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Everything posted by sscc

  1. I will be very, very happy watching World Cup Game in a Thai Stadium if FIFA World Cup indeed comes to ASEAN.
  2. Investment Banker Goldman Sachs Corp publicly announced two months ago about its long-term GDP projection to Year 2075. Future outlook of 2075 by Goldman Sachs is No. 1 China No. 2 India No. 3 USA All three are within 50-60 Trillion USD in Annual GDP . Do you think Goldman Sachs not under the population factor and not account for population change in modeling ???
  3. Where are you impressed about infrastructure ? Vietnam or Thailand. Thee is not much "East to West" in Vietnam, long and narrow shape in Vietnam geography. Thailand infrastructure had been very nice for many decades.
  4. Because the Biden Administration is very keen to see a war happening in Asia soon, not caring the location whether it is around South China Sea, Taiwan Strict, Korean peninsula or India China Border. Hence the Western media is doing its part in singing the tune daily of China so and so threatening. And frankly most AseanNow members had been brainwashed in following...........
  5. Yes and No, however your understanding and perception had been " more right than wrong ". True, China not attacked any nations. Not quite correct is the economics part. The media ( particularly Western media and English language media ) had pointed out China economic skid is on permanent or perpetual basis and no way out of it. Those in-the-know ( HK businessmen operating in PRC, HK as well as oversea ) had found that China economic downturn has actually been bottomed out and turning the corner this summer and economic activities had improved in Aug/Sept 2023. Of course the West media and English language media is reluctant and slow in reporting any news favoring PRC/CCP. Further, rarely had these news outlet talked about 'Chinese speed and efficiency' which is much faster and better than the West.
  6. " he's the darling of the Thai government. " ??? His daughter did not become the Prime Minister as predicted.. She did not get Deputy Prime Minister postings, and not get any Minister position among 30 or so postings. This family is currently not influential in Thai politics as the New Government sets to get going just now .
  7. High inflation and negative growth at same time = Stagflation. Thailand currently has NONE of either. Stick with your claim elsewhere even you are keen to criticize Thailand.
  8. Her political career so far had been on border of failure : Leading the ticket of PT in the Election ended only Second. . The party by-passes her in PM nomination. Had not got into cabinet Ministerial positions among about 30. In 2011, her auntie campaign had gone well and successful. What had gone wrong in 2023 ? Thailand had moved on and no longer eager for Shinawatra brand. Her father kept talking about coming back while She appeared destined for PM. The Thai were uncomfortable about this scenario. Perception of her that she he was NOT capable doing things without family influence
  9. Shinawatra was the past. Srettha is the present. As simple as that
  10. Young Shinawatra is not Prime Minister. ( Millions predicted she would be in first 5 months of 2023 ) Young Shinawatra is not a Cabinet Minister of the new Government. Already answered such self-indulged and dump question.
  11. Did not find Young Shinawatra name on the list As noted earlier the Senior One had been out of it for years.
  12. Good. The digital wallet plan includes a time limit. The wallet turns to zero after few months.
  13. Neither. This new Prime Minister Srettha has very little political experience. But he has own idea. ( At least smart enough to play and keep his cards close to chest so far ) And much unlike the young lady with no political experience either and keeps calling up her father about everything. So they replaced her and not gave her the PM job. "Sold out", "bought in" were just agenda-hidden, badmouthing by the expat communities.
  14. WHY young Shinaatra Lady NOT being Prime Minister after all the hype on this very well connected and seemingly capable young prospect ??? It is Mr. Srettha time now. Shinawatra era had been over.
  15. Predicted weeks ago.
  16. If there were half a million, they had shown Roof top OR Drone photo few kilometers away. Showing photos few meters away, you can figure how many were there. Well Just another M.M. thing
  17. Mr Srettha will be the next PM
  18. What was this just days ago ? Super Deal Worked Out In Hong Kong: Chuwit Any Crucial Thai politics happen in Bangkok, not elsewhere.
  19. Not necessary. Many Pro-Pita posters on this forum ( Note non-voters ) are opposed to MFP stance on weed, are they ? By same token, it might not be all 38% of MFP voters buy into altering 112 policy. I interpreted MFP mis-judged the public mood about 112 at least as of now, and MFP lacked political tact to twist and navigate. ( promising not touching this subject for 3/4 years until near end of the term and re-election campaign time would turn the table and put pressure on the opponents )
  20. I agree with this particular sentence of your long interpretation " Frankly Mr T coming home is the wrong move for his party. " I predict Mr. Srettha will be the Next Prime Minister. In politics, "It is now or never". And the key is to grab the power as of NOW, not waiting for ...... next election and so on. So it will be Srettha time soon, not Shinawatra era anymore. As I noted, the Thai are ready to move on. But the expat communities are stubborn and fail to move on.
  21. The young lady was on the headlines for so long Is Peua Thai Party going to nominate Seretta as PM rather than the young lady ? Why ? BTW circumstances in 2005 and 2023 are very different. During his absence Thaksin may see things his way, rather than moving on. However, The Thai are ready.
  22. What is the deal ? Who is paying Whom for What ? Is Thaksin in HK ? I don't believe it a bit as HK public recognized him and put news about him immediately. ( HK is so small, most difficult hiding ) Just nonsense after all.
  23. Subsequent to a major mistake in the Election campaign, Peua Thai made three right decisions in the aftermath jockeying despite finishing second. // Did not yield on the House Speaker selection. // Did not nominate anyone of Peua Thai party in the first PM voting section. // Did not nominate the young lady for PM, and install Srettha for the position.
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