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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. A legend in his own lunchtime. Let's see how he gets on in the BangkokHiilton.
  2. Actually they can! Well at least 49% with 2 other 'investers' having 17% each. (In their company) Making them majority share holders and their house becomes their company office. I owned a property for 6 years like this, sold it at a profit and moved onto the next one using the same system.
  3. The trans looked bigger and fitter than the 4 wheel skids
  4. It took longer than I expected!!!! I wonder if what's left of his assets will remain in his family custody or now that he is no longer with us the vultures will pick it clean.
  5. Because his mind was telling him he was still 25 but it forgot to tell his body!!!! Not to mention the i can take on the world liquid he had probably consumed.
  6. Looks like a Nigerian name? Say no more!!!! Very few of these "give me your money" appeals show the next of kin or the person(s) responsible for the management of the fund. Also (l could be wrong) but i recall a little while ago a similar fund was asking for 40k then it went up to 60k now 100?
  7. This chap breached immigration rules a 'tad' and will face the consequences! There's a flip side to this he has survived for 25 years, it's possible he has worked? However he has contributed to the system for 25 years, he may have an income/pension from UK, never been arrested cut him a deal.
  8. Yes as does a Thai stopping after having an accident. Lol
  9. Hey, I've got a great idea, how about renting a motor cycle and robbing a few tourists, won't bother using a false name coz I ain't giving bike back, what do you think baby? Brilliant idea darling we can make good money, I love you! Let's see how it plays out in court I think she will be throwing her boy toy under the tuk tuk.
  10. These are obviously part of the quality Asian tourists ? Typical of gutless Indian men attacking women. Go back to the <deleted>e hole you come from
  11. No precise cause of death! if he were to say she did a runner back to Thailand a few weeks ago, the authorities might have a problem proving otherwise.
  12. Did he meet up with the 'friend' has the friend been approached/come forward with any information? I find it hard to accept that the wife/member of his family will not have details of the 'friend' 10 days without contact is a bit concerning.
  13. It could have been worse the nutter could have taken his arsenal into a mall and started to wipe out all the spy's that were shopping.
  14. Omg a Thai in a position of authority accepting a bribe? What's the world coming to?
  15. I feel for the parents, they have raised €30,000 to take the body back to Ireland? The cost for a body repatriation can be anywhere between £2,500 and £20,000, however the average cost usually tends to be somewhere around £3,000 to £6,000. The cost for an ashes repatriation is usually lower and can be around £1,000 to £3,000 depending on the level of the service. This is to the UK, I know what I'd be repatriation a nice urn .....
  16. I don't know but if the police ask they may find the answer? On the other hand if no one asks then no-one will know!
  17. "The officers reported that they were conducting routine patrols when they noticed the man, who appeared nervous and was behaving suspiciously upon seeing them. Police conducted a search of both the man and his motorcycle, discovering ketamine in his possession" A routine patrol who either got extremely lucky or knew who/what they were looking for? my money's on the later....
  18. Bar staff will/should be able to assist with identity of other man! He needs to be spoken too regardless. I hope the family are satisfied with the outcome.
  19. Regardless of who is to blame, I'm sure the mahouts insurance will cover any necessary medical bills and perhaps a little compensation as a sign of good will.
  20. "In a supportive gesture, Thawatchai Wiriyajit from the local land transport office stated that authorities would cover the medical expenses incurred by the patients" Hopefully this actually happens.
  21. Early morning a stone vold sober Russian attempts to make a joke about the invasion of Ukraine with a bunch of stone cold sober Ukrainians! What could possibly go wrong?
  22. The boyfriend left quietly, with a smile! To be fair she looks a bit of a lump.
  23. Yes the Russian was a lump but a truncheon over the head and a swift kick in the gonads would have ended it. It will be a holiday to remember for the family I hope someone presents them with an album of this idiots behaviour.
  24. I didn’t realise the risk was so high or that it could end so badly," he admits. Really? He must have lived in a cave!
  25. Years ago I wrote to the minister of sports and tourism complaining about duel pricing attaching a recent photo of the entrance fee board at Chaingmai zoo ....different prices for, police, monks. Etc etc and at the bottom but most expensive was foreigners....funny enough I never received a reply. BTW the letter was in Thai.
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