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Posts posted by pigeonjake

  1. Besides, have you ever been to Monte Carlo? It's kind of boring.

    Yep -- I thought it was great. Ditto Provence, San Remo, Tuscany and places over by the Bay of Biscay.

    There are lots of beautiful places in Europe.

    I don't get why people feel offended when I point out that Thailand, by contrast, is basically a dump. Perhaps people like to deceive themselves!

    Not really offended but your opinion is wrong. Thailand is not a dump. It is not Europe but it not a dump! Have you ever been to Birmingham, or Stockport?... or countless other northern towns to say nothing of the MENA region?

    not just northern towns my friend,

    have you seen round margate?

    i lived in magate many years ago beautiful, now, well thats another story,

    lincolnshire in the uk is a nice place, just in this moment in time i do prefare thailand,

    many places have good and bad points, if your happy with were you are then thats the place for you

  2. first.. your plants wont last, koi eat them, root out the roots,

    we built a pagoda over our pond, at first put net over that untill the plants climb over it, gives natual shade too, can grow anything over it, in england i did the same and grew grape vines over it, as in the summer it gave shade with all the leaves but in winter let light in with no leaves,

    it does look good crossy,

    ill take some pics when i get back, im in scotland working at the moment,

    i found that to be a good way mate

  3. 2 jack russles and a big black soi dog, all stay out side, big dog for security the 2 jack for mice and anything else they get around our farm,

    ive shouted them to come in so has my wife, the dog jack russle will sometimes pop in to see our youngest daughter, but all in all they prefare to be outside,

    we bath them once a week with flee shampoo, but as soon as you put them down they roll in the dirt,,lol

    i will say though they are part of our family and we should be getting more jacks in a few weeks as im hoping the little boy has done the business with our bitch, patter of tiny paws, beautiful jack russels, i love um had them in england too, took some finding over here though

  4. yep farming on 2 rai,

    we have 15 pens for our pigs each is 4x3 mts that works out at 180 square mts, if im not wrong,

    pigs dont need a lot of room, if your growing crops then yes you will need more rai, but we, well we are happy with our pig job, buy 30ish piglets every month, and 30ish out every month,

    we dont sell to buyers now we have our own butchers shop,

    we buy our feed direct from the mill at cost at a fraction of the price you will buy it in the feed shops in any town,

    but all the things take time to build up your contacts, yes its the same old story here in thailand,CONTACTS,

    weather you go into farming animals or crops it will be about contacts

    you can see what we do on you tube, ron jackson pig farmer itll come up,

    im not telling you how to farm, and if some want to call our 2 rai a hobby farm, well up to them, but it does make good money,

    i was from farming stock in the uk and always told the more land you buy the more work your buying and the more worry,

    the price of land has gone up in thailand in the last few years, gone are the days of buying 25k rai land, well they have round us,

    the prices could come down as the older generation die off, the younger ones dont want to farm they might sell off cheap to head of to bankock,

    in the mean time im happy with what we have, yes im know im very lucky as i still go to work for a few months of the year, usualy the hot months, im in scotland at the moment working,

    but my with and kids can take care of our farm standing on there heads,



  5. it depends how much land you think you need,

    what are your plans for your land,( no i dont want to know)

    what are you going to go for, crops, pigs, chickens fish,

    many factors have to be taken in, near a road, have electric, water, can you drill for water,

    we have 2 rai and do what we need to do on 2 rai,

    sit down work out what you have in mind,

    do reserch before you buy the land, if you went for pigs like we do,

    do you know were to buy piglets

    do you know were to sell finnished pigs,

    do you know were to buy your feed

    do you know were there is a vet,

    there are more things to look at then just going and buying some land, have a good think what you are going to do with it,

    have a look at our,

    ron jackson pig farmer on youtube, will give you an idea of what can be done here,

    my wife,( i cant say we or us) has a shop now butchers shop were she sells our own pigs after slaughter,lol,

    we used to sell to buyers but was getting messed about so now we have them slaughterd and sell in our own shop,

    just saying this so you have an idea what can be done,

    if you have more land, well in my eyes more land means more work,

    have a good think before you buy,

    we was given ours by grandma,


  6. Foreigners are not allowed farming, only Thai nationals can

    not that old chesnut,

    ive said it many times on here i dont work the farm my wife does it all with the help of our kids,

    same as all the other lads on here who live happy on there wifes farm,

    life is what you make of it,

    you can go through life being bitchy about what others do or you can just get on with your own life and enjoy, i know which one i am,

  7. At the end of the day it dosnt matter if you go 2 blood 3 blood or even pure, it boils down to the quality of the stock you are using!

    You could have a 2 blood sow and put it to the best Duroc boar you can find but if that sow isn't good enough your still going to have interior pigs,

  8. I've been saying it for years on this thread it's all about contacts,

    We're to buy good piglets at a good price

    We're to buy your feed again at a good price

    And we're to sell your FINNISHED pigs, again yes you've got it at a good price

    I just wish I had got into haveing them slaughters and sold in our own little butchers shop years ago, it's great,

    Not having to wait for a buyer, who most of the time want to rip you off,

    Buy them in.

    Raise them up and sell in your own shop!

  9. This is the first time I have logged on firba very long time as I got so dissolutioned with what was being written in the farming section,

    Seams to me that the internet and Google are taking over farming, yes I agree Google can help in looking at some things, but it's experience through time farming here and listening to them that have farmed here that will help more,

    The farming conditions here can be hard, find something that fits in around you, one poster said he was lazy, well that's him, I was from farming stock in the UK so it's nothing to me to be farming,

    Have a look on YouTube, under Ron jackson and thaifarmlife.com to see what we have done on 2 rai that's including our house and 2 new guest rooms

    The more land you have the more work you have,

    We also have had a shop now for about a year, butchers shop as we only sell meat, pork from our own pigs, some ducks and a few chickens and fish,

    Take a look, I think there is 13 videos


  10. I'm here.

    Just sent you a pm. I've been in Oman I'm in the UK at the moment seeing family.

    All's well at the farm the wife even sold one pig in a day the other week. All the veg is growing like mad after all the poo its had on it over the years. I just haven't been on here for ages.

    To many Google experts trying to tell you how to farm here in Thailand they don't think we have been doing it for years not for months.

    We have made most of the mistakes they are preaching about. So it was time for me to give TV a rest.

    I wish all the new comers good luck, it is hard to farm in Thailand but it can be done and its great fun


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  11. my brothers just been to visit for a few days and my order was,

    pg tips t bags

    bisto gravy powder

    oxo cubes

    calpol for the kids

    lemsip powder

    birds custerd powder

    Can buy Bisto gravy and Birds custard here in Thailand.

    I used to always bring back packets of Atora, but you can now buy them here.

    you cant were we live possum my old mate,

    any way bro was coming over and asked if i needed anything,,lol, yes i didnt have to pay him,,lol

    ive just had a PM from a member telling me of a shop here in thailand that sells some good things, so ill be having a better look there,

  12. Sankat area to Buached to pusin is quarantined off due to PRRS. The local vet did a good job spreading it from each farm, no protective measures, giving out wrong advice on vaccines etc.

    Sent from my RAINBOW using Tapatalk

    thats terrable,

    now we dont have the buyers coming i dont let anyone come down to the pigs, if someone comes for a bag of feed i leave then at the gate and go and get a bag and take it to the gate, my wife has explained to them and they say they understand, its to easy to transmit, sod that,

    thanks for the info

  13. Temperature in UK, temperature in Thailand... Excluding the cold season here...

    My neighbour's cattle shed is surrounded by mozzies repellent lemongrass plants. No bullocks... It works.

    Not the type of lemongrass plant for Tom Yum, another type... Not for Tom Yum. tongue.png The type used to produce Baygon pesticide spray can. I planted them surrounding my pig sheds back then because my empty catfishes ponds bred mozzies... From 100% reduced to 5%. I just need to shake the rows of plants during dusk with my feet to release the plants' aroma...

    ive got the same FBH round my pig pens

  14. stick at it mate youll be ok,

    all birds carry cocsidiosis, its natural, but, when under stress it can flare up to a high degree and thats when you have problems,

    like you run, yes its quite big, but in the rainy season will turn to mud, big problems, cocidiosis thrives in damp conditions, is there any way you would be able to make another run to let it grass and weed up,? this way you could run them on one part while the other was grassing and weeding up again,

    i do this for my ducks, my chickens just have the free run of our farm, only 2 rai, they soon sort themselfs out into groups led by a cockeral, we have the house group who are allway in my garden,,lol 1 cockeral and 6 hens, the barn group, the pig pen group to the left and the pig pen group to the right, its sound funny but they do have there own territiory,

    i think if you could have 2 runs would be better more so in the rainy season as its easier to walk on grass and weed then it is mud for you to do feed and drinkers,

    good luck mate, and merry christmas from us at thaifarmlife.com yes thats us we have a small website ive been building,,lol

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