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Dont confuse me

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Everything posted by Dont confuse me

  1. This slag was attempting to take heroin to her lovely family, (says a lot about her family). She gets arrested and banged up, gets a result only doing 7 out of a full life sentence. Now this scum is probably going to profit out of her crime. I sincerely hope that no one buys her book.
  2. My wife and I have been trying to sponsor her life long friend to visit us in Spain. As far as I can see we have more than covered the requirements for a 2 week holiday without success. They just ain't giving out visas! So if this comes to fruition I will be amazed.
  3. Sounds like Alexander got a few mates to post a load if one star reviews fair play to him. The owner wants to be unreasonable over access to his accommodation (because of maintenance costs?) Translation =he wanted a few baht!
  4. They looked Asian, however I was a little disappointed after reading the headlines, I was expecting a teen hooking their panties to one side and evacuating her bladder causing a few gallon of piss to swamp the immediate area. I didn't expect to see a child who appeared to be less than 6yrs relieving herself with the parents attempting to shield her from view. Be reasonable for f:@#£ sake. Reminds me years ago I was in a department store and I saw a little boy take a dump in a toilet showroom. Thought I'd share that in order to point out that when a kid has to go ....they go!
  5. Kudos to Inthak and his wife for taking the kid in. What a start to a life. I sincerely hope his future is much better.
  6. Of course nothing to do with possibly speeding! At least the person responsible for the accident took one for the team!
  7. Probably A police family member or someone connected to local MIB put a call in for the incident not to be taken too seriously. A little far fetched? In the past it has happened.
  8. Never nice to hear this. I'm assuming the relatives will have hotel details etc and perhaps check his atm card withdrawals/movements. Pass this on to police.
  9. Never forget, "money number 1"
  10. While executing their search, the police team unveiled many unlicensed weapons including a commando rifle complete with ammunition and a handgun at the property in the Maret sub-district. Also seized were a luxury BMW sedan, a Ducati motorcycle, and a pickup truck lacking a license plate. I wonder if they will pursue an enquiry as to where he obtained the weapons? It appears that the pasta business is quite lucrative?
  11. No work permit is the least of his worries! He does however look as if he is 'fluid' with those nipples? Whatever he is me thinks he will find a friend or two in the Hulton.
  12. There must be something that provoked this I hope he pulls through and is able to assist in the attack
  13. Touching police in any country regardless your asking for trouble, I'm not condoning this episode. However one guy appears to have made the weapon safe and I think its him who says words to the effect "he's trying to kill us!" That could be during the chase or immediately after. The guy on top of the cop appears to be containing him rather than giving him a beating which he looked capable of doing. I don't think the full truthful events will ever be available and the two kiwis are going to be on the receiving end of some summery justice. As well a some time in the Bangkok hiilton.
  14. They left a witness alive! Big mistake! Don't think it will take too long before the wee lads are in custody.
  15. Not a nice scenario, guys dead its the wife you gotta feel sorry for? Unless if course there's an autopsy and something unsavory shows up!
  16. I wonder did he bring the monies into Thailand or were they made here? If produced here he has the opportunity to perhaps lesson his sentence (if guilty) should he feel the need to talk.
  17. I didn't say it would worry him, what I said was I bet it took a hammering! Anyway thanks for your input, much appreciated.
  18. I bet his bank balance has taken a hammering. It's all smoke and mirrors money #1
  19. If this story is as printed, being an influencer regardless of if she needed it or not someone/gov body may have stumped up an envelope. Having said all that I find the story unconvincing! You've just had x amount of electricity surging through your body the last ting I would be shouting about is being an influencer! WTF happened to me and who is responsible would be my immediate reaction followed by get me the best solicitor in town.
  20. I think 'Mr Blobby' is going to be giving rather than receiving this Christmas, I hope he has a chunk of money left after his piss up.
  21. Skinks of, 'I love you long time, but I need money, can you help me dar-ling' I cant keerak but I know a couple who can....
  22. I'm not a doctor and I have researched the subject but I have been under the impression that leukemia is a form of cancer? If that's correct the chances are it is a pre existing condition and the insurance wouldn't cover him ? It says suspected case of leukaemia!
  23. Someone who has a very good travel insurance policy 🤔!
  24. A very long way behind the USA but keep practicing. Eventually your get there! The powers that be need to stamp this out before it becomes a trend.
  25. Whilst I don't necessarily agree with that statement I will say that in my experience 90% are trapped, they won't admit it but they are trapped.
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