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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. The main topic of conversation will be where's the best post to top up wages!
  2. Saves Thailand, next saviour of the world! There's no stopping this man? ???? ????
  3. People have a lot to say about this! But ask yourself this, "what's the difference of being told to wear a seat belt, and a mask?" NOTHING!
  4. Road didn't look that wet, maybe a stray buffalo in the road caused it to happen, of course going to fast for the road conditions didn't happen neither did speaking on his phone or radio ????
  5. How many times has the 'boot been on the other foot' never heard ofvfalangs attacking a Thai because of loud music!
  6. So wrong, the poor kid probably isn't going to get the After care that would be given free of charge in the West.
  7. Hopefully they weren't 'gap year' students involved, could cause LoS to drop even further in the rankings!
  8. Can you imagine a first timer here, unknowingly booking a dodgy hotel, subsequently submitting a unfavourable (but true) review, the hotel management insisting the review be removed or pay them 3 mil THB! The first timer calls their bluff and involves the police who takes the side of the hotel, the first timer updates the review and levels criticisms at RTP . Welcome to Thailand here's a 3 million fine for daring to tell the truth about a $h!£y hotel and a year free board in the monkey house.
  9. Maybe I'm being over cynical, Mr RE Spectable spends ex amount on a flight to get here it's done with everything in place except the insurance! He arrives and is confronted by a team of uniformed lovelies 'helping him out' with the necessary insurance cover which he assumes will be more or less the same price as his home country! Here is your 1st lesson Mr RE Spectacle, TIT where if you drop your guard your be fleeced like an Australian sheep. Would I trust this? Not a chance! Purley my opinion based on my experiences.
  10. And what is on offer to encourage these other groups? More to the point what/who are these other preferable groups? It's not like LoS makes it easy to stay long term/purchase property, give work permits! Thailand should be grateful and make the most of what tourists it has be it long/short term/backpacker's/5☆Hotel businessmen, or retirees on fixed incomes one way or another they ALL contribute to the economy.
  11. It's a poor country people simply do not have the ability to buy a car particularly older people! Whilst I obviously cannot condone 5 on a motorcycle, it may well have been the case that the grandparents wanted to 'treat' their grandchildren. Not an ideal situation and I seriously doubt if anyone was in possession of a current driving license or insurance, or indeed wearing helmets, but as I said there are a lot of poor people who simply cannot afford the things we take for granted. The driver of the pick-up hasn't done anything unexpected, a 7 Yr girl in my wife's village was struck and killed by a hit and run driver whilst waiting for school bus, he was never traced. Won't be the last case we hear of this year!
  12. The main difference is that in North or South America it wouldn't be a phone he was playing with more like a loaded .45 which I've no doubt would have been used!
  13. At the first easing of restrictions bars and restaurants in Spain had to close by 6pm. There were lots of work hours missed because 'Pedro' took it upon himself to extended the normal 2pm to 4pm siesta/lunch hours to 6pm getting smashed outta his face! It didn't take long to realise that it was a bad idea, if your going to open then OPEN if not stay CLOSED! All the government are doing is paving the way for bars etc to be subjected to a bit of easy 'tea' money.
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