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Everything posted by FalangJaiDee

  1. ???? k dude this is correct. right. you're either larping (live action roleplaying) or you have model tier looks. if that is the case, then your experiences have nothing to do with who you are but how attractive you are. simple as.
  2. All I see is two groups of tourists talking and then Thai security guards come over and start beating them up. My guess is that one of the guys on the motorcycle told the security guard to F off or something and that sparked the violence. The police are coping hard. This was just a security guard with a short fuse looking to beat down foreigners
  3. That sounds like a good way to get your head caved in with a bat
  4. Is there any way to deal with bill padding or getting shortchanged without having to pay? Can you just sit there and not pay it? What happens if you just continue to calmly refuse to pay it and just pay what you know the actual amount is?
  5. Sorry ai farang, that doesn’t matter in Thailand. It’s literally ~2 dollars. Move on with your life
  6. What a couple of dweebs. Guess you can’t judge a book by its cover. I would hate to lose my life at the hand of these dorklings
  7. My prediction is another massive spike and a reversion to post songkran rules with only venues with deep pockets open. Just like the government likes.
  8. I went to Jakky one time. Got some lines from some qts you wouldn’t otherwise find in the farang ghetto ????
  9. They let it peak while under lax rules so they can justify clamping down again. It’s all about power. The government wants to milk this to the bitter end.
  10. This. I love the people saying “well I’d they’d do away with the damn test n go”…they’re not going to until “father china” let’s their tourists go to Thailand again. The government doesn’t want or care for hordes and they’ve communicated that in every way possible without blatantly stating it. They’d rather scam and grift then just let tourists come and spend their money. It’s such a repulsive, feral kind of greed. Anyone who’s come and experienced it on the ground won’t be coming back. I’ve been here for a year and hotels and guesthouses I’ve stayed at only months ago have for sale signs now. Only the monied venues can open back up and the unwillingness to let gogos open back up with dancing is so blatantly political and puritan garbage. It has nothing to do with preventing the spread of Covid. go ahead, throw away 1/5th or your GDP. Enjoy!
  11. I prefer when there aren’t hordes of low class, violent tourists here so let the circus continue.
  12. I personally could never work in Thailand because I simply lack the discipline given the ease of access to temptation. I’m fine with that. I’d rather come here to do anything BUT work
  13. If you’ve done any research at all before moving here you’ll know that foreigners are barely tolerated for their money and much less so outside the farang ghettos. Furthermore, the value of life doesn’t matter much here, nor are the consequences steep for committing it, and so the gateway to deadly violence is more accessible. Couple that with a lack of education, lack of teaching about individual introspection or reflection, and you have a lot of people that go from 0-100 if they feel slighted with nothing in between. Alongside these realities is that culturally, conflict here doesn’t have a slow and cinematic escalation as it does in the west. There is only a small window of time between a perceived insult and vicious violence. There is no gradually build up with shouting and posturing. I can guarantee these men lived here completely ignorant of these cultural ideas and treated the place like their colony and, in the context of this story, the neighborhood like it was just another pub where they could shout and bellow and listen to loud music without offense. Their solipsism cost them. I would never play loud music outside anywhere in Thailand unless of course it was already sanctioned.
  14. I’ve had phases of disgust but it’s honestly just extremely vigilant ethno-centrism and every healthy country should have that. The west is devouring itself trying to accommodate and appease varying groups of people and the results are a cultural psychosis.
  15. I like to do this thing where I point out the truth: thai men barely tolerate farang men at best and hate them intensely at worst (which legitimizes the claim that the attack was unprovoked). I can completely believe it. Can you blame them? I can’t, especially when you have hordes of foreigners acting with social decorum that is completely antithetical to your culture down to SHOUTING when they talk and moving and gesturing sporadically and aggressively. Every time I decide to go to a Thai venue or majority Thai gathering it feels like I’m gambling with my physical safety. Theres always at least one Thai guy that is leering like he’s just waiting for a cultural faux paus to arise that would legitimize him attacking me. I’ve had Thai dudes try to goad me into saying something disrespectful by loading questions with a rude context (this happens when I try to speak Thai sometimes) so that when I answer it can become a flashpoint for violence. The Swedish guys “crime” was acting too comfortably and enjoying himself without the prerequisite of handing over money to a Thai person for the privilege to relax
  16. Anyone have a cultural logic for this violent rivalry between trade schools? It’s so odd to me
  17. Nope! I won’t be taking any tests administered by any Thai authority anywhere. I’m not gambling with the chance I test positive so I can be extorted for thousands of dollars at a hospital. i will simply do without any venue or restaurant that potentially puts me in this situation. Don’t care at all. As long as the threat of extortion is there it’s not happening. tried to go to ibar last night and they wouldn’t accept my vaccine QR code in my phone, only an atk test on the spot. Nope! Might as well close everything up again because nobody is taking the bait (I hope)
  18. This is simply a scam. Nothing more nothing less. I went to pattaya m****** for travelers diarrhea, they insisted I get tested for Covid, and then tried to have me sign a paper for 30k deposit to stay overnight at the hospital just in case it’s Covid. I just stared at her until she said “ok nevermind.” Never went back to pay for the services or tests. Anyways, there is a deliberate lack of communication and coordination between the insurance companies and the Thai govt so that naive tourists can get double fleeced by worthless insurance polices and then hopefully bilked for another 200-300k before they even begin their vacation. The level of greed is appalling and repulsive. They treat tourists like stupid animals to be corralled and literally “fleeced” for cash.
  19. I also like pointing out that there’s a LOT of BALDIES. Look in any bar and it look like a convention of THUMBS. Can’t tell ‘em apart. sometimes i wanna take a deep breath and shout HEY BALDIE! as I’m driving by so I can see literally every head whip around.
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