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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. Gotta feel for them, but it appears they didn't check everything and more or less took a 'punt' and its backfired. I hope TUI advised them to buy adequate insurance? I wonder how many Norwegians will have read this story and changed their holiday plans?
  2. You never know he may be able to whistle it out of his A$$ after a few nights ????
  3. Assuming the vehicle isn't stolen and it has beeb siezed by the police they shouldn't remain at large for long.
  4. Shana Tova, it will be a new year you'll never forget !????????????
  5. This new 'Influenza' (that's purely as I see it) is with us for the foreseeable future. I for one whilst treating it with respect I'm attempting not to let it control my life. Much the same as I didn't allow the the 'old Influenza' to control my life. Unfortunately governments have implemented restrictions that not only curtail many aspects of my freedom of movement but control me unlike any previous outbreaks of flu. Before all the armchair scientists and self appointed authorities on this pandemic start preaching, please note that I have stated this is purely as I see it ????
  6. A good ending to the story! That's assuming he wanted to be found?
  7. How can that be? I would have thought a private raft gently drifting down the Ganges, followed by a quick look at the Taj Mahal, then to round it off a luxury weekend in Mumbai waking up to the sound of wildlife, breathing some of the best quality air on the planet whilst staying at the Manama Hotel. This should be the #1 destination.
  8. You would think some enterprising soul would start removing, stripping and selling at scrap merchants? On second thoughts it would probably lead to dozens of fried Thai's on the roadside, and no doubt a few blackouts!
  9. At the beginning of the year my Mrs paid 32,000 for 10days (could have been 14 can't recall) quarantine in government hotel in bkk. It was at the time when you had to show proof of quarantine Hotel to embassy. She said it was OK, food etc (but she is Thai), met at airport driven directly to hotel, was tested a couple of times during stay. If I were you I'd allow an extra 50k THB to be on safe side. Friends of mine who have tested positive were allowed to quarantine at home.
  10. It's here the only question is how fast will it spread? Hopefully nothing will change for any Christmas plans to be cancelled.
  11. Could have easily been a far different headline....he did the right thing, but I'm not sure about the afraid to go out again bit!
  12. The saying, "out of the frying pan into the fire" springs to mind!
  13. What! They need a satellite to find the crop burning. Country is a joke, full of clowns!
  14. Yeah 1,317 people polled out of 60 million, that's going to give a true reflection of public opinion! ????????????
  15. I can feel a, " I make you lucky. You must give me" coming on! That's not to mention all the long lost friends and relatives that will soon be appearing.
  16. USA was a very good deal in recession, exchange rate was favorable, problem was getting green card. 6 months USA and 6 in Thailand sounds good but after a while became a pain. As you say Spanish easy to learn, I got my residence in 2000 managed to keep it current. The days of flipping property are long gone, ( no more black money at notary), therefore I agree renting is the way to go (it suits my circumstances, tax is a killer) Rent a nice sea front or very close to sea, certainly with sea view €450 a month (2 or 3 bed), long term rent 3 yrs X 2. There is however a fly in the ointment after Brexit, new regulations regarding visa's but not a lit of difference to Thai requirements.
  17. Travel via Spain, Germany, Switzerland, slightly more expensive but doable.
  18. Spain actually has 'Clubs' that are brothels, in days gone by Spanish women worked in them now mostly Eastern block some South Americans, they cater for all tastes, for sure more expensive but the quality of the rooms etc is reflected is that price. Also on offer are the 'roundabout' girls these are freelancers who I would say are all Eastern block. You can get menu de dia (menu of the day) 3 courses with a drink and coffee from as little as €8.50 but expect to pay €10 that's less than 400 THB . Visiting Market Village I'd spend $100 on a bag of basics in Spain for the same amount I'd do a weeks shopping for 2. Your right about the coastline and the Med also you can get to Sierra Navada have a morning up a mountain and be back in time for dinner on the beach. I've lived in USA a great place for recreation and food but in all honesty it has nothing (other than gun crime) that can't be found in Europe.
  19. "From the 1st of June and thereafter the fine will be 500 baht, plus a free helmet" I'll keep 'borrowing' helmets until June then take the hit! 500 THB that's a cheap helmet, problem will arise when a family of 3 or more get stopped, 500 THB for a helmet isn't that bad but 1500 for 3 is going to hurt!
  20. There are some very sad and nasty people on here, a lot think they are clever, some think they know everything but actually know nothing, then you have the self opinionated ones who genuinely believe that people really do value and crave to hear their opinion, when in truth they are the only person interested. You also have people who unfortunately have mental health issues. Take no notice of the moronic keyboard warriors as they live sad boring hate ridden lives, its a shame because Covid has not helped these poor souls it's just made them into worse arrogant, ignorant, selfish bad mannered people, who continually troll looking for a bandwagon to jump on because they really do not possess the intelligence to form an opinion of their own. Here's 4 minutes of thought enjoy.
  21. Get a life snowflake, it's the Thai way of describing blacks the same way some Asians describe Westerners as 'Wide eyes' but I bet people like you wouldn't bat an eye at that? Yet you're all so quick to jump on the fashionable racist band wagon. If your not happy with the way Thai's describe our Afican brothers go back to where you come from and spew your views in your voluntary. Nothing wrong with calling a "spade a spade" It wasn't that long ago that Black's accepted being called coloured because if you hadn't noticed black is actually a colour same as pink, yellow brown and white they are ALL colors. End of conversation.
  22. Brilliant idea, they should make it a trio, the additional two would be a don't drive when your smashed out of your head on booze, and a cut back on the yaba statue. Cover all bases worth a try ...lol
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