kids oh no it was her 2 kids and her mother father who where in there late 50 is i said why dont they work to ill they need money for medical treatment as wel so now we up to5 people also would be possible tolend her money for her sister car loan as she cant pay it now as husband left her i said what about your boyfriend for 2 years she said not love him now he no look after my family i said you got some cheek she was for real and said i must go she said you no want me then then i said your lovely not to upset her and she was very beautiful she 32 im 62 as i went she said goodbye and i said goodluck nobody was going to mug me for sure they have no morals some these girls at all

    She was 32 and you were 62 and you question HER morals ?

    Did you expect a sex slave because you had more money than her, despite her being young enough to be your granddaughter ?

    What age difference would fit your definition of "moral"?

  13. My family living in a rural area of USA, and being in the automobile and farm equipment business...

    I always like to be around there at the end of the year. All of these people coming in, spending money that they really do not have, to buy a new vehicle or other equipment they do not need, to keep from "paying taxes"....I guess paying interest is somehow better.

    It truly does get into the realm of ridiculous...paying thousands of $$$ to avoid hundreds in taxes.

    Actually a small business can deduct the entire amount in that year up to 500k. They also can deduct the interest as a business expense. It's a very smart move recommended by all tax experts.


    Spending money you do not have to buy equipment you do not need is not a "very smart move recommended by all tax experts".

    Beyond that, most high-dollar equipment is amortized over several years.

  14. My family living in a rural area of USA, and being in the automobile and farm equipment business...

    I always like to be around there at the end of the year. All of these people coming in, spending money that they really do not have, to buy a new vehicle or other equipment they do not need, to keep from "paying taxes"....I guess paying interest is somehow better.

    It truly does get into the realm of ridiculous...paying thousands of $$$ to avoid hundreds in taxes.

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