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Posts posted by Rotweiler

  1. There seems to be a lot of (idiotic, intentional) "confusion” about the red box program.  We have had the service for several months now and it has led to a major improvement in the problem that made us go that route in the first place.


    It is not a “bribe” for police to do their job.  It is a small contribution to request the Police to do something that is far above and beyond their normal duties.  I can only assume that the peeps here posting degrading comments are NOT actually in nor live in Thailand so have little or no knowledge of policing practices in Thailand.


    We pay 1,000 B /month and the peace of mind it provides is worth many times that amount.  As the Officer (whose private number we received on day one) explained when – after 8 calls for assistance within 10 days – the red box hanging on your gate alone is a strong incentive for the unwanted guests to move elsewhere.  There daily visits (usually at dusk, with flashlight) also enforce that image.  Since the box was hung on our gate, the number of unwanted, undesired instances has dropped to zero.


    My purpose in posting the original question was are there other people taking advantage of this service?  And it is that.  If not, and if the circumstances warrant it, consider it.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JBChiangRai said:

    I thought the red box was the thing they put outside your house and the police come round and check your property every day.

    It is.  My question was not "what do you THINK it is", but rather if you KNOW something about the program.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. From the responses, here, there seem still to be some passionate smokers in this forum.  I personally have no axe to grind with them just as long as they do not invade my space with their disgusting and unsanitary practices.  Perhaps an outright ban is unlikely to occur - perhaps the right idea would be just to tax them out of existence.  The Australian and NZ examples might be able to teach the Thai authorities a thing or two.


    Many years ago in a land far far away (Canada) authorities came up with a novel concept.  The cheap health care enjoyed by citizens should depend on the role of the individual.  Smokers would not be covered for smoking-related conditions.  Although it didn't pass into law, it did make a lot of people think.


    For them that cares:



  4. Just a bit of the topic...  severe flooding in Mai Sai and surrounding areas.  We were there on Tuesday and it was a mess down in the lower market area.   Covered well in the Post and some other new sources online.  Darn little about it here.

  5. Toshiba ND-300C  combination microwave, convection over, superheated steam cooker, and grill (inside the oven, NOT exterior.


    Have had it for 4 years and very pleased. All cooking options work well and the unit is NOT expensive.  It's only 19" wide and 16" deep.  We bought ours at Siam in CM.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

    No, it does apply, the Thai authorities can audit you and you would have to prove that your income derives from sources covered in the DTA. I would not want to be in that position. 

     Yes and No.  It does NOT apply.  If you lied to them about the source of your transfer, then be it one you.  It will then apply.

  7. There yesterday at the Thai Highway bridge to Tachileik.  Still closed to foreigners, both for Tachileik shopping and for tourist entry to Myanmar.  Open for cross border shopping by Thai.  The truck route (officially called the 2nd Sai River Friendship Bridge) is open to all trucks in either direction.  


    The Immigration office I spoke to suggested Tachiliek Market should be open to foreigners "soon" (nai mai) but would not elaborate on what that meant.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    With the pressure of such high volume international transport of Russian commercial aircraft, there is a growing danger of aircraft inflight failure and possible deaths due to sanctions blocking the repair and maintenance of Western aircraft operated by Russia.

    Russian Airline safety incidents more than doubled year on year as sanctions limited spare parts.

    “EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) is seriously concerned about the safety situation of aviation in Russia, including safety critical related matters such as how aircraft are maintained or how the pilots and the maintenance staff are trained,” Feb. 2024, "Russia’s planes fall apart as West blocks repairs,"



    With Russian airlines cannibalizing commercial aircraft to keep the fleets running, I don't see how many more Russians (whether as tourists, escaping collapsing economy or avoiding military conscription) can fly out of Russia with less aircraft.



    You mean like all the Boeing failures lately?

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