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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. If this lowlife accumulated 30 luxury vehicles you gotta wonder what the bloke who was 'protecting' him accumulated? Probably a fleet of 747s in the back garden. And therein lies the problem, the murdering cop will be looking at death penalty and no doubt will be offered some deal in exchange for the next up the ladder! The next couple up the 'greed ladder' might decide it wouldn't be a bad idea if he had a very long holiday never to be seen again!
  2. Apparently the cop had quite a nice large house estimated at 50 million plus a few cars listed below, he must of done a lot of overtime! I wonder who was protecting him?
  3. Wow with that cash injection they could have probably sourced some vaccines and vaccinated the whole island! But TIT I bet there were lots of sticky fingers recouping the 'loses' incurred through lack of tourism!
  4. 20,000 'clients' on the books! That's some operation! Although I don't think all will be active. He's made some cash me thinks!
  5. You've more or less hit the nail on the head, problem is what chance has who ever takes over got?
  6. Don't know about Italy or France, Spain isn't packed with tourists, there are some mainly Belgiums, Dutch and Germans a large number of Spanish leave the major cities and head for their holiday homes. This is all well and good however it comes with a price, that price being a steady rise in covid-19 cases nothing like the initial wave but a rise. I would imagine that by the end of September a true figure in new cases will reflect the real costs. I've no doubt that the next 5 years will follow the same pattern.
  7. Typical young Thai, attacked an elderly person from behind then ran away. I've taken the Thai driving test and I can recall part of the instruction and test was give way to pedestrians whilst crossing controlled ATS I don't think it mentioned zebra crossings. Hopefully the old guy will report it and with a but if luck someone will have the number.
  8. It's fairly common knowledge that the Police are required to, 'kick up' a certain amount of Baht daily this is 'kicked up' through the ranks who take their 'cut' until what's left is given to who ever is in charge. I wounder what the response or action taken would be if the poll revealed that all of the top cops should make their own and their wife's/Mia noi bank accounts available for public scrutiny?
  9. If they count the passengers in transit multiply by 100,000 double it then add the passengers in aircraft flying in Thai air space multiply that by 200,000 then add those figures to the 1,000 holiday makers you might get near the magic million!
  10. French geezer might enjoy an extension to his overstay! Not too sure that it will include parties and girls!
  11. Dear Dr Thira Woratanarat what can be trusted under the present regime?
  12. I'm not a scientist never even had a chemistry set as a kid, I am confused, how difficult can it be to reproduce (not copy) an effective/proven vaccine by dismantling/separating and identifying the components required?
  13. If its true and thats a big if next year will be taken up with administering and distributing the vaccines. Personally I don't think tourism will be back into full swing until 2023.
  14. Wow what a good idea, 'quality tourist' never heard that before! They just don't seem to understand that the main reason for mass tourist were the girls, cheap beer and food. Some of the sea-side resorts are quite good but there's better to be found in Europe and USA. As for tourist attractions, a couple of tiger sanctuarys, some elephant villages, snake farms, cock fighting and of course temples and golf what more could a high end tourist with a family want? Maybe a month in Florida, taking in Disney, sea world, Miami zoo and some diving down at the 'Keys' all with that little extra 'health and safety ' thrown in, and of course you would be paying the same price's as the locals! If they are serious then that's what they have to compete with.
  15. At least park away from party and soundproof the basement and you might have half a chance of getting away with it! But you didn't lol ???? ????
  16. So by the end of the year, about 3 months, Thailand is going to replenish 150,000 vaccines that have been borrowed from Bhutan? Will these be by the same manufacturer or some micky mouse Chinese rubbish? More to the point will Thailand keep its promise? I wouldn't be holding my breath hoping for a smooth transaction.
  17. I bet the two cops had to pay their boss a 'fine' and it will be more than the cost of some noodles ???? ????
  18. The morons running the country were (as always) too busy working out how to skim a little from the coffers to actually do the job they are paid to do! We will never know how much was skimmed and who received what but as sure as hell you can guarantee all the dirty little fingers were in the pie!
  19. “According to the Royal Thai Police, officers received an allowance of B60 per hour when they were assigned to work outside their station or police box. The allowance was provided depending on the length of time worked, but not more than seven hours per day ‒ for both on official working days and on holidays,” Lt Gen Kitrat explained in his dismissal. “However, Col Sompong ordered all officers at Thung Song Police Station who received allowances in excess of B15,000 baht to donate the extra money back to the Thung Song Police Station so it could be allocated to officers who received less funds ‘for equality and unity’ [sic],” he said. You gotta love the Thais, give them a sniff of any sort of power they will totally abuse it, what the article fails to point out is that the 15,000 the MIB where expecting to pick up would have probably been recouped from motorists, shop owners etc. Corruption normally starts at the TOP and works it's way down, this is an example of that!
  20. Gotta feel for the old guy, whatever the circumstances or whoever is at fault, at 79 he may just not be sure of what's going on! I wouldn't fancy something as traumatic as that happening to me at 49 let alone 79!
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