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Posts posted by Forza2002

  1. It would appear by the lack of posts that discussions on AQI have been put on hold in preference of the Wuhan Virus. January has been worse than last year, I hope that it isn't a sign of another bad year.


    Before somebody says move, I can't. I bought my house, have a Thai wife and 3 kids happy at their school here in Chiang Mai unfortunately. I don't use facebook so don't know if there are discussions going on other websites regarding the AQI here in CNX.



  2. 5 minutes ago, VBF said:

    As I hadn't used my TW account for a while, on 2nd Jan I made a "test" transfer of £10 from my UK account to my SCB account.

    It had reached SCB when I checked 15 minutes later.

    Now I did this at about 09:30 UK time (16:30 Thailand) and my UK bank is, like most here, on the Faster Payments scheme.


    It might be that if you time it so you're in banking hours in both countries as I was, then it goes through faster than, say, at night or over a weekend.


    I do know, that in the past I've used a Debit card and it has taken longer and I assume (!) that even if the card is a Debit card, the funds or authorising may still have to pass through the MasterCard or Visa systems.  YMMV, as they say.

    I had confirmation email from TW that they had received the money at 4:42pm yesterday and would start the process. I received the funds in BKK bank 5 minutes ago 3:05pm so again, that's nearly 24 hrs....

  3. A large number of the monitoring stations outside of Chiang Mai city do not appear to be working. I haven't seen the station working at San Kamphaeng for a number of days now. Visibility is poor, so I'm guessing that the readings must be high. I have been sick since yesterday after taking the dog for a walk in the morning.


    Does anybody have a machine at home that can tell me the AQI reading for San Kamphaeng or Sarapee? I have had all the windows and doors closed since yesterday.

  4. The Thais wonder why there are less tourists coming to Chiang Mai. Given the air quality and with social media widely available these days informing everybody it's hardly surprising. The only tourists that will tolerate the polluted air are the Chinese as it's normal for them. ???? 


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