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Everything posted by sscc

  1. // Zero chance of linking gold to USD again or other currencies // USA perpetual money-printing QE and debt piling in both public and private sectors are the fundamentals of USD and US economy decline. No forever free lunch in this planet. // Biden policy forms the Catalyst to accelerate the De-dollarization process -- A.) stimulating the trend in forming anti-hegemonic alliance B.) Weaponing USD in the war. Biden had had over 40 years of foreign affair experience before presidency. But the global issue nowadays is too complex for the old leader who is thinking too much about the foregone old-era geopolitics.
  2. De-USD or De-Dollarization is picking up. A number of Countries in "Global South" are looking into this trend to dilute of USD. The process will take years/decade ( less than 2 decades ). Many are thinking of pricing and transactions free of USD, and not necessarily of using RMB. This is not just about RMB/Yuan and Xi, Currently, fund are seriously moving from the Western Financial Institutions to Singapore and Hong Kong. This is another thing --- less trust to the Swiss institution and less trust to the West.
  3. Blinken would be pleased to see China badly squeezed and acted in either 1/ Xi distancing from Putin. Or 2/ Xi going all out to supply military weapons to Putin. China did neither and instead maneuvered smartly under the difficult situation. Too bad and Sorry of Blinken disappointment .
  4. Zelensky had said few times in past weeks that Zelensky had wanted to meet or at least talk to Xi. ( Not sure if this is on Western media ) Enough to indicate Blinken/Biden did not have things worked out per script.
  5. Tourism had growth nicely for Thailand even since early/mid 1970's. Thailand tourism had also outperformed their neighbors in SouthEast Asia for decades. Those predicted gloom is simply OUT of their mind or with ill intend.
  6. GDP growth projection for 2023 per IMF, World Bank, and Global Bankers and local government is USA 1 % UK negative figure EU less than 1 % China 5 % Japan negative figure 3.6 % projection for Thailand is not bad at all.
  7. Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan had unofficially reputed as " The Four Tigers of Asia Economy" since late-1980's. By early 1990's Thailand had been tipped as the upcoming "Fifth Tiger" and it had never materialized. Thirty years had gone by under with a number of Thai leaders and government administrations in 3 decades ( not just Prayut government of 8 years). There are a combination of deep-root reasons why Thailand did not make the economic leap ( too long and complicated to bother explaining )
  8. Feb figure actually looks impressive factoring 28 Days Vs 31 Days. Appear they will get 20-30 millions in 2023.
  9. Very sensible advise. I had done it both ways. There are extra requirements and higher cost in applying that visa overseas. On the costing, non-refundable application fee paid to embassy overseas is double/triple the 2000 B fee of the Thai Immigration office. And the extra requirements is costly too.
  10. USA Vs Tiktoks, is akin to USA Vs Toyota or Thailand Vs Toyota The locals always have the upper hand. They had been cooked ( as this case for Tiktoks ) well before whatever hearings they are doing. The USA House hearing is just Faked Show. The Singaporean CEO representing Tiktoks was there to be grilled and ridiculed. .
  11. This incident with video replay is now on various social media globally. Most just watched the video and laughed, nothing more, period.
  12. Impressive figure. Hope it turns out true and well.
  13. I have done same weeks ago in Chonburi office. Had Type O Visa extension from 90 days to 365 days over there. Years ago I had had Type O-A Visa. The officer noticed there was one dated 2020 stapled to my passport. He requested to get replacement for 023, or else no visa extension. Changing counter desk immediately to enquire, I was rather surprised they looked at my current Condo Lease ( I rent) and checked the computer record and satisfied and printed and signed new updated one for me right at the spot, all took around 10 minutes. And I don't need to bother the Condo Owner in the process.
  14. Too bad Phuket and Samui not have same.
  15. I have paid 15 B a number of times from Jomtien central area to Pattaya Central World Mall. If I go from Jomtien central Area to Pattaya Terminal 21, I pay 20 B
  16. Not even bother with your quoted link. The "Global South" had done the talking .
  17. Indeed ( Jing Jing ), you can check back on the the published Western papers and media and news in 2011-12. Some predicted within 12, 18 and surely 24 months at most. In hindsight, even many Chinese nowadays acknowledge that was the situation. I do not know Forum Rules well.
  18. One-Belt-One-Road is a very, very high risk. grand scheme undertaking for China. " Locals always have the edge and upper-hand " is barely common sense. Fortunately for China, the mega project had not gone badly so far and over 130 countries had signed on. . Mentally of Chinese is actually very similar to other Asians nearby. " Achieve Monetary enrichment while taking fuss-free and low profile approach. "
  19. Western world including Western media and the scholars had predicted CCP collapse, correctly in the timing, NOT the result. This was the period 2011-13. In 2011/12 all predicted CCP and China crumbled within 18-24 months. Indeed 2011-13 was the most dangerous period for China, as corruption was beyond control while the economy was soaring. Xi came in then and immediately fought corruption in his first 5-7 of tenure While CCP set and plan their objectives and implement accordingly, incidental procedures found essential are to restrict UNlimited greed, indulgence, and desire and keep these behaviors in tight control ( actually Singapore Government doing some as well ) . Chinese are travelling in and out and seeing a lot of the world nowadays, they can observe and compare. In essence, the Chinese public support of Xi and CCP with over 90 % rating and PRC citizens are also top in a Global Happiness Survey recently published by A famed Paris-based IPSOS survey agent. One big, big factor resulting in this trend is Nosediving of all aspects of USA in particular and the West in general in past 6-7 years. As one side is in free fall, it will reflect.
  20. I am surprised of all the movement that had happened rapidly. // Out of 53/54 countries in Africa that had gone through Western colonial experience for centuries, about 50 of them insist siding with the East camp rather than the West. // Two largest countries in South American -- Brazil and Argentina side with China rather than USA. China is very far geographically and is not associated with Latin in culture at all. // Middle East is turning around with news coming out weekly. USA would prefer nothing had happened. // India had admired UK for many decades, not any more. Now Indians talk tough. // SouthEast Asians had been pro-Europe for centuries, now claim to be neutral. Yes, USA still has stronghold in Japan and South Korea. But even Israel is watching the change close and may lose up eventually ( another unthinkable for USA ) .
  21. OK totalitarian government China. How many totalitarian government globally in the past 200 years ? Say dozens of them. And why China could have risen in a totalitarian format with communism doctrine ? Cut off all the long and boring bureaucratic talk, Beijing CCP governance might be briefly summarized as these : ( called socialism with Chinese characteristics ) // Single party, totalitarian government. // Capability of self mistake-correction // Capability of self reform, economically and politically // Prime Objectives are to make the public and All citizens have better life, common prosperity .,,,,,,,..blah blah blah. China GDP growth 2020 2.1 % 2021 8.1 % 2022 3.0 % CCP Government projects 5.0 % growth target for 2023 , while several USA Investment Banks predicted 5-6 % growth, so is IMF. You don't believe the growth there ? Then Ask the Bankers. I don't know as much
  22. Barring WW3, Current twenty first Century is Rise of the East Century while the empire is in a downward spiral.
  23. So called "Globe South" is sick and tired of USA control, and influence. Latest turnaround was USA long-time and one of strongest allie Saudi Arabia -- signing agreement with Iran, long-time USA enemy, few days ago. ( ASEANNOW Website did not bother in reporting )
  24. cncltd1973 : " all China can do infiltrate, reverse engineer and copy " You think this is all China can do ??? Is China still backward as the time of Mao ? Turning from totally disarray and absolutely dirt poor in 1970's ( Mao died in 1976 ) to No. 2 in the world nowadays, How and Why ? Obviously you know Zip about it.
  25. " My main question though is what does China expect to gain from 'claiming' the territory. " China internal civil war in 1946-49 resulting in two governments - one in Beijing and one in Taipei - after 1949 both claiming to legitimately represent China. Official change happened in United Nation voting in Oct 1971. Taipei Government under Chiang was in UN from 1949-71 , and Beijing Government under Mao then replaced it in UN from 1971- onward.. Fast forward from those days to November 2015 Singapore, while Beijing Mr. Xi was meeting Taipei Mr. Ma face to face, the protocol arrangement was essentially still the same as back in the Beijing Mao Vs Taipei Chiang days in 1950/60's. ( henceforth each officially addressed the other Mister Mr. in Singapore meeting. ) \Both Mainland and Taiwan had been part of China for several centuries. Therefore Mainlanders see as a mandate to take and integrate Taiwan, and vice versa Taiwanese see as a mandate to take and integrate Mainland ( at least during 1950/60/70 Chiang era ) As to that independent Taiwan scenario, USA had enquired to help Taiwan Chiang to form an independent country in 1950's, Taiwan Chiang rejected. Confusing or not ?
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