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  1. It makes you wonder if the king would have invited Hitler to stay.
  2. The Eu have exploited the USA and the UK for years. Just check out the balance of trade between the Eu and these countries and you will see that it’s all one sided in favour of the Eu.
  3. And while the SNP government are contemplating this law, they are doing nothing about the fact that Scotland has the highest % of drug related deaths in the whole of Europe.
  4. Strange that this is not news in the UK but then again many violent crimes committed in the UK by Muslims are not published.
  5. I think you’ll find it was the Labour parties who actually closed more Uk coal mines.
  6. Obviously your thoughts are on a par with those individuals in the Home Office who describe the rape of young white girls as ALLEGED victims even when the courts verdicts are well documented.
  7. Yes most Muslims do work although that includes the many that work for cash while claiming benefits. As regarding those who do claim benefits it’s well documented that a much higher % of the Muslim population do in fact claim benefits.
  8. I think they have brought it on themselves resulting in a backlash from the native population which in turn has probably resulted in moderate Muslims thinking they have been discriminated against. What needs now if it’s not already to late, is for those moderate Muslims to speak out loudly in condemning the fanatics in their community along with the Rape gangs.
  9. It seems that the Italian and EU establishment are after her.
  10. True that’s why I stated that successive British governments have failed to take the bull by the horn. We have tens of thousand of highly educated students who wish to become Dr , but unfortunately they have been let down by our incompetent politicians.
  11. With Muslims who are mostly unwilling to assimilate, instead they are trying to change our country to be like the country they left.
  12. Well it would seem that many of the Muslims in places like Rotherham and Rochdale did indeed migrate to the UK to take advantage of the vulnerable young white girls.

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