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  1. 11.streetwalkers 12.overpriced beer 13.beggars 14.ladyboys 15to much noise 16.to crowded 17.too much traffic 18.too many hookers 19.shirtless farangs etc. Anyway, I visit ones in a while and I love BKK
  2. Why did you choose BKK to live.IIf you don’t like it you shouldn’t be living there
  3. The orange man supporters are at it again.not supprisingly.anyway the usa is spiraling downwards quickly.we all start to boycot your produce and on top of that we got orange man his tariffs.I hope you belong to the 5 % rich Americans otherwise welcome in your tent in PHILLY
  4. You’re kidding mate,except for you MAGA morons the only one which is bringing us to WW3 Is your beloved Orange man and his cronies JD and EM.
  5. No,I’m not a Trump supporter
  6. 50 baht for 15 eggs for me.how about you
  7. Homeless but not druggies on opiates and at least we try to give them shelter for the night.not like you MAGA’S who only care about you wallets.Oh look at the market,you just lost a million $ because orange man 👍
  8. Just go look on YouTube mate.places like Philadelphia Kensington street just to name one whe don’t have them in Europe.And there plenty off this in the great USA where you take care off each other
  9. You’re post is even more boring
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