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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. No doubt he will feature in 'fund me' page as his insurance doesn't cover treatment for self inflicted diseases!
  2. Colombian gang leader? Poor bar steward looks like an extra out of a Harry Potter film. It sounds like a couple of opportunists who got lucky! To be honest, if anyone in any country leaves that amount of valuables unattended in a vehicle and it gets stolen .....(enough said)
  3. Amazing that found it's way here all the way from the house of commons (UK)
  4. Omg a Thai driver fleeing the scene of an accident! Fake news. How this scum can sleep is beyond me, I wonder if he'd stay could he have helped save some lives?
  5. I'm surprised it wasn't found when leaving thailand. Unless it was discovered and the Thai's gave the UK a heads up?
  6. It didn't appear full on nevertheless if the MIB has a tazer or two problem solved extremely quickly and efficiently. Not to mention entertaining the bystanders watching the 2 men impersonating a geriatric break dancer!
  7. I hope he has a healthy bank balance!
  8. "Coroner Michelle Brown reported that it’s believed Morgan accidentally hit his head, leading to a fatal fall into the water" How did the coroner arrive at this? It suggests that there is some blunt force trauma to his head? Where on the head? Is he suggesting that he 'accidently ' hit his head walked or stumbled a unspecified distance collapsed and drowned ? Yes that's all possible its also possible that someone hit him on the head?
  9. They would be the quality tourist then?
  10. Terrible incident with absolutely nothing to warrant this persons actions. I often wonder in cases like this how he's parents and siblings must feel? Hopefully he never sees the light of day again.
  11. Refusing a million baht doesn't necessarily mean that it was never taken if you get my drift!
  12. At least he's not Caucasian! Looks like one of the high end tourists.
  13. Yeah while the main load gets through, 4 replaceable/no more use donkeys get sacrificed, the new kid on the block gets the main load through. Just a thought!
  14. The loan sharks will be rubbing their hands together. Of course the Thais are world renown for their ability to manage their finances. Sit back and see what happens.
  15. You could do this in Hua Hin years ago the purpose was for house purchase. Same deal solicitor sets up a bogus company your a 49% share holder and 3 'ghost ' Thais would also be share holders at 17% each (provided you with some comfort knowing your the major share holder) . The property became your company house. You still had to have the 800k in the bank. But you could 'legally ' stay. Happy days.
  16. That's a good night out, you gotta understand that for a 'jock' if he doesn't wake up tattered and torn after a night out with pals, it's not been a good night out.
  17. I could be wrong but I believe all government pensions are taxed at source as are private pensions (they are not earned in LoS) So unless they are throwing work permits around where's the panic? Ohh that will be from those working unlawfully worrying about not paying tax !
  18. There's a wealth of quality people queueing upto enjoy the pickings Thailand resorts have to offer.
  19. Had a bit of a kicking over a bar bill albeit disputed but paid. Dust yourself down get on with your cultural fueled holiday. Or start throwing your toys around get plod involved spend hours making statements I.D. parades etc enjoy what remains of your holiday then (probably at your expense) return some time later (possibly years) to watch them get a micky mouse fine. Best option stay away let social.media take its toll on tourism. Just my view.
  20. With the right brief and appropriate witnesses he should walk. Personally I hope he does.
  21. The quality tourists keep coming. Whilst it would be improper to 'tar every Russian with the same brush' one should look at statistics apparently 16% of Russian males have a serious drink problem whilst a third of all deaths in the motherland are alcohol related. Personally I think those figures are being generous.
  22. The most noticeable thing I found was not only the cost of education but the standard of the teachers. Western food is imported so obviously its more expensive than its country of origin. Working legally is going to be challenging, as is learning the language. Quality employment vacancies will be difficult for the child. Buying/renting and running a property will be cheaper. Expecting to be treated the same as locals will be an eye opener. Having said all this the way your feeling ypu should try relocating to LOS rather than thinking 'what if we had gone to Thaila' further down the line. Good luck.
  23. Not at all just annoyed that slag like this profit from the potential misery they bring to people through their greedy actions. I suppose this along with a lot of reasonable people make me unhappy. Are you happy peering out from behind your curtains that's the question?
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