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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. Seriously you couldn't make this up!
  2. A month inside and or 10k that's about 50 THB or 6 days a stitch. For what could possibly be months of treatment and a life time of mental scaring! No mention of liability of hospital costs and rehabilitation! Can't put a price on this so sad for all concerned.
  3. Thailand is no worse than any other 3rd world banana Republic, the corruption always starts at the top and filters its way down.
  4. Slightly off subject but may be of assistance to anyone encountering aggressive soi dogs. Simply bend down as if to pick something off the ground it stops them in their tracks! It has worked for me on several occasions! I saw a Thai woman do it, it worked so I now use the same method.
  5. Whilst I agree with most of the comments, I do feel that if the report is accurate it states, "she cycled across the road" Depending which direction she was travelling perhaps it may be the case of the vehicle having right of way? In any event not a nice thing to happen for all concerned. I await responses from accident reconstruction specialists and driving test examiners not forgetting the usual keyboard know it alls.
  6. You're all overlooking the obvious! With the price of petrol, she was hitching a lift !
  7. Plastic bags are quite a sophisticated method of interrogation also favoured by RTP.
  8. I believe every word ???? ???? ????
  9. Found in a storeroom! Does that mean he's come out of the closet? ????
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