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  1. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1077858950415008?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&fs=e&fs=e
  2. You are correct to a certain extent. The UK has 6,500,000 people of workable age who are claiming benefits and this knowledge is a draw for the Illegal Economic migrants. The cost of these Illegals to the British taxpayers is £41,000 each. meanwhile a British pensioner who may have payed into the system for 45yrs through hard work will receive a pension of only £9,000.
  3. I read some time back at Mayo Clinic USA that a calcium score of +400 should be of concern, this was also stated to me at the hospital in Thailand when my CT score showed +2000, they suggested that I should have further test possible leading to a stent. This I declined instead seeking a 2nd and a 3rd opinion by heart consultants in the UK. Who informed me not to worry and just live my life as usual. I would add that I have also had the exercise stress test with no problems.
  4. Your fault, should have sent her vie Calais. I was in the same predicament plus I was still paying UK. Tax my alternative was to return to the UK. Unfortunately I regret that decision.
  5. And consequently as in the UK some girls go on to have many children with different fathers, knowing full well that the tax payer will pick up the bill. What is needed is the fathers and mothers should be made to take responsibility for their offspring whether in the UK or Thailand.
  6. It’s not only in tourist areas they’re everywhere. I’ve known instances were a Soi Dog has been accidentally hit by a motorized vehicle and immediately one of the local residents immediately appears demanding money from the driver to compensate them for the loss of their beloved dog. It’s one big racket.
  7. Incorrect, they are still investigating many cases of Muslim men grooming vulnerable young girls, with the majority of those already convicted Not being deported after they have served their short sentences.
  8. You seem to be suggesting that the Thais are too strict in their punishment, but could it be that other countries such as the U.K are too lenient.
  9. I also had my shoes stolen on the beach, later found the culprits to be a couple of stray dogs.
  10. STEVE WEBB was a liberal M.P who advocated that all state pensions should be unfrozen, however when he became a member of the coalition government he amazingly changed his mind. A typical politician.
  11. Very true, my state pension has increased by nearly £400 per month since I returned to live in the U.K. But this figure is dwarfed by the amount of £ 15,000+ per year that the CHANCELLOR is now having to support myself and family since we returned.
  12. it’s only been classified as a benefit for a few years, since the government craftily changed the wording, forgetting to mention that the state pension is payed for out of the N.I. Contributions
  13. Pensioners receiving a pension of £12,500 are in your opinion rich.Amazing.
  14. Meanwhile tens of thousands of ILLEGAL economic migrants are able to access benefits to the tune of £41,000 per ILLEGAL each year courtesy of the British taxpayers many of whom are affected by this policy of discriminating against pensioners who reside in certain countries.
  15. Let me start of by stating that I never went to private school, always to a state school in a Labour stronghold. However I applaud those parents many of whom go without fancy cars or foreign holidays in order to do their best for their offspring’s, while at the same time as paying their taxes to send other people children to state schools. As a matter of interest the U.K tax payers are wasting millions and millions of pound sending children mostly from anti social families to special schools an example that I know of is a child who is transported to one of these special schools by Taxi at a cost to the tax payer of approximately £. 39,000 per year, this is in addition to the expense of providing two teachers to 3 children and many other expenses.

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