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  1. The staff charged lady drink prices for the wife and his wife wasn’t willing to go against another Thai. if you bring female company to a “girly bar,” the staff will tax you for circumventing the patronage of their own girls in favor of your girl or wife. He wasn’t aware of the subterfuge and got angry about it.
  2. Yep, I brought two Non-staff girls to a bar on soi yakamoto before going to walking street for a quick few drinks. Got blatantly shortchanged and almost punched the bar tender in the face. clearly there’s some kind of unwritten rule that you don’t bring your girl to a girl bar or you’ll get ripped off in some way as payback
  3. Yea I’m sure she was a stunner 😁
  4. Nope! I don’t want a peanut gallery every time I enter and exit my abode. It’s a fckn nuisance. I want to be left alone
  5. Yes, heaven pizza is amazing. I don’t know if they have plebian selections like Hawaiian pizza though 😉
  6. Nope, you’re just oblivious to Thai culture. Doesn’t matter what you solipsistically perceive to be erroneous or ridiculous about thi culture, it just is. By returning the trash bags, you’re (1) suggesting that something is faulty, (2) making them do extra things they may not know how to do, (3) making them do things they may not be permitted to do. unless it was something expensive and genuinely faulty, I’d just let it go and keep the trash bags.
  7. he looks naive and so I’m going to wager that he fell for every ploy by the girls while being too drunk. I’m his age too but I know the score >”buy us all shots“ >one for my friend and mama? and maybe some bill padding too. some gogo bars make you sign off on each drink which I respect. Other than that, I always speak Thai when ordering or when talking to girls so they know I have *some* awareness of the environment. In 2 years I’ve only gotten padded twice and it was a negligible amount
  8. Moneys better spent on a hair transplant. They can’t steal your hair follicles and it’s much better at the intended effect than a Rolex
  9. I am terribly sorry to say this, but you were lied to. ????
  10. You know what they say: if you burn the coal, you pay the toll ????
  11. That’s literally all I want to do when I retire lol
  12. yea the philippines is "actual 3rd world." The food is atrocious. Went to the mall with a girl in Ermate and none of the escalators were working. Guards with sawed off shotguns at the western unions. The only reason to go to PH is to go to Walking Street in Angeles for a week and then leave.
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